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.China-Japan Relations Bogged Down in a Difficult Position.

On August 31, in his speech delivered at the luncheon held in the Japanese
Journalists' Club, Chinese new Ambassador to Japan Wu Dawei pointed out that
due to historical issue and problems arising from Lee Teng-hui's visit to
Japan as well as senior Japanese officials' visit to the Yasukuni Shrine,
China-Japan relations have bogged down in the most difficult position since
the normalization of diplomatic relations between the two countries.
These remarks should serve as a warning to the Japanese government and
people: If the Japanese government continues to hurt the feelings of the
Chinese people on the questions regarding history and Taiwan, China-Japanese
relations and the entire East Asian affairs will continue to be inescapably
landed in the quagmire of difficulties.

*Japanese Right-wingers Have in Recent Years Clamored Against China
Since the mid-90s, Sino-Japanese relations have begun to witness frequent
twists and turns, presenting a downward trend. President Jiang Zemin's Japan
visit in 1998 was the first visit paid by the Chinese president, as well as
a Sate affair activity specially arranged to mark the 20th anniversary of
the Sino-Japan Peace and Friendship Treaty signed between the two countries
in 1978. President Jiang's Japan visit should have become an event of a
milestone type in the development of Sino-Japanese friendly relations, but
due to the fact that some right-wing forces in Japan did not agree to the
principles, known as "taking history as a mirror and looking forward to the
future", put forward by President Jiang for the development of China-Japan
relations, the President's Japan visit did not receive the due response from
the Japanese side. 
During President Jiang Zemin's stay in Japan, the Chinese government, with a
view to developing Sino-Japanese friendly ties, specially presented to Japan
a pair of ibises which were on the verge of extinction. Such a goodwill was
described, in a cartoon form, as China's deliberate intention to use the
ibises' long beaks to "peck at" Japan, by Japanese right-wing media.
During President Jiang's visit to Japan, the then Japan's Obuchi Yoshiro
Mori government not only refused to make a "three no" commitment to China on
the Taiwan issue as did by Clinton during his China visit, but also refused
to offer a "written apology" to China on the question of history. On the
question of Japan-Chinese history, the Obuchi government simply repeated a
"profound introspection" put forward in May 1995 by Prime Minister Murayama
Tomichi during his visit to China.

*Reactionary "Imperial Historical Outlook" Plus the Erroneous Concept about
China Are the Root Cause for the Tension in China-Japan Relations
After the beginning of 1999, the tense situation in the Sino-Japanese
relations was aggravated. First was the law in relation to US-Japan mid-term
defense cooperation pointer adopted by Japanese Diet in May 1999, which
includes the law on the circumferential situation which clearly include
Taiwan. In the form of Japanese domestic legislation, the law defines that
once the US armed forces are involved in the crisis of Taiwan Straits, Japan
will provide logistic aid, marine search and rescue as well as providing the
US armed forces with a legal basis for the use of Japanese military base to
interfere in China's internal affairs. Thereafter, Japan again adopted a law
on its national anthem and national flag which convey the meaning of singing
praises of Japan's Akihito. Japan's political circle also strove to expand
the self-defense corps' power to the use of weapons and enlarge the corps'
military scale. In 2000, Japan's defense white paper stated for the first
time that China's missiles were aimed at Japan; its 2001 defense white paper
openly threatened that China's missiles constituted a "threat" to Japan.
This series of actions all contain direct or indirect "Chinese orientation",
to a great extent, these actions were adopted by Japan in line with the
so-called theory of "China Threat".
On the question of history, quite a number of people in Japan hold the view
that the issue of history between china and Japan has already solved.
China's further talks about the issue of history and its further demand for
Japan's offer of an apology are only "making trouble out of nothing"; or aim
to make Japan fail to raise its head before China and deliberately "dwarf"
Japan through asking Japan to "atone for its crime". But is the fact really
like this? 
In handling and resolving the question relating to China-Japan history,
China has exhibited its magnanimity and broad-mindedness characterized by
returning good for evil which is rarely seen in international relations. We
have not only given up the claim for war indemnity from Japan, but also,
since the normalization of relations between the two countries in 1972,
China has never artificially limited the political, economic, social and
cultural exchanges between China and Japan simply because of past history.
After World War II, China adopted and reared a large number of Japanese
orphans in China, this philanthropic act greatly touched the hearts of
Japanese personages with intuitive knowledge. By 2000, the volume of trade
between China and Japan had exceeded US$85 billion, making China the fourth
trade partner of Japan. By 2000, the total of Japan's favorable balance of
trade with China had hit US$280 billion, far surpassing Japan's investment
in China made in the same period. In fact, since the 1970s, China has always
been one of the markets most profitable to Japan's trade.
But what has been gained in return for China's magnanimity and goodwill?
Japan has always refused to make serious and conscientious apology to China,
and has always lacked a minimal objective attitude on the issue of history.
On the questions regarding the history textbook and the Shrine visit, on a
series of questions regarding the basic nature of its war damages to Asian
countries, as well the relations between its history of aggression and
reality policies, Japan has obstinately clung to its "imperial national
history concept" and deliberately confused the fact of aggression, its
militarist ghost inexorably hangs on.
Regarding this, China, as the biggest victimized country in Asia, cannot but
maintain vigilant on the question of history. As long as Japan still clings
to its erroneous view on past history, China and other Asian countries will
not give up struggle against Japan on the issue of history.

*"Trinity" Behind Japan's Tough Policy Toward China
In recent years, the viewpoints represented by the "theory of contribution"
and the "theory of liberation" have begun to swell in the Japanese society,
These viewpoints advocate negating the history of aggression, eulogizing the
Japanese national spirit alleged to be really possessed by the Japanese
before the war, and shouted about the so-called contribution and liberation
done by Japan to Asia. Japanese right-wing forces try their utmost to fuel
Japan's narrow-minded nationalist sentiment. In addition, Japan has
published a series of books including "on war" and "on Taiwan", and pushed
the "outlook on revising history" in the form of cartoon throughout Japan,
openly calling back the spirit of Japan's war criminals and reversing the
verdicts on Japan's history of aggression.
The swelling of Japan's nationalist sentiment today is aimed, firstly, at
soothing the so-called national psychological sense of frustration caused by
the sustained economic depression after the burst of its bubble economy;
secondly, at revising for Japan the peace Constitution, putting an end to
the postwar structure and paving the way for the implementation of a
"political general final settlement" and, thirdly, at pulling themselves
together, and dealing with so-call China threat in Asia. For this, Japan
painstakingly smears the image of China, trying hard to keep its spiritual
and psychological superiority over China.
An important reason for the development of Sino-Japanese relations in the
previous 30 years was that Japan had always maintained that China was
inferior too much to Japan, so it was impossible for China to constitute a
comprehensive challenge to Japan. However, the rapid development of China
since the introduction of the reform and opening up policy has made Japan
surprised at China's economic achievement, at the same time, Japan has
developed, in a twisted way, a strong sense of crisis about "China threat".
As a result, Japan's past understanding of China has become what is said to
be "the affair is over and the situation has changed" amidst the sense of
crisis. Japan has used another wording, mode of thinking and strategy in its
dealings with China. For example, it has drastically cut and even considered
stopping its ODA aid to China and on the Taiwan issue secretly support
"Taiwan independence" forces.
On Japan-China relations, Japan frequently talks about the contribution made
by its ODA to China's economic development, quotes the statements on
"helping poor Asian neighbors" put forward to Japan by Comrade Deng Xiaoping
during his visit to Japan in the early 80s. Japan alleges that the Chinese
mainland's reunification policy toward Taiwan is aimed at seeking expansion
in Asia, and charges China with taking Japan's money but "not saying good
words for Japan" and taking Japan's money to develop its economy and
national defense but now has turned around to "threaten" Japan, making it
seem that it has been "wronged" and is therefore "resentful".
However, these arguments are not worth refuting. In today's Japan, the
spread unchecked of nationalist thought, the "theory of China threat" and
its erroneous understanding of history have objectively constituted a
"trinity". The concept and understanding are the background of the current
deteriorating China-Japan relations, as well as the fundamental reason for
the bilateral relations being bogged down in the most difficult position
over the past 30 years. For this reason, the Japanese government all the
more does not want to make compromise to China.

*To Ease Tension in China-Japan Relations, the Japanese Government Must Take
Actual Deeds
To solve tension in China-Japan relations, the most important thing is that
the Japanese government must take actual deeds. Chinese Foreign Minister
Tang Jiaxuan, while being interviewed by Japan's Asahi Shimbun on August 31,
clearly expressed his idea regarding Japanese Prime Minister Koizumi's
intention to visit China, saying that China welcomes Japanese government
officials to visit China, "we are giving serious consideration to the
matter"; "the important thing is that Japan should create conditions
favorable to the restoration and development of the relations between the
two countries". The Japanese government should really adopt practical deeds
to improve Japan-China relations, first of all, it must get itself out of
the queer circle of the "theory of China threat" on the question regarding
its policy toward China.
Today, strengthening regional cooperation has become the most universal and
most viable, strong trend in the development of international affairs.
China's development and strength will not constitute threat to Japan, in
fact, it has instead created a bright prospect for strengthening
Sino-Japanese cooperation and exchange and expanding the progress of the
East Asian region. If Japan continues to stick to the "theory of China
threat" and clings to its wrong understanding of the question of history, it
will not only hurt the feelings of Asian countries, but will artificially
worsen bilateral ties and will even complicate the entire East Asian
situation and handicap the development of the cause of East Asian regional
cooperation. If Japan fails to extricate itself from the issue of history,
it will not only break faith with Asia as a whole, but will cause Japan to
lose its reputation and qualification for shouldering more big-nation
On August 23, this writer was deeply touched in Seoul by the remarks of Mr.
Zheng Mengzun, chairman of the 2002 World Cup Organizing Committee in the
Republic of Korea. When looking forward to the situation regarding the World
Up to be jointly held by the Republic of Korea and Japan next year, Mr.
Zheng pointed out that the World Cup to be held in Asia aims to promote
Asia's common construction and offers an important opportunity for
developing Asian and world friendship; but Japan's wrong deeds on the
questions of history textbook and Japanese government officials' Shrine
visit have damaged the most fundamental identity among Asian countries. If
Japan continue to refuse to recognize its wrongdoing, then what meaning is
there for Japan and the ROK to jointly hold the World Cup?


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