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A Tough Customer: Del Ponte Knows Genocide When She
Sees It
August 30, 2001

HAGUE (NWONews) - U.S.- and NATO-handpicked
inquisitrix Carla Del Ponte, who covers up for U.S.
and NATO war crimes from Central Africa to
Southeastern Europe in her spare time, announced today
that kidnapped former elected president of the Federal
Republic of Yugoslavia, Slobodan Milosevic, would be
tried for genocide in whichever countries and during
whichever periods of time she might deign.
Though the very word genocide denotes, both legally
and etymologically, the killing (cide) of an entire
people (genus), Del Ponte is neither a linguist nor
anyone concerned about the finer points of
international jurisprudence.
If she were, she might turn her attention to several
NATO nations, among them the key sponsors and funders
of her ICTY, who are at this very moment perpetrating
and aiding client regimes in accomplishing the very
genocide she's desperately attempting to fabricate in
the Balkans.
Several unnamed, and for Justice Del Ponte unnameable,
authorities have raised the issue of Kosovo, where
during the past two and a quarter years a systematic,
incontrovertble policy of ethicide against Serbs,
Roma, Gorans, Jews, Turks, Egyptians and other peoples
has gone on documented by numerous observers yet
curiously ignored by the ICTY.
In fact, this genocide is nearing its completion - as
are similar travesties in Turkey, Sri Lanka and other
nations whose sponsors are precisely those of Justice
Del Ponte.
"Pshaw!" she exclaimed when confronted with these
"trivialities." "I don't get paid for investigating my
employers, afer all."
"If I did look into the closets of NATO," she went on,
" well, let's say they wouldn't be very appreciative,
and then who would provide the finances for me and my
staff to rewrite NATO reports into legal accusations?"
"I'm not a fool," she ended.
Ms. Del Ponte departed the interview and entered a
limousine waiting to take her to a dinner engagement
with old friends George Robertson, Javier Solana,
Wesley Clark and Hashim Thaci.      

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