Visit our website: HTTP://WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK
Dear Bill,
    One of the implications of your post of the Wheeler article is that the
IAC is planning "separate" activities, and Wheeler makes that seem somewhat
The Global Justice Week of Action is one of several protests scheduled
against the World Bank/IMF annual meeting. The Alliance for Global
Justice (AGJ) and the
International Action Center (IAC) are also planning their own week of
separate, though overlapping, activities.>>

Nothing could be further of the truth, and in fact, IAC put in requests for
all the anti-IMF/World Bank "Beat back Bush" September demonstration permits
last year, which is the only way these could have been secured. The many
organizations participating in these days of protests are working in accord
with each other, but IAC has been, as the NY Daily News put it, "The center
of the Revolution."

It is exciting and proof that the workers are pushing the major labor union
to the left that the AFL-CIO is participating. But the IAC has been
organizing all summer, especially in DC, and all over the country in almost
two dozen centers, many of them newly organized, to gear up for the "Surround
the White House" protest for September 29th.

Note that the IAC, since this is going out on the STOPNATO listserv, was for
the most part the only organization which supported Yugoslavia's right to
sovereignty, explained how the US was destabilizing the state and attacking
Yugoslav socialism, and organized the two tribunals held in New York in 1999
and 2000 about Yugoslavia.

Although the Serb community in the US enabled him to speak at their meetings,
the only left organization which provided an opportunity for my late husband,
Sean Gervasi was the International Action Center. They published his work on
Yugoslavia when other publishers refused.  IAC stood alone as a multi-issue
national organization that has consistently been against NATO expansion.  
STOPNATO has a special debt to this organization. It is not a divisive group.

(The IAC is about to publish another work on NATO expansion and needs funds
to do so, and STOPNATO subscribers could help with contributions for this
endeavor. Go to for further details.)

In solidarity,
Heather Cottin
This Discussion List is the follow-up for the old stopnato that has been shut down
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