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.KCNA on U.S.-Japan military nexus
  Pyongyang, September 11 (KCNA) -- U.S. State Secretary Powell at a
meeting held on Sept. 8 to mark the 50th anniversary of the "Japan-U.S.
security pact" said that powerful U.S.-Japan military alliance is essential
for pursuance of the U.S. East Asia policy concerning China and North Korea.
Earlier, high-ranking officers of the U.S. military flew Japan and
underscored the importance of military tie-up between the U.S. and Japan and
the Japanese authorities hailed it.
Why are the U.S. and the Japanese authorities clamouring for the
strengthening of military alliance all of a sudden?
Celebrations of the 50th anniversary of the "security pact" turned out
to be a serious point at issue. The U.S. attempt to convert Japan, its
junior, into a military power and use it in establishing its military
domination over the East Asian region fell in line with Japan's intention to
become a leader of the region with the backing of the U.S.
The U.S. strategy for world domination is, in general, to blockade and
collapse those independent countries disobedient to its domination and
militarize its satellite countries to use them as a means of domination and
interference. Typical of it is the U.S.-Japan relations, their military
nexus in particular.
Japan, a war criminal state, was not allowed internationally to rearm
itself after its defeat in the war.
But it has been rapidly rearmed under the "Japan-U.S. security pact" and
U.S. "care." and it has played the role of a "shock brigade" in implementing
the U.S. strategy for domination over East Asia.
The Japanese authorities are now so actively welcoming the U.S. attempt
in a bid to use the U.S. patronage and support as an opportunity for its
"second rearming" to become a perfect military giant.
Never should it go unnoticed that Powell underscored the need to "find a
way of coping with north Korea's possible challenges," while clamouring for
strengthened bilateral military tie-up.
This is little short of openly calling for defining the DPRK as the "no.
1 enemy" and isolating and stifling the DPRK with Japan as a "shock
Now that the purpose pursued by the U.S. and Japan in strengthening
military nexus has become clear, the DPRK can not but take a strong measure
for self-defence and surrounding countries are also compelled to take a
corresponding countermeasure.


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