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[Anyone care to speculate on what's going on with
Two of the three key players in the New Europe are
cited, so the initiative is a coordinated one.
Javier Solana, former NATO, current EU chief - the
posts are interchangeable - evokes a "security vacuum
after the NATO mandate," nothwithstanding NATO's claim
that it's intervention is designed to bring peace,
security, the rule of law and all its other sorceror's
incantations to Macedonia, besieged by NATO
auxilliaries in the NLA/KLA.
And German Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer, who has
taken over from Madeleine Albright the role of the
world's most ruthless, dangerous foreign secretary,
has it occur to him belatedly that perhaps a UN
mandate might be obtained as an ex post facto
justification for the military occupation of
The same trick he and his fellow war criminals pulled
off in Kosovo in 1999: Wage war first by circumventing
- spurning  - the UN, then call in the UN afterward to
do the dirty work of managing the catastrophe NATO has
created and and incur all the blame when it inevitably
goes wrong.
Having Albright's own handpicked devil's apprentice,
Kofi Annan, at the helm of the former UN insures the
latter's compliance on both scores.] 

"We will probably have our troops in Macedonia for two
or three more months," said Spanish Foreign Minister
Josep Pique.
EU Considers Troops To Macedonia 
By Jeffrey Ulbrich
Associated Press Writer
Saturday, Sept. 8, 2001; 8:52 a.m. EDT
GENVAL, Belgium –– The European Union, worried that a
security vacuum will develop in Macedonia after NATO's
4,500-member brigade pulls out later this month, began
deliberations Saturday on sending its own force to
protect civilian observers. 
Troubles in Macedonia and the Middle East topped the
agenda of an informal EU foreign ministers meeting
over the weekend in the Belgian village of Genval,
south of Brussels. 
"We have to avoid a security vacuum after the NATO
mandate," Javier Solana, the EU's chief of foreign and
security policy, said of the Macedonia situation. 
NATO was invited by the Macedonian government to send
troops to collect weapons from ethnic Albanian rebels
under a peace agreement signed last month. 
NATO insists, however, that its 30-day mission ends
Sept. 26 and that it will not undertake a new one.
Many fear that without an international military
presence the security situation in Macedonia will
disintegrate. Nonetheless, Macedonia has not indicated
it wants any more foreign troops. 
Francis Leotard of France, the EU's envoy to
Macedonia, has suggested the EU deploy a 1,500-man
force to provide security for civilian observers from
the EU and the Organization for Security and
Cooperation in Europe. 
EU, NATO and American officials say a continued
international presence is needed to prevent violence
that could destabilize the entire region. Exactly what
kind of presence is still being discussed. 
"We will probably have our troops in Macedonia for two
or three more months," said Spanish Foreign Minister
Josep Pique. "It is important for Europe to stabilize
the whole region." 
Any EU commitment should have the blessing of the U.N.
Security Council, said Foreign Minister Joschka
Fischer of Germany. 
An EU military deployment would be a significant
first. The 15-nation bloc is developing its own
military arm and plans to be able to field a
60,000-man rapid reaction corps by 2003. EU defense
officials have said they hope to have a small force
ready for action by the end of this year. 
The idea of the force is to enable the EU to take
joint military action when NATO as a whole does not
want to get involved. 

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