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[Poll after poll conducted among Slovenes shows less
than majority support for NATO membership, yet
Slovenia and Slovakia - and lately Bulgaria - are
being 'fast-tracked' into becoming NATO's next
One poll conducted in Slovenia a couple of months ago
asked a provocative, but no doubt not abstact,
question concerning how Slovenes felt about having
nuclear weapons stationed on their soil.
An overwhelming majority of respondents answered
negatively - in horror one assumes - but when popular
sentiment and NATO exigencies come into conflict, so
much the worse for the popular will.]

September 1, 2001
US Army Using Slovenian Port
By Associated Press
Published September 1, 2001, 2:23 PM CDT
U.S. army equipment was unloaded at this northern
Adriatic port Saturday, marking the first time the
American military is using Slovenia as a temporary
logistic base for troops stationed in Bosnia.
The 45 containers and 35 helicopters arrived on the
Express, a freighter flying the Liberian flag.
Previously, Rijeka, a port in neighboring Croatia, was
used for the semiannual rotation of troops and
equipment stationed in Bosnia.
About 3,800 American troops are deployed in Bosnia.
U.S. troops have been there since the 1995 end of the
war as a part of the NATO-led peace force.
Slovenia, a former Yugoslav republic of two million,
is already a member of NATO's auxiliary program
Partnership for Peace. It is eager to become a full
member, and officials expressed satisfaction with the
U.S. army's decision to use Koper.  

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