Visit our website: HTTP://WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK

Well, well, well, SURPRISE! Soi now we know where
these organisations really stand,

--- Francisco Javier Bernal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Visit our website: HTTP://WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK
> ---------------------------------------------
> "...On top of all the troubles of the NGO Forum, at
> the closing ceremony, 
> the delegates had to listen for over two hours to a
> speech by Fidel Castro. 
> We are offended by the fact that one of the worst
> dictators in the 
> contemporary world, particularly notorious for gross
> violations of human 
> rights, was invited to address this world gathering
> of non-governmental 
> organizations. Listening to Fidel speak, we only had
> to wonder why the 
> organizers had failed to invite Alexander
> Lukashenko, Turkmenbashi, Saddam 
> Hussein, or the Taliban regime...."
> ---------------------
> Joint Statement by Eastern and Central Europe NGO
> Caucus and other NGOs
> September 3, 2001 (Durban, South Africa)
> We, WCAR NGO Forum delegates of more than 50
> non-governmental organizations 
> from more than 20 countries of Eastern and Central
> Europe and the former 
> Soviet Union and other countries of the world, state
> that we do not support 
> the documents allegedly adopted by the NGO Forum and
> come forth with a 
> forward-looking positive proposal.
> First and foremost, we declare that the process of
> compilation and adoption 
> of the NGO Forum Declaration and Program of Action
> was neither transparent 
> nor democratic and permeated with procedural
> violations. The draft 
> documents were not submitted to the delegates in a
> timely manner; the rules 
> of procedure were unclear and repeatedly changed;
> the discussion was 
> heavily restricted. Finally, the delegates were not
> given an opportunity to 
> vote on the draft documents in their entirety. This
> enables us to affirm 
> that the documents cannot be considered adopted by
> the NGO Forum and are 
> not consensus documents.
> We believe that as a result of this flawed process,
> the contents of the 
> documents include unacceptable concepts and
> language. We are particularly 
> concerned with certain ideas included in the
> chapters "Globalization," 
> "Palestine," "Reparations," and a number of
> paragraphs of the documents.
> We must emphasize that the language of the chapter
> "Palestine" as well as 
> the deliberate distortions made to the chapter
> "Anti-Semitism," is 
> extremely intolerant, disrespectful and contrary to
> the very spirit of the 
> World Conference Against Racism, Racial
> Discrimination, Xenophobia and 
> Related Intolerance.
> Nevertheless, despite the negative results of the
> NGO Forum, we strongly 
> believe that the international NGO community should
> not give up but 
> continue to work on the basis of the positive
> aspects of the entire 
> preparatory process to the World Conference and the
> Forum itself. In 
> particular, the following achievements represent a
> sound foundation for 
> future consolidated efforts: reinforcement of the
> available international 
> legal mechanisms of protection against racism and
> discrimination; 
> development of national anti-discrimination
> legislation and institutions; 
> creation of national plans of action; recognition of
> the slave-trade as a 
> crime against humanity; acknowledgement of the
> scourges of colonialism; 
> inclusion on the agenda of such issues as denial of
> racism; double 
> discrimination; religious intolerance; state racism;
> ethnic cleansing; 
> racism not rooted in the slave-trade; sexual
> orientation; migrants and 
> internally displaced persons; indigenous peoples;
> and specific groups of 
> victims such as Roma, Chechens, Tibetans, and
> Dalits.
> We intend to immediately move on to implementation
> of the above 
> achievements and call upon the international NGO
> community to join us in 
> these efforts.
> * * * * *
> PS: On top of all the troubles of the NGO Forum, at
> the closing ceremony, 
> the delegates had to listen for over two hours to a
> speech by Fidel Castro. 
> We are offended by the fact that one of the worst
> dictators in the 
> contemporary world, particularly notorious for gross
> violations of human 
> rights, was invited to address this world gathering
> of non-governmental 
> organizations. Listening to Fidel speak, we only had
> to wonder why the 
> organizers had failed to invite Alexander
> Lukashenko, Turkmenbashi, Saddam 
> Hussein, or the Taliban regime.
> For information, contact Yuri Dzhibladze at
> 082-379-5768 until September 8, 
> and thereafter at +7-095-203-9196 and
> The statement was adopted by 36 NGOs from 19
> countries of Eastern and 
> Central Europe at their Caucus meeting on September
> 2, 2001. At the request 
> by NGOs from countries outside of the region of
> Eastern and Central Europe 
> the Caucus decided on its meeting on September 3,
> 2001 to make the document 
> open for joining by other NGOs from outside of the
> region and call it a 
> "Joint Statement".
> As of 18:00 on September 3, 2001 the statement has
> been endorsed by more 
> than 50 NGOs from the following 23 countries:
> Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bulgaria, Czech
> Republic, Estonia, Georgia, 
> Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania,
> Macedonia, Moldova, Poland, 
> Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan,
> Yugoslavia, Sweden, 
> Denmark, United States of America
> List of NGOs who have endorsed the statement:
> Women's Rights Center (Armenia), "Millenium"
> Association for Education and 
> Research (Armenia), Czech Helsinki Committee (Czech
> Republic), GLOBEA 
> (Czech Republic), Legal Information Center for Human
> Rights (Estonia), 
> Institute for Refugee and Minority Problems
> (Georgia), Center for 
> Development and Cooperation-Center for Pluralism
> (Georgia), Georgian Young 
> Lawyers Association (Georgia), Legal and Information
> Service "Dialogue" 
> (Kazakhstan), Youth Human Rights Group (Kyrgyzstan),
> Latvian Center for 
> Human Rights and Ethnic Studies (Latvia), Lithuanian
> Center for Human 
> Rights (Lithuania), Association for Democratic
> Initiative (Macedonia), 
> Helsinki Citizens Assembly of Moldova (Moldova),
> Youth Helsinki Citizens 
> Assembly of Moldova (Moldova), Helsinki Foundation
> for Human Rights 
> (Poland), "Never Again" Association (Poland), Liga
> Pro Europa (Romania), 
> Romanian Helsinki Committee (Romania), Center for
> Development of Democracy 
> and Human Rights (Russia), Institute for Independent
> Sociological Studies 
> (Russia), Moscow Helsinki Group (Russia),
> Information and Research Center 
> "Panorama" (Russia), Roma National-Cultural Autonomy
> (Russia), Stavropol 
> Regional Human Rights Center (Russia), Minority
> Rights Group of the Saint 
> Petersburg Association of Scientists and Scholars
> (Russia), International 
> Society of Meschetien Turks "Vatan" (Russia),
> Anti-Defamation League 
> (Russia), Youth Human Rights Movement (Russia),
> Harold and Selma Lights 
> Center for Human Rights Advocacy (Russia), The Youth
> Center for Human 
> Rights and Legal Culture (Russia), Human Rights
> Center 
=== message truncated ===

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