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-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Yarker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, September 01, 2001 1:45 PM
Subject: RE: McLabour: Big Mac Backs Blair

" I don't know how low we
can sink."

Oh, but there've been so MANY lows, from 1914, to Atlee's spearheading the
formation of Nato, to the complicity of Labour gov't's in the U.S. war in
Vietnam, to the current, disgusting shilling for the white settler class in
Zimbabwe.  So MANY low's...

Scargill had the right idea.

-----Original Message-----
Janet M Eaton
Sent: Friday, August 31, 2001 5:19 AM
To: Mai-not
Subject: san: McLabour: Big Mac Backs Blair

Tony Blair  is to attend a £15,000 reception at the party's annual
conference paid for by the burger chain McDonald's.

Labour MP John McDonnell, a critic of transnational corporations such
as McDonald's, said: "It turns my stomach, I don't know how low we
can sink. It just shows how out of touch the Labour leadership is
with the rank and file of the movement."

John Edmonds, the head of the GMB who fears unions are being
sidelined in the party, said: "I hope this is not the first step
towards renaming us the McLabour party"

fyi- janet


The Hindustan Times
August 31, 2001

McLabour: Big Mac backs Blair

TONY BLAIR has triggered a potentially damaging row over Labour's
increasingly close links with big corporations after it emerged that
he is to attend a £15,000 reception at the party's annual conference
paid for by the burger chain McDonald's. It agreed to sponsor the
food and drink for 450 guests at a high-profile event in Brighton to
celebrate Labour's 100th conference only after receiving assurances
that the prime minister would attend.

Hosted by the cabinet minister Charles Clarke, appointed party
chairman by Blair after the election, the invitation-only soiree, on
the eve of the leader's keynote speech, is one of the most
controversial commercial "opportunities" offered by Millbank to
raise upwards of £4 million during the week.

The US corporation, a target of anti-globalisation protesters who
plan to demonstrate outside the conference when it opens on
September 30, is anxious to receive the implied endorsement of Blair
and other ministers.

Executives initially intended to finance a football stunt within the
conference security complex, but switched when they found that Blair
was unable to make the kickabout.

McDonald's said a director would "say a few words" at the reception.
A corporate video crew is expected to film the gathering. The company
also raised the possibility of the prime minister wearing a
McDonald's hat, according to a lobbyist with knowledge of the
discussions, but Millbank ruled that out as unacceptable.

The arrangement prompted unease within the party.

Labour MP John McDonnell, a critic of transnational
corporations such as McDonald's, said: "It turns my
stomach, I don't know how low we can sink. It just
shows how out of touch the Labour leadership is with
the rank and file of the movement."

John Edmonds, the head of the GMB who fears unions are being
sidelined in the party, said: "I hope this is not the first step
towards renaming us the McLabour party"

(Guardian News Service)


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