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[British playwright Joe Orton: "We in the constabulary
have a saying, never look in your own backyard - you
might find what you're looking for."]

Thursday September 6, 11:02 PM
French investigators probe latest Corsica
BASTIA, France, Sept 6 (AFP) - 
French police were Thursday investigating links
between the latest victim of a spate of assassinations
in Corsica and the Mediterranean island's violent
criminal and separatist groups.
Nicolas Montigny, 26, was shot dead in an Internet
cafe in the Corsican town of Bastia late Wednesday by
two masked men armed with handguns.
Police said he was thought to be a member of the armed
nationalist faction Armata Corsa -- the third
suspected member of the group to be killed in less
than a month -- but was also a suspected underworld
Prosecutors in Bastia said Thursday that for the
moment their inquiry was concentrating on Montigny's
criminal links, although they were not ruling out the
possibility of a political motive.
Montigny was imprisoned for six-months from December
1999 as police attempted to prove that he was one of a
group of masked militants who gave a press conference
to announce the creation of Armata Corsa.
The splinter group split from another section of the
Corsican nationalist movement in 1999 and its presumed
leaders, Francois Santoni and Jean-Michel Rossi, have
accused their former colleagues of links with
mafia-style crime.
Rossi was shot dead last year and Santoni last month.
Santoni's assassination was followed by the double
murder of two more Corsicans, including Dominique
Marcelli, said by police to have links with Armata
No one has been arrested for any of the murders, but
press reports have suggested the men were the victims
of a vendetta with a separatist group connected to the
"Sea Breeze" gang -- a group of armed robbers named
after the Bastia cafe in which they met in the 1970s.
The Sea Breeze gang is thought to be associated with
the Corsican National Liberation Front (FLNC), the
largest separatist group. 
The FLNC declared a ceasefire in December 1999 in its
war against French rule after Prime Minister Lionel
Jospin set in motion a plan to give the island limited
That peace process is now under pressure as Armata
Corsa have threatened to avenge the murder of their
comrades, which came amid a series of bomb attacks
against politicians and police stations.
Some of Jospin's political rivals in France have
called on him to abandon the autonomy offer, saying
the killings are proof that the peace process is not
Jospin has insisted that the plan is the only way to
bring to an end a quarter century of violence.

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