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It seems that UNMIK is allowing voting to take place outside of Kosovo. It is 
not clear who is able to register but I think that this is definately a way 
of manipulating votes (given the control exerted by the KLA in Albanian 
emigre communities in the US, Canada, and Europe). I wrote a letter to the 
organization responsible for this registration process drawing attention to 
their breaches of Yugoslav sovereignty in participating in this process and 
hope that other's on the list will try to add pressure on this organization 
(the letter is also posted below).


Subj:    [balkans] Out-of-Kosovo Voting program
Date:   08/09/01 02:16:16 Eastern Daylight Time

FYI: The registration period has been extended: "Voter registration for 
Kosovo elections extended by two weeks. PRISTINA, 6 September 2001 (OSCE) - 
The deadline for registering to vote in the forthcoming elections for a 
Central Assembly in Kosovo has been extended by two weeks, until 22 
September, 2001." (Source: OSCE,   

Florian Bieber.


Dear all,

Soon enough the registration period for the upcoming Kosovo-wide elections
will end.

The International Organization for Migration is happy to inform you that the
Special Representative of the Secretary General and Head of the UN Interim
Administration Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) announced Kosovo-wide elections for
November 17, 2001 to elect a 120-member law-making Assembly. 

To vote in the November elections, every eligible voter must either apply to
register or confirm registration from last year by completing a new
registration form. Registration begins 30 July and ends 8 September. IOM-OKV
is sending to all applicants from last year personalized registration
materials to be completed and returned to IOM-OKV Vienna. As we are making
every effort to reach all potential voters, we ask your important support to
help inform and provide materials to potential voters.

This year, generic registration forms and information may also be downloaded
from our website at

For further information or application materials, applicants form the USA
and Canada should either take advantage of our website or call our IOM
Washington office at our toll-free number at 1.866.819.5158 or contact us by

Henrike Lehnguth
Head of Voter Information Office
Out-of-Kosovo Voting (OKV)
IOM Washington, D.C.
Toll-free phone#: 1.866.819.5158
Fax#: 202.862.1879


Dear IOM,

I am writing with a question about your voter registration cycle.  Does the 
out of country voting only apply to actual residents of the Federal Republic 
of Yugoslavia (FRY) that find themselves abroad during the elections or does 
it actually apply to any individual claiming to be from Kosovo (with some 
type of proof I assume) without regard to the individuals residency in the 
province or legal status within the FRY?

The reason I ask is that ordinary Yugoslav emigres - who have given up 
residence in their native country and no longer hold citizenship - are not 
given the right to vote in Yugoslav national, provincial and cantonal 
elections according to the constitution of the FRY.  A general franchise is 
only extended to all Yugoslav nationals and citizens.  

Having said this, it would be very disturbing to find out that your 
organization was collaborating in UNMIK's systematic breaches of UN Security 
Council Resolution 1244 which firmly guarantees the continuation of Yugoslav 
sovereignty and territorial integrity including the Province of 
Kosovo-Metohija.  If it is true that your organization is registering 
non-Yugoslav citizens as voters you are in effect becoming complicit not only 
in the legitimization of the ethnic-cleansing of non-Albanian minorities in 
Kosovo (which is bad enough) but also in a form of territorial aggression by 
supressing the votes of the actual citizens of Kosmet with those of 
non-citizens who have no real stake in Kosovo's future.  I would ask that 
your organization please reconsider its involvement on this issue.  Thank you 
for your time and consideration,


Konstantin Kilibarda (Student)
MA in International Relations
University of Toronto

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