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[From the Bully of Belarus to the last Soviet Style
Strongman to Europe's Last Outlaw to Josef
Vissarionovich himself. 
My how Alexander Lukashenko's, or rather the New York
Times', reputation has been tarnished.] 

New York Times
SEP 11, 2001
Stalinist Victory in Belarus Is Condemned
INSK, Sept. 10 — With the prominent exception of
Russia, foreign leaders, diplomats and human rights
groups today condemned the officially overwhelming
re-election of Europe's last Stalinist leader,
President Aleksandr Lukashenko of Belarus, as
fundamentally flawed. Several said the outcome was
destined to ostracize still further a nation already
shunned by much of the democratic world.

The government said this morning that a preliminary
vote count showed that Mr. Lukashenko had won Sunday's
election with 75.6 percent of the vote, swamping the
democratic opposition candidate Vladimir Goncharik,
who had 15.4 percent. The remainder was split between
an ultranationalist candidate and those who voted
against all three.

Mr. Lukashenko, who won a five- year extension of his
presidency, first won election in 1994. He extended
his term in a 1996 constitutional referendum that
independent monitors say was flawed by some of the
same failings as the Sunday vote.

In a victory speech on Sunday evening, he called his
re-election "elegant and beautiful" and a triumph for
the nation's people.

Mr. Goncharik asserted today that the vote was rigged,
saying his supporters' monitoring at 500 of the
nation's 6,700 precincts indicated that Mr. Lukashenko
won a plurality of 46 percent to his 40 percent. Under
Belarus law, a runoff election is required when no
candidate wins an outright majority.

Russian observers joined with those from other former
Soviet nations in decreeing Mr. Lukashenko's victory
both democratic and fair. President Vladimir V. Putin
congratulated Mr. Lukashenko today on what he called a
convincing win.

But even the Russians, who are allied with Belarus in
a loose diplomatic and economic union, allowed that
the government's behavior was at times problematic.

The chairman of Russia's Central Election Commission,
Aleksandr A. Vishnyakov, expressed distress over the
government's election-day shutdown of opposition web
sites, e-mail, telephone service and even cellular
telephone access.

"If it's true, it's very bad news," he said in an
interview on Sunday in Minsk, shortly after word of
the censorship spread on Russian television and among

Western human rights groups and observers, in news
conferences and reports, charged that Mr. Lukashenko
had rigged the election long before the actual vote by
blocking his opponents from the media, smearing and
thwarting independent vote monitors, intimidating
voters and election officials and conducting a vote
that was wide open to manipulation.

In a post-mortem issued this afternoon, the
Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe,
which monitors civil rights and elections, said the
Belarus election failed to meet the democratic
standards that Mr. Lukashenko himself agreed to in
past meetings of the organization's member nations.

For his part, Mr. Lukashenko was unrepentant. On
Sunday, even before the European group delivered its
verdict, the president declared that the head of the
O.S.C.E.'s mission in Minsk, Hans-Georg Wieck, would
be expelled from Belarus for espionage if he does not
leave voluntarily.

"Our elections don't need the recognition of anybody,"
Mr. Lukashenko said. 

Hrair Balian, the head of the organization's elections
section, said in an interview that the flaws of the
election lay not so much in the reasonably orderly
vote but in the weeks of campaigning and months of
harassment that preceded it.

Of 80,000 local, provincial and national election
commissioners — officials whose ostensible job is to
ensure an impartial vote — all but 230 were nominated
or appointed by the government, Mr. Balian noted.

As much as 20 percent of the electorate was reported
to have cast ballots in a five-day "early voting"
period before Sunday, a procedure he said was
potentially wide open to ballot-stuffing.

"It was an uneven playing field," Mr. Balian said.
"That sums it up." 

George A. Folsom, president of the International
Republican Institute, said weeks of observation by his
organization and others, including the
Washington-based National Democratic Institute, led
inexorably to the conclusion that the election was
neither free nor fair.

"It was an election that was designed to have one
outcome: the election of Lukashenko," he said.

This morning Mr. Goncharik said he would file a
complaint with the Belarus Central Election Commission
demanding that the vote be annulled. The Belarusian
Helsinki Committee, an arm of the internationally
known human-rights organization, also planned to file
a complaint alleging what its leader, Tatyana Bratko,
called "gross violations of existing legislation"
governing Belarus elections.

She said Mr. Lukashenko was returning the nation to an
era reminiscent of Soviet times, when laws were
selectively enforced and government candidates always
elected in landslides.

"If we are coming back to the past," she pledged,
"then we will be referred to as dissidents — not as
human-rights activists."

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