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The first nuclear explosion was carried out in the USSR 52 years ago – on August 29, 1949. That explosion changed the entire post-war history. The nuclear bomb test during the cold war period put the USSR on the position of one of 2 superpowers.

The USA were the pioneers in inventing the new lethal weapon. Having created the weapon of huge power the US government tried to have the new organization of the world after the war, in total compliance with its international interests to be more precise. The interests themselves were determined at the meeting between Winston Churchill and Harry Truman in March of 1946 at which the USSR was called the major enemy of the West. The US soon made up the list of 200 Soviet cities which were supposed to be eliminated with the help of nuclear bombs. The USSR had to face the real threat of destruction.

The US still consider the deaths of thousands of civilians in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August of 1945 to be justified, the States have not apologized in front of the Japanese nation despite the claims for that on the part of the Japan’s authorities. These facts are like an excuse for the USSR to have the nuclear weapon of its own as well. It was actually the only way to survive under the conditions of the post-war world. A group of physicians with leader Igor Kurchatov did a lot of research in the field of nuclear power back in 1943. Kurchatov presented the nuclear bomb to the Soviet administration in the middle of the summer of 1949.

The bomb was tested in the republic of Kazakhstan, not far from the town of Semipalatinsk. The participants of the test were taken 30 kilometers away from the epicenter of explosion, to the earth-houses with light chinks and a shower which was necessary for the decontamination of the clothes. Those people recollect now the explosion could be compared with thunder. The whole sky was lit with a bright flash and took the crimson color. The protection measures did not prevent the participants of the nuclear test from a considerable radiation treatment. Many of those people died of the radiation sickness afterwards. The radiation contaminated the territory of hundreds of kilometers around and the people inhabiting that area had to pay for the test with their health too. The radiation reached the Altay and Novosibirsk regions.

At that time it was announced on the radio there were considerable construction works performed in the country and the up-to-date technology explosions were needed for that. The nuclear testing area had a strange and vague story as well. The ground itself was built by prisoners – the people from jails where sent there and they did not come back. After the explosion there were several hospitals established – the children’s hospital, the hospital for women and the oncological one. Former prisoners said the hospitals studied the influence of radiation on human organism.

Many historians say the development of nuclear weapon in the USSR helped to keep the world away from the World War III. The nuclear bombs and missiles became the obstacle which could not be surmounted either in the USSR or in the USA. The second nuclear bomb blasted in 1951. The USSR started producing dozens and hundreds of other bombs afterwards.
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