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Reflections On The Hague, NATO And Human Rights Watch
by Pedja Zoric

August 31, 2001

Yesterday I watched the whole Slobodan Milosevic
hearing in the Hague. It was not bad at all. Clown del
Ponte was a real clown. Judge May was better than the
first time. I would love all the hearings and the
whole trial to be televised. 
Not enough time though, because, for example, earlier
yesterday I made some notes about the Human Rights
Watch (HRW) statement concerning Milosevic. 
[To view it, go to:]
A revealing excerpt follows:
"From its field investigations of the conduct of all
sides to the conflicts in the former Yugoslavia, Human
Rights Watch has found that the majority of crimes
were committed by Serb forces. Not insignificantly,
Serb forces were the only ones to participate in each
of the conflicts - in Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, and
Kosovo. " 
In fact, ex-nazi and nazi collaborationist forces and
their political descendents were the only ones to
participate in all the conflicts (including
the current one in Macedonia). 
As well as former and current colonial powers which
have committed paramount crimes and 
complete genocides like the Greater United States,
Greater Britain, Greater Spain, 
Greater Germany, Greater Denmark, Greater Holland,
Greater Portugal, Greater 
France, Greater Italy and Greater Canada. 
In 1999 I had worked on a Y2K project in Santo
Domingo, the capital of the Dominican Republic. 
Nice people, some very rich, many very poor. When I
asked, are there some native people left?, they
answered,  "Ah, we killed them ALL". 
Also, half of the island the Dominican Republic
occupies includes Haiti, with its all black population
descended from fomer French slaves. 
A lot of black people used to live in Santo Domingo,
but one night (I've forgotten which which year it was,
something like 1956) the current dictator got ornery
and ordered the killings of citizens of African
descent, and some 30,000 (?) black people were
slaughtered in one night.
In reference to former NATO Secretary General Javier
Solana and his homeland, NATO member Spain - they have
the Spanish
Inquisition in their historical closet. 
Regarding the claim that Slobodan Milosevic had
recognized the International Criminal Tribunal for the
former Yugoslavia (ICTY) by signing the Dayton peace
accord: A lot has happened after Dayton. We've learned
about depleted uranium (DU) crimes perpetrated by NATO
in Bosnia; NATO's war crimes against the people and
nation of Yugoslavia; the transformed financial
structure of the ICTY (instituted contrary to the ICTY

Watching the Hague proceedings, it  looks like a
person is on trial for having killed a mafia don, with
the mafia itself financing the court. 
More people have been killed and gone missing after
NATO forces entered Kosovo than 
before their barbaric bombing, not to mention the fact
that almost all those killed and missing 
after June of 1999 were civilians, which was not the
case before the bombing. 
I would hardly use the word "peacekeepers" in this

The Human Rights Watch report goes on:
"While certainly there are citizens from NATO
countries serving at all levels of the Tribunal, if
there is a specific conflict of interest, that 
individual should recuse him or herself from the
Alright, let's examine conflicts of interest.
Judge Richard May is British Prime Minister Tony
Blair's fellow Labour Party member and former party
colleague in the parliament.
"While the tribunal is not perfect (no court is), the
ICTY functions according to the highest standards of
international justice. " 
What about the button to cut off the defendant? (We
all know about this). 
I agree with Human Rights Watch that this is not
victor's justice, since NATO and the Serbs both lost
the war over Kosovo. NATO is still trying to prove to
the world that NATO won; that's the real reason for
this trial;  that and to wash their hands of their war

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