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In a message dated 12/09/01 17:27:03 Eastern Daylight Time, 

> Vigorously Step Up the Political Movement
>    Against the U.S. Imperialists' "New World Order"!
>        Actively Oppose the Use of Force to Sort Out
>           Problems Between Peoples and Nations!
>     Oppose the Politics of International State Terror,
>    Assassination, Retaliation and the Criminalization
>                                of Dissent!
>          Statement of the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist)
>                               September 11, 2001
>    The Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) abhors the tragedy
>  which the people of the   United States have suffered on this day.
>  CPC(M-L) expresses its deepest sympathies for the   American people who
>  are suffering this tragedy, for the working men and women who were and
>  continue to be its victims and for their families and the front-line
>  rescue personnel who are doing   their utmost to save lives under
>  desperate conditions, as well as for the people all over the country
>  who are terrified. But we also express our deepest sympathies for the
>  victims of the U.S. policy   of state terrorism which has wreaked havoc
>  in the Middle East, Asia, Africa and Latin America in
>    the last ten years. We call on the peoples to step up their efforts to
>  break this reign of terror by   preparing themselves to face the terror
>  the U.S. has declared it will unleash against them as it   "hunts down"
>  those who committed this act against them. CPC(M-L) reiterates its
>  categorical   opposition to terrorism of any kind and lays the blame
>  squarely for what has taken place in the   United States today on the
>  United States of America itself.
>    CPC(M-L) calls on the Canadian working class and people to not be
>  passive in the face of the   situation. Even though the U.S. is squarely
>  to blame for the tragedies we are witnessing today, this   does not make
>  what has taken place right. There is nothing right about it.
>  Nonetheless, the   conclusions the workers and people draw from what we
>  see today are of utmost importance to   the fate of the peoples of the
>  world, including the people of the United States.
>    Following the end of the bi-polar division of the world ten years ago,
>  the United States of
>    America established the use of force as the method of sorting out
>  conflicts between peoples and   nations. It unleashed the Gulf War in
>  order to establish its New World Order - its brutal dictate   whereby
>  all countries must submit to its interests. As it is doing today, it
>  claimed at that time that   the "American way of life" and interests are
>  synonymous with the ideals of peace, freedom and   democracy.
>    Today we are once again witnessing the ever greater tragic results of
>  this policy which is posing   ever greater dangers. And while it is true
>  that the United States is getting a taste of its own   medicine, it is
>  tragic indeed. The events are calling on the working class and peoples
>  to draw the   warranted conclusions and actively engage themselves to
>  provide the problems which the U.S.   imperialists and their allies are
>  creating with solutions which favour the peoples of the world.
>    CPC(M-L) also goes on record as condemning the dastardly statement
>  made by the President of   the United States that the U.S. will "take
>  all measures to hunt down and punish those responsible   for these
>  attacks." We also condemn the statements by the Prime Ministers of
>  Canada, Britain   and all those who are egging the United States to once
>  again violate the sovereignty of nations and   justify the use of force
>  to settle conflicts between peoples and nations. We call on the United
>  Nations to play its role by upholding its Charter and demanding that
>  force not be used to deepen   the dangers humanity faces at this time.
>  Only by upholding the right of all peoples and nations to   their way of
>  life and to decide themselves how to sort out the problems they and
>  their societies    face can we guarantee the road to peace, freedom and
>  justice and provide these words with a
>    meaning which favours the interests of the peoples.
>    Whatever may be the ideological motives of anyone, the central
>  question remains: should the   conflicts between peoples and nations be
>  decided by the peoples of the world or by force applied   by the
>  imperialist and colonialist interests? It is most urgent that today it
>  is the peoples who must   decide how to sort out the conflicts in their
>  favour. Lasting peace can and must become a reality   but it will only
>  be achieved if the peoples make themselves part of the equation and find
>  the ways   and means to deprive the imperialist and colonial powers of
>  their ability to criminalize dissent   through the use of force to
>  settle conflicts. If the U.S. imperialists and big powers continue to
>  impose solutions, then a third world war is the only possible outcome.
>  This is the time for the   working class and peoples of the world to
>  activate themselves and not permit the events to stun   them. They must
>  intervene in the situation in a manner which contributes to making sure
>  these   tragedies are brought to an end.
>    It is crucial to understand that in spite of all their economic,
>  political and military power and   control over the media, the times do
>  not favour the U.S. imperialists and big powers. The   contradictions
>  within the ranks of the imperialist and reactionary forces as they
>  strive for    domination are getting sharper with every passing day. The
>  working class and peoples of the   world are not reconciling themselves
>  to the imperialist neo-liberal agenda and imperialist   "democracy."
>  They are standing as one against the suffering imposed by the dictate of
>  the U.S.   imperialists and the other big powers for control over their
>  raw materials, markets, sources of   cheap labour, zones of influence
>  and for the export of capital. It is crucial to understand that this
>  is   the time to step up this movement of the peoples to become the
>  decision-makers because the use   of international state terrorism of
>  the United States and big powers is to put the growing political
>  movement of the peoples into disarray. It is to make the people passive
>  in the face of the situation   so that they become spectators to the
>  increasingly tragic unfolding of events.
>    CPC(M-L) calls on all its members and supporters, on all militant
>  workers, organized and   unorganized, on all women, youth and national
>  minorities to be active in the face of the situation.   Act with a clear
>  conscience and oppose any attempts to conciliate with politics of
>  assassination   and retaliation. This is a time to give new meaning to
>  our mottos: An Injury to One is an Injury to   All! All for One and One
>  for All! Take a Bold Step Together in Defence of the Rights of All!
>    Vigorously oppose terrorism in all its manifestations. Blame U.S.
>  imperialism for what is taking   place and do not permit the politics of
>  retaliation, assassination, revenge and the use of force to    settle
>  conflicts between peoples and nations! Step up the political movement of
>  the peoples of the   entire world against the U.S. imperialists' "New
>  World Order" and the imposition of their "Way of   Life"!
>    [Return]
>    National Office of CPC(M-L) Calls on Canadians to
>        Actively Oppose State Terrorism at Home and
>                                   Abroad
>    The National Office of CPC(M-L) today calls on all the members and
>  supporters of CPC(M-L),   on all militant workers, organized and
>  unorganized, on all justice-loving Canadians to go actively   amongst
>  their peers and lead them in coping with the tragedies which are
>  unfolding in front of our   eyes in the United States.
>    The National Office calls on all Canadian working people to condemn
>  the use of state-organized   terrorist attacks against the people. It
>  calls on them to recognize the necessity to not be passive in   the face
>  of the situation in which the United States will seek to justify
>  unleashing even more   international terror against the peoples. This
>  will be done in the name of punishing those who   carried out this
>  heinous crime.
>    The National Office of CPC(M-L) calls on all workers to see the
>  necessity to oppose the fascist   mystifications of the U.S. authorities
>  and monopoly-controlled news media in the U.S. and   Canada which seek
>  to cover up who is to blame for these atrocities which are a
>  counter-product   of the crimes of the U.S. imperialists and their
>  allies themselves. It is the U.S. imperialists and big   powers,
>  including Canada, which consider that the peoples of the world, their
>  nations,   nationalities and communities can exist only with their
>  permission. It is their economic, political   and military power which
>  lies behind the reign of terror which they are seeking to justify in
>  order   to divide the peoples and divert them from seeking real
>  solutions to the problems which they   face.
>    This is not the time to permit the people's political movement to take
>  control over their lives to   become disoriented so that the peoples
>  become even more vulnerable to the tragedies which the   U.S.
>  imperialists and their allies have in store for them.
>    The National Office alerts the Canadian working class and people to
>  prepare for all the
>    possibilities, including any state-sanctioning of acts of revenge both
>  at home and abroad. Do not   permit any acts of revenge against any
>  section of our people at home, in the United States or   against any
>  section of our humanity abroad. Other political parties also have a
>  serious   responsibility in this regard and the National Office of
>  CPC(M-L) calls on them to make great   efforts to ensure that politics
>  which favour the people are put forward at this time.
>    Condemn the U.S. imperialist international reign of terror which is
>  behind this heinous crime in the   United States! Condemn the
>  criminalization of dissent at home or abroad! With a clear   conscience,
>  put the blame squarely where it belongs!
>    September 11, 2001
>    [Return]
>          Condemn the Terrorist Attacks in the U.S.!
>                 No to Revenge and Retribution!
>                Statement of the People's Front, September 11, 2001
>    The People's Front shares the sense of profound shock and abhorrence
>  at the killing and
>    wounding of innocent people in the terrorist attack on the World Trade
>  Centre in New York and   elsewhere in the U.S. Acts of terrorism, of
>  directing violence against innocent women, men and   children cannot be
>  condoned or rendered legitimate no matter what "lofty" cause is used to
>  justify   it.
>    Terrorism is the trade and practice of world reaction. The deliberate
>  killing of innocent people   through acts of terrorism does not serve
>  the cause of the peoples fighting for liberation and social   progress.
>  It is part of the geo-politics of the big powers, particularly the U.S.,
>  to cultivate and arm   terrorists to destabilize and disrupt the
>  peoples' struggles.
>    No one has yet claimed responsibility for the atrocity at the World
>  Trade Centre but already the   U.S. government is creating hysteria and
>  war psychosis in order to justify attacking whatever   nation or people
>  the U.S. decides to target. It will create conditions to split the
>  peoples of the   world on a racist basis and will not contribute to
>  solving the issue of "terrorism." It will only   strengthen the hand of
>  the U.S. and its allies and further isolate those people and nations,
>  particularly those in the Middle East who are fighting for their
>  sovereignty and self-determination,   against the dictate of the U.S.
>  imperialists. No one should permit a hand to be raised against any
>  member of the polity because of their national origin or their political
>  opinions in connection with   this atrocity at the World Trade Centre.
>  Most importantly, talk about "revenge," or acts of   retribution by the
>  U.S. must be opposed and soundly condemned.
>    The People's Front calls on Canadians to be vigilant. Oppose the
>  strident jingoism of the U.S.   President that war has been declared on
>  "freedom itself." No to revenge and retribution! No to   terrorism and
>  reactionary violence!
>    [Return]


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Vigorously Step Up the Political Movement
  Against the U.S. Imperialists' "New World Order"!

      Actively Oppose the Use of Force to Sort Out
         Problems Between Peoples and Nations!

   Oppose the Politics of International State Terror,
  Assassination, Retaliation and the Criminalization
                              of Dissent!

        Statement of the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist)
                             September 11, 2001

  The Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) abhors the tragedy
which the people of the   United States have suffered on this day.
CPC(M-L) expresses its deepest sympathies for the   American people who
are suffering this tragedy, for the working men and women who were and
continue to be its victims and for their families and the front-line
rescue personnel who are doing   their utmost to save lives under
desperate conditions, as well as for the people all over the country
who are terrified. But we also express our deepest sympathies for the
victims of the U.S. policy   of state terrorism which has wreaked havoc
in the Middle East, Asia, Africa and Latin America in
  the last ten years. We call on the peoples to step up their efforts to
break this reign of terror by   preparing themselves to face the terror
the U.S. has declared it will unleash against them as it   "hunts down"
those who committed this act against them. CPC(M-L) reiterates its
categorical   opposition to terrorism of any kind and lays the blame
squarely for what has taken place in the   United States today on the
United States of America itself.

  CPC(M-L) calls on the Canadian working class and people to not be
passive in the face of the   situation. Even though the U.S. is squarely
to blame for the tragedies we are witnessing today, this   does not make
what has taken place right. There is nothing right about it.
Nonetheless, the   conclusions the workers and people draw from what we
see today are of utmost importance to   the fate of the peoples of the
world, including the people of the United States.

  Following the end of the bi-polar division of the world ten years ago,
the United States of
  America established the use of force as the method of sorting out
conflicts between peoples and   nations. It unleashed the Gulf War in
order to establish its New World Order - its brutal dictate   whereby
all countries must submit to its interests. As it is doing today, it
claimed at that time that   the "American way of life" and interests are
synonymous with the ideals of peace, freedom and   democracy.

  Today we are once again witnessing the ever greater tragic results of
this policy which is posing   ever greater dangers. And while it is true
that the United States is getting a taste of its own   medicine, it is
tragic indeed. The events are calling on the working class and peoples
to draw the   warranted conclusions and actively engage themselves to
provide the problems which the U.S.   imperialists and their allies are
creating with solutions which favour the peoples of the world.

  CPC(M-L) also goes on record as condemning the dastardly statement
made by the President of   the United States that the U.S. will "take
all measures to hunt down and punish those responsible   for these
attacks." We also condemn the statements by the Prime Ministers of
Canada, Britain   and all those who are egging the United States to once
again violate the sovereignty of nations and   justify the use of force
to settle conflicts between peoples and nations. We call on the United
Nations to play its role by upholding its Charter and demanding that
force not be used to deepen   the dangers humanity faces at this time.
Only by upholding the right of all peoples and nations to   their way of
life and to decide themselves how to sort out the problems they and
their societies    face can we guarantee the road to peace, freedom and
justice and provide these words with a
  meaning which favours the interests of the peoples.

  Whatever may be the ideological motives of anyone, the central
question remains: should the   conflicts between peoples and nations be
decided by the peoples of the world or by force applied   by the
imperialist and colonialist interests? It is most urgent that today it
is the peoples who must   decide how to sort out the conflicts in their
favour. Lasting peace can and must become a reality   but it will only
be achieved if the peoples make themselves part of the equation and find
the ways   and means to deprive the imperialist and colonial powers of
their ability to criminalize dissent   through the use of force to
settle conflicts. If the U.S. imperialists and big powers continue to
impose solutions, then a third world war is the only possible outcome.
This is the time for the   working class and peoples of the world to
activate themselves and not permit the events to stun   them. They must
intervene in the situation in a manner which contributes to making sure
these   tragedies are brought to an end.

  It is crucial to understand that in spite of all their economic,
political and military power and   control over the media, the times do
not favour the U.S. imperialists and big powers. The   contradictions
within the ranks of the imperialist and reactionary forces as they
strive for    domination are getting sharper with every passing day. The
working class and peoples of the   world are not reconciling themselves
to the imperialist neo-liberal agenda and imperialist   "democracy."
They are standing as one against the suffering imposed by the dictate of
the U.S.   imperialists and the other big powers for control over their
raw materials, markets, sources of   cheap labour, zones of influence
and for the export of capital. It is crucial to understand that this
is   the time to step up this movement of the peoples to become the
decision-makers because the use   of international state terrorism of
the United States and big powers is to put the growing political
movement of the peoples into disarray. It is to make the people passive
in the face of the situation   so that they become spectators to the
increasingly tragic unfolding of events.

  CPC(M-L) calls on all its members and supporters, on all militant
workers, organized and   unorganized, on all women, youth and national
minorities to be active in the face of the situation.   Act with a clear
conscience and oppose any attempts to conciliate with politics of
assassination   and retaliation. This is a time to give new meaning to
our mottos: An Injury to One is an Injury to   All! All for One and One
for All! Take a Bold Step Together in Defence of the Rights of All!

  Vigorously oppose terrorism in all its manifestations. Blame U.S.
imperialism for what is taking   place and do not permit the politics of
retaliation, assassination, revenge and the use of force to    settle
conflicts between peoples and nations! Step up the political movement of
the peoples of the   entire world against the U.S. imperialists' "New
World Order" and the imposition of their "Way of   Life"!


  National Office of CPC(M-L) Calls on Canadians to
      Actively Oppose State Terrorism at Home and

  The National Office of CPC(M-L) today calls on all the members and
supporters of CPC(M-L),   on all militant workers, organized and
unorganized, on all justice-loving Canadians to go actively   amongst
their peers and lead them in coping with the tragedies which are
unfolding in front of our   eyes in the United States.

  The National Office calls on all Canadian working people to condemn
the use of state-organized   terrorist attacks against the people. It
calls on them to recognize the necessity to not be passive in   the face
of the situation in which the United States will seek to justify
unleashing even more   international terror against the peoples. This
will be done in the name of punishing those who   carried out this
heinous crime.

  The National Office of CPC(M-L) calls on all workers to see the
necessity to oppose the fascist   mystifications of the U.S. authorities
and monopoly-controlled news media in the U.S. and   Canada which seek
to cover up who is to blame for these atrocities which are a
counter-product   of the crimes of the U.S. imperialists and their
allies themselves. It is the U.S. imperialists and big   powers,
including Canada, which consider that the peoples of the world, their
nations,   nationalities and communities can exist only with their
permission. It is their economic, political   and military power which
lies behind the reign of terror which they are seeking to justify in
order   to divide the peoples and divert them from seeking real
solutions to the problems which they   face.

  This is not the time to permit the people's political movement to take
control over their lives to   become disoriented so that the peoples
become even more vulnerable to the tragedies which the   U.S.
imperialists and their allies have in store for them.

  The National Office alerts the Canadian working class and people to
prepare for all the
  possibilities, including any state-sanctioning of acts of revenge both
at home and abroad. Do not   permit any acts of revenge against any
section of our people at home, in the United States or   against any
section of our humanity abroad. Other political parties also have a
serious   responsibility in this regard and the National Office of
CPC(M-L) calls on them to make great   efforts to ensure that politics
which favour the people are put forward at this time.

  Condemn the U.S. imperialist international reign of terror which is
behind this heinous crime in the   United States! Condemn the
criminalization of dissent at home or abroad! With a clear   conscience,
put the blame squarely where it belongs!

  September 11, 2001


        Condemn the Terrorist Attacks in the U.S.!
               No to Revenge and Retribution!

              Statement of the People's Front, September 11, 2001

  The People's Front shares the sense of profound shock and abhorrence
at the killing and
  wounding of innocent people in the terrorist attack on the World Trade
Centre in New York and   elsewhere in the U.S. Acts of terrorism, of
directing violence against innocent women, men and   children cannot be
condoned or rendered legitimate no matter what "lofty" cause is used to
justify   it.

  Terrorism is the trade and practice of world reaction. The deliberate
killing of innocent people   through acts of terrorism does not serve
the cause of the peoples fighting for liberation and social   progress.
It is part of the geo-politics of the big powers, particularly the U.S.,
to cultivate and arm   terrorists to destabilize and disrupt the
peoples' struggles.

  No one has yet claimed responsibility for the atrocity at the World
Trade Centre but already the   U.S. government is creating hysteria and
war psychosis in order to justify attacking whatever   nation or people
the U.S. decides to target. It will create conditions to split the
peoples of the   world on a racist basis and will not contribute to
solving the issue of "terrorism." It will only   strengthen the hand of
the U.S. and its allies and further isolate those people and nations,
particularly those in the Middle East who are fighting for their
sovereignty and self-determination,   against the dictate of the U.S.
imperialists. No one should permit a hand to be raised against any
member of the polity because of their national origin or their political
opinions in connection with   this atrocity at the World Trade Centre.
Most importantly, talk about "revenge," or acts of   retribution by the
U.S. must be opposed and soundly condemned.

  The People's Front calls on Canadians to be vigilant. Oppose the
strident jingoism of the U.S.   President that war has been declared on
"freedom itself." No to revenge and retribution! No to   terrorism and
reactionary violence!


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