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"Others left for Albania, where they helped train the
rebels who would become known as the Kosovo Liberation
Army. This year, according to Western diplomats, the
fighers have appeared once more, now on the side of
Albanian rebels in Macedonia."

September 2, 2001
Trial Offers Look at Secretive Warriors in Bosnia
THE HAGUE, Aug. 31 — Islamic "holy warriors" came from
various countries to the mountains of central Bosnia,
but the people there knew them mainly for their
reputation for ferocity and cruelty. 
They volunteered for the Bosnian Army but also had
their own code of conduct. And under that code, any
mistreatment of civilians and prisoners of war was
strictly forbidden. 
Yet the United Nations war crimes tribunal here has
accused them of doing just that — committing
atrocities against civilians and prisoners.
None of the Muslim warriors are expected to appear in
court, according to tribunal officials. But three of
their former superiors, all commanders in the Bosnian
Army, were arrested for war crimes and brought to The
Hague earlier this month to stand trial.
The three, retired Generals Mehmed Alagic and Enver
Hadzihasanovic, as well as Brig. Amir Kubura, have
pleaded not guilty. No trial date has been set. 
The case is unusual, not only because the three are
the highest ranking Bosnian Muslims indicted so far,
but also because many of the charges against them
involve crimes said to have been committed by the
mujahedeen. The case is expected to throw light on
mujahedeen, the secretive movement of Islamic
volunteer fighters who have been operating in the
Balkans for the better part of a decade. 
Tribunal investigators reportedly have had access to
Western intelligence in preparing their case, and part
of this information is expected to be used in court.
What is known is that several thousand of the warriors
first appeared in Bosnia in 1992, supported by funds
from Iran and Saudi Arabia. Among them were young men
from Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran and other Islamic
nations. Estimated to number three to five thousand,
they played a crucial role in the Bosnian Army as it
battled with Serbs and then Croats over territory in
central Bosnia. 
Under the 1995 Dayton Peace Accord, the mujahedeen
were meant to leave Bosnia, but a number stayed,
married local women and moved into houses left empty
by refugees. Others left for Albania, where they
helped train the rebels who became known as the Kosovo
Liberation Army. This year, according to Western
diplomats, the fighters have appeared once more, now
on the side of Albanian rebels in Macedonia.
Few details are publicly known, but the indictment of
the three former Bosnian commanders offers some
insights into the instructions and actions of the holy
It says that most joined the same brigade, where
recruits had to swear by oath that they would follow
the example of a proper Muslim soldier. They were
given a code of conduct, set out in a booklet called
"Instructions to the Muslim Fighter," which in Bosnia
was first published in 1993. 
Its section dealing with war booty may explain why
many Bosnian soldiers, including mujahedeen, are
accused in the indictment of widespread plundering of
Bosnian Serb and Croat homes and farms. The booklet,
as quoted in the indictment, says that if soldiers are
unpaid, "a fifth of war booty shall fall to the state
treasury, and the other four- fifths belong to the
The booklet's passage on prisoners of war says "the
killing of women, children and priests who do not
participate at all in the war and who do not directly
or indirectly assist the enemy, is forbidden; Islam
likewise forbids the torture and brutalization of
prisoners of war and the mutilation of enemy wounded
and dead."
According to the indictment, in Bosnian towns and
villages where mujahedeen operated during 1993, "at
least 200 Bosnian Croat and Bosnian Serb civilians
were killed and many more were wounded." 

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