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----- Original Message ----- 
From: Red Rebel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Red Palestine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: Che List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Red Activism <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, August 28, 2001 4:15 AM
Subject: [red_activism] PFLP: Press Statement

Subject: [FI-P] PFLP-Press release

27 August 2001


The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) mourns the death of
its leader, the general secretary, Abu Ali Mustafa, who was assassinated by
the Israeli army on the morning of 27 August 2001.  Abu Ali Mustafa, the
of the second largest group within the Palestine Liberation Organization
(PLO), was murdered by Sharon and his government.  Sharon, however, acts
the full support and backing of the U.S. administration who bears full
responsibility for the new escalation in the Middle East, due to its
uncritical, unconditional, and blind support of the Israeli occupation of
Palestinian lands.

Abu Ali Mustafa was elected general secretary of the PFLP last year, after
Dr. George Habash (Al-Hakim) stepped down from the role.  Abu Ali, a
long-standing comrade of Al-Hakim, was a member of the PFLP since its
inception in 1967.  Abu Ali held the position of deputy general secretary
until the PFLP's Sixth National Conference, where he was elected general

Born in Palestine in 1938 in Arraba, near Jenin, Abu Ali lived most of his
adult life in exile until he returned home in 1999.  He was part of the
resistance movement against the Israeli occupation and fulfilled his duties
from abroad as well as from Palestine.

In representing the PFLP, Abu Ali understood clearly his role and the role
the PFLP in expressing a radical humanistic vision for the Middle East
problem.  He was adamant and articulate in presenting this vision and loyal
to the principles of the party.  He defended the Palestinian cause and the
inalienable rights of the Palestinian people, foremost among them, the right
of refugees to return and the right to establish a sovereign and independent
Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital.  He called for the
dismantling of all Israeli settlements and for continuing the Palestinian
resistance movement until the Israeli occupation is brought to an end.

He presented the vision of an all-encompassing Palestinian state where
would live together in freedom regardless of their race, religion, or color.

He called for a true democratic society where the rights of the majority are
protected by the fulfillment of the rights of the minorities.  He called the
Palestinian resistance movement against the Israeli racist, colonialist
occupation, a duty for every Palestinian and for every person who believes
equality, justice, and peace.

Abu Ali Mustafa lived and died defending the Palestinian cause and the
of the Palestinian people.

As the PFLP, and all the Palestinian people, mourn its leader, the PFLP vows
to continue the Intifada and the Palestinian resistance movement until the
Israeli occupation is over.

The Life of Abu Ali Mustafa

Abu Ali Mustafa (Mustafa Ali Al-Ali Zabri) joined the Arab National Movement
in 1955 and became a member of the Arab National Association in Amman.
Together with his comrades and colleagues, he confronted the Jordanian
government, calling for the annulment of the Jordanian-British pact and the
dismissal of British officers from the Jordanian army.

In April 1957, he was arrested and imprisoned for several months, shortly
after the Jordanian parliament was dissolved and the Suleiman Nabulsi
government was dismissed.   During that time, political parties were banned
and Abi Ali was arrested again with many others who were tried in a military
court.  He was sentenced to five years in Jafer Prison in east Jordan.

After being released from prison in 1961, Abu Ali Mustafa continued his
political work with the Arab National Movement and became responsible for
Northern District of the West Bank.  He founded and built two organizations,
one public, and one underground.

In 1966, Abu Ali was arrested again during a widespread operation organized
by the Jordanian government against the Arab National Movement.  Abu Ali was
imprisoned without trial for several months in Zarka Prison in Jordan.

After the 1967 War, Abu Ali Mustafa joined Dr. George Habash in forming the
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine.  He led the first commandos
through the Jordan River inside Palestine and started forming the
body of the PFLP.  The Israelis searched in vain for him while he was hiding
out in the West Bank.  After several months, he secretly returned to Jordan.

In addition to being responsible for the PFLP in the West Bank, Abu Ali
Mustafa became the commando-in-chief of the PFLP military forces (including
the period comprising the battles in Amman in September 1970 and the battle
of Ajloun in July 1971).  Afterwards, he left secretly for Lebanon.

In 1972, at the Third National Conference of the PFLP, Abu Ali was elected
deputy general secretary.  From 1987 until 1991 he was a member of the
Executive Committee of the PLO.

At the PFLP Sixth National Conference in July 2000, Abu Ali was elected
general secretary.


"A revolution is not a bed of roses. A revolution is a
struggle to the death between the future and the
Fidel Castro

"The Marxist-Leninist doctrine on class struggle and the dictatorship of
the proletariat affirms the role of violence in revolution, makes a
distinction between unjust, counter-revolutionary violence and just,
revolutionary violence, between the violence of the exploiting classes,
and that of the masses."
General Vo Nguyen Giap

"Without a Peoples Army the people have nothing"
Mao Tse-Tung

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