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.China Cautions US on MDS.
China hopes that the US act cautiously regarding the MDS issue, Foreign
Ministry spokesman Zhu Bangzao said Friday.

He noted that as the world's strongest military power, the United States
insists on the development of its missile defense system (MDS), which is
bound to damage the international strategic balance and stability and harm
the common security of all countries.

Zhu was asked to comment on U.S. reports that the U.S. government will ask
the Chinese side for its support for the U.S. missile defense plan in return
for not opposing China's expansion of its nuclear arsenal, and that the U.S.
government has issued a statement saying that the report was erroneous.

Saying that the Chinese side has taken note of the contradictory reports,
Zhu confirmed that China has always called for complete prohibition and
thorough destruction of nuclear weapons, never participated in the nuclear
arms race and disapproves of the act of seeking a strategic advantage over
other countries through a nuclear arms race.

He stressed that China has always exerted the utmost restraint on the
development of nuclear weapons, and has always maintained the minimum
nuclear arsenal that is needed for self-defense.

China also strictly abides by its commitment to no-first-use of nuclear
weapons, and unconditionally no-use of or threat-to-use nuclear weapons to
target nuclear-free countries, Zhu added.

China's nuclear force poses no threat to any country, he pointed out.


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