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.Jiang's DPRK Visit Contributes to Regional, World Peace: Paper
The Chinese top leader Jiang Zemin's visit to the Democratic People's
Republic of Korea (DPRK) will create a great impetus to Sino-DPRK relations,
peace and stability on the Korean peninsular and prosperity and development
of the two countries, says the Chinese newspaper People's Daily in a
commentary Thursday.
Describing the tour as a major event in the party-to-party and
state-to-state relations between the two countries, the paper says that
Jiang's successful three-day visit, which concluded Wednesday, has served to
demonstrate Sino-DPRK friendship and strengthen bilateral ties.
"The visit constitutes a major move to promote peace and stability on the
peninsular, peace and development in the region and the world at large," the
paper says. 
During the visit, the two sides reached important consensus of inheriting
traditions, orienting to the future, good neighborliness and closer
cooperation, and shared similar views on regional and international issues
of mutual concern, while making clearer the guiding principle of bilateral
ties, the paper notes.
This has indicated a clear orientation and laid a solid foundation for the
further growth of Sino-DPRK relations of friendly cooperation, the paper
The paper goes on to say that time-honored Sino-DPRK friendship, an
invaluable asset for both sides, has brought great benefits to the two
parties, two countries and two peoples during their struggle for national
liberation, nation building and social progress.
In the new century when both countries are facing their own historical
tasks, closer Sino-DPRK relations of friendly cooperation are not only
conducive to the prosperity of the two countries, but also help to promote
lasting peace and common development of mankind, says the paper.
The paper notes Jiang stressed that the Chinese Communist Party will advance
with times, and make pioneering efforts to blaze new trails in their
endeavor to push forward the great cause of building socialism with Chinese
DPRK's top leader Kim Jong Il emphasized that DPRK will adopt new ideas and
new approach to promoting endeavors in all fields, the paper says.
As long as they embark on their own road of development that conform with
their specific conditions, the two countries will witness even greater
development and bring benefits to their own people and to the whole mankind,
the paper says. 
As a close neighbor of the Korean peninsular, China has always committed to
maintaining and promoting peace and stability on the peninsula and
contributing to peace and development in Asia and the world at large, says
the paper. 
The paper expresses the belief that with the concerted efforts of China,
DPRK and other countries the Korean peninsular will emerge more peaceful and


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