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"Ballenger emphasized that the United States spends $15 billion a year 
battling substance abuse. "

"The House of Representatives last month passed a $15.2 billion foreign aide 
bill that includes $676 million allotted for helping the Andean region fight 
drug trafficking. The bill is awaiting discussion in the Senate.""

U.S. Defends Anti-Narcotics Policy

Updated: Thu, Aug 30 4:36 AM EDT 
By ALEXANDRA OLSON, Associated Press Writer 
CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) - Two U.S. congressmen defended their country's 
efforts to combat drug trafficking in the Andean region, against criticism 
that the United States isn't doing enough to fight drugs at home. 

At the Andean Parliament summit on drug trafficking Wednesday, Rep. Cass 
Ballenger of North Carolina and Rep. Mark Souder of Indiana answered concerns 
that the United States is spending too much money on fighting drug 
trafficking and too little on reducing demand. 

There is a "misnomer that the United States is only pointing the finger" at 
drug producing nations, Souder told representatives of the Andean Parliament, 
which includes Bolivia, Ecuador, Colombia, Peru and Venezuela. 


"It's important for you to understand that we understand we have a major 
problem (with drug abuse), and we are trying to tackle it," he added. 

Souder listed several initiatives to reduce drug consumption in the United 
States: suspending federal student loans for those found to have abused 
drugs; encouraging private companies to submit their employees to drug tests; 
and guaranteeing college loans for students who maintain good grades and 
avoid drugs. 

Ballenger emphasized that the United States spends $15 billion a year 
battling substance abuse. 

The U.S. recently contributed $1.3 billion to Colombia to eradicate coca 
production in rebel-held territories using U.S.-trained soldiers and American 
Black Hawk helicopters. 

The Andean region, especially Colombia, is the world's biggest producer of 
cocaine while the United States is the world's biggest consumer. 

Earlier this year, Colombian President Andres Pastrana and Mexican President 
Vicente Fox criticized Washington's annual certification of other countries' 
cooperation in the drug war, saying the practice "offends our countries." 

During the Wednesday summit, Venezuelan Vice President Adina Bastidas 
questioned whether "rich countries" should not shift the resources they spend 
on combatting drug trafficking to cutting demand at home. 

Interior Minister Luis Miquilena said Venezuela was still concerned that Plan 
Colombia would lead to coca production spilling into Venezuela. Venezuela is 
not a narcotics-producing nation, but it is key transit point for Colombian 
cocaine being smuggled into the U.S. and Europe. 

"We understand that drug production in Colombia will spill over. But we argue 
... that the biggest threat to Venezuela is not getting control of (coca 
production in) Colombia," Souder said. 

The House of Representatives last month passed a $15.2 billion foreign aide 
bill that includes $676 million allotted for helping the Andean region fight 
drug trafficking. The bill is awaiting discussion in the Senate.

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