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.Flower of China-DPRK Friendship will Blossom More Colorfully: Jiang.

Chinese leader Jiang Zemin said Wednesday in Pyongyang that he believes the
flower of China-DPRK friendship will blossom more colorfully and yield more
fruits with the joint efforts by both sides.
Jiang, general-secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central
Committee and Chinese president, made the statement in a message of thanks
on his way back home to Kim Jong Il, general-secretary of the Workers' Party
of Korea (WPK) Central Committee and chairman of the National Defense
Commission of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK).
Jiang said that his official good-will visit to the DPRK at the invitation
of Kim Jong Il has been successful and he is satisfied with the results of
the visit. He expressed his heartfelt thanks to the DPRK leader, the WPK,
the DPRK government and the people for the grand welcome and warm
hospitality accorded him during his visit.
Jiang had cordial talks with Kim during which they had an in-depth exchange
of views on furthering traditional friendship and cooperation between the
two countries and other issues of common concern, and reached a wide-ranging
He pointed out that the Chinese side is fully confident in the long-term and
steady development of bilateral traditional friendship and cooperation in
the new century. 


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