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.KCNA on Japan's moves for militarization
  Pyongyang, September 3 (KCNA) -- The Japan Defence Agency on August 30
reportedly adopted the policy of building a "specialized unit" to "cope with
attacks of guerrillas and special units". The adoption is nothing but
hysteria of aggression intended to further expand and beef up its aggression
troops under the pretext of non-existent "threat" from the DPRK and thus
accelerate the militarization of Japan.
This is clearly evidenced by the fact that the Japanese reactionaries
cited the "infiltration of an operation ship of North Korea" and the case of
a "stranded submarine" as a pretext for creating the "specialized unit" and
they are planning to stage a "field drill" in Hawaii "under the simulated
conditions of repelling armed guerrillas attack" and send its agents to U.S.
intelligence operation facilities to let them learn latest technology.
With the DPRK's launching of the satellite as a momentum Japan
deliberately created a terror-ridden atmosphere internally and craftily
built and has consolidated its political and military foundations to step up
militarization and fascism, inciting hostility against the DPRK. Japan is
now earnestly putting its program of military action into practice while
peddling the old fiction of "threat from North Korea."
The people's army and people of Korea are following with surging
resentment and vigilance the attitude of Japan putting spurs to the buildup
of aggression forces, far from redeeming its blood-stained past, its history
of aggression, remaining hostile to the DPRK.
We have warned more than once that militarization of Japan will lead to
reinvasion and it will get nothing but a final ruin.
Japan is well advised to reasonably judge where a real threat and danger
come from and get rid of hysteria of militarism before it is too late.


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