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[The evil Sinn Fein wants to unite Northern Ireland -
the world's longest standing colony - with...Ireland.
The Blair imperials, so adept at fragmenting nations
in sanguinary fratricidal conflicts, seem
constitutionally averse to unity.] 

Thursday September 6, 9:42 PM
London faces political pressure after Belfast school

BELFAST, Sept 6 (AFP) - 
Police escorted Catholic schoolgirls through a
volatile Protestant neighborhood in Belfast without
serious incident for the first time in four days
Thursday, but London faced a worsening political
situation in Northern Ireland.
Britain's Northern Ireland Secretary John Reid, who
cut short his holidays to tackle the mounting
sectarian crisis, is to meet police and security
chiefs Thursday and make a press statement at 4:00pm
local time (1500 GMT) from near Belfast's airport, a
government spokeswoman said.
Also expected to attend is Northern Ireland Security
Minister Jane Kennedy, who in the last 24 hours has
held behind the scenes talks with local leaders to try
and negotiate a way out of the crisis.
Protesters whistled and turned their backs on the
parents and children Thursday as they passed through a
heavily guarded corridor lined with army Land Rovers
as tension remained high a day after a bomb blast
injured four police officers.
The Protestant loyalists -- militants who want to
maintain British rule -- whitled, booed, blew fog
horns, and banged dustbin lids but there was no
repetition of the violence of the previous three days.
"Any legitimate grievances of protesters have been
drowned out by this violent sectarian bigotry," Reid
said in a press statement Wednesday.
"Children should not have to pay the price of the
failure of adults to live together in peace. What we
have seen develop in the past few days is the path to
barbarism. I cannot believe the people of north
Belfast want that," he said.
Since classes resumed Monday after summer recess,
militant residents from the Glenbryn estate have set
out to stop the Catholic children using Ardoyne Road
to get to Holy Cross primary school, in order to
protest alleged nationalist attacks on their homes.
A number of the Catholic parents have so far been
determined as a point of principle to stick to the
main route, now littered with broken bottles and metal
from the protests.
Some of them received threats from the Red Hand
Defenders, a Protestant paramilitary organisation that
claimed responsibility for a bomb that injured four
policemen Wednesday.
The home-made device caused panic among Catholic
schoolgirls and their parents as they ran for cover
amidst a volley of bottles and stones thrown by the
nearby Protestants.
The group, who are part of the loyalist Ulster Defence
Association, have told parents of the schoolgirls that
they are in danger if they continue to walk their
children to school through the Protestant
neighbourhood, police said.
"To go down the street would not only put my life and
that of my daughter in danger but also those who are
close to me," said mother Philomena Flood after
receiving such a threat.
Ulster Unionist Party chairman James Cooper appealed
Thursday to community leaders on either side of the
Holy Cross dispute to pull back and allow dialogue to
take place.
"All sides need to examine the cause of the problems,"
he added.
Gerry Kelly, Sinn Fein's north Belfast assemblyman,
accepted loyalist protests were an improvement but
insisted more needed to be done.
"It's better than yesterday, the physical attacks did
not happen, but children were still frightened," he
"To describe it as a peaceful protest is erroneous."
The troubles came at a delicate stage in Northern
Ireland's fragile peace process, as the province's
main parties decide whether to endorse key police
reforms proposed by the British government.
The primarily Catholic republicans and nationalists
want to unite Northern Ireland with the Irish
Republic, while mostly Protestant loyalists and
unionists back continued rule by Britain over the

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