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----- Original Message -----
From: SolidNet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2001 8:38 PM
Subject: CP of Greece, WFDY message on Abu Ali Mustafa
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             CP of Greece, WFDY message on Abu Ali Mustafa
           From: Communist Party of Greece, Wed, 29 Aug 2001
       , mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

      Statement on the assassination of PLO-leader Abu Ali Mustafa

The World Federation of Democratic Youth condemns in the strongest way
the recent planned and executed assassination of the General Secretary
of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine(PFLP),Abu Ali
Mustafa by the Israeli regime and its occupation forces.

This cool blood murder of the PFLP leader, comes as a continuation of
the hundreds of killings since the recent Intifada of last September,
all committed by the brutal and cruel regime of Israel, backed by the
US-government and its allies. It constitutes a serious escalation in the
terror actions of Israel against the Palestinian people and youth, using
shell fire missiles and helicopters for assassinating Abu Ali Mustafa.

We strongly denounce the ongoing penetration and strikes against
Palestinian civilians, cities and villages, which spread out the terror
and death against one people which is fighting for decades for their
just cause for an independent and free fatherland, Palestine.

We express our deep condolences to the leadership of the PLO and the
PFLP and declare our unconditional support to the positions of
principles, based on the respective UN-resolutions, regarding a
independent state of Palestine, with East Jerusalem as its capital.

We demand the immediate stop of all the aggressions of Israel against
Palestine and their people, the withdrawal of Israel from all
territories occupied in 1967.

We call upon all Youth and Students Organisations to intensify their
actions of protest against the ongoing genocide and multiply their
actions of solidarity with the Palestinian people.

We support the mission of an International Protection force of the
Palestinians from the Israeli aggression.

The state-terrorism of Israel is condemned in the conscience of the
World Progressive Youth!

Long live the Palestinian Intifada!

Budapest August28,2001 The Co-ordinating Council of WFDY


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