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14:50 Dennis w Siham Rashid of the Palestinian Counseling Center (link2) in East Jerusalem: Dennis: we keep seeing this celebration by the Palestinians on TV.. Sehan: what happened yesterday was a shock, a tragedy for all of us around the world.. what's happening here, hundreds of Palestinians gathering in East Jerusalem at a vigil in front of the US Consulate, to show support for the U.S. citizens.. people should not rush to judgement.. like after the Oklahoma City Bombing.. media and individuals were pointing fingers at Arab Americans.. I was a victim of the backlash.. to the people of the United States: we are with you.. we share your tragedy.. we are standing next to you.. we are waiting to hear.. Dennis: Last night Ariel Sharon gave a midnight speech, saying now America knows what Israel has gone through.. Ms Rashid: It's the wrong time for politicians to use this tragedy to politically manuever for their cause.. this barbaric incident.. I had to rush home and call my sister in NY, my sister in Washington, to make sure everyone is OK.. what's happening now here in the Occupied Territories.. the atmosphere is really tense here like always.. there is no comparibility to what the Palestinians have available to them, as compared to the Israelis.. we were surrounded by scores of police, in our faces, humiliating the people standing there (at the vigil).. about brutalizations against Arabs in the Middle East..Israel does not hesitate to punish the whole community for the actions of an individual.. we P


25:45 Dennis w Harvard architect Jim Mallot (sp?): the rush to build those towers may have led to many more deaths.. these buildings were built with.. a very lightweight structure.. bar joists.. about the construction techniques used because they were light and fast to build.. but if one component failed, they all failed.. the explosion peeled away the sheetrock exposing the steel.. the fire weakened the steel.. the steel collapsed.. tower 2 being struck, photoif normal construction had been used, the buildings would still be standing.. compare the Empire State Building, a B-25 flew into the side of it.. the fire lasted longer, burned out five floors, but since the columns were covered with concrete the building survived.. this was a catastrophic failure, the buildings should have stood.. Alexander Cockburn yesterday quoted the architect who said the towers were built to withstand an impact from a 747a


43:00 Dennis w Alexander Cockburn of Counter Punch Magazine.. yesterday's article 'Flying Bombs, Who Saw It Coming?'.. Dennis: $20 billion more for military intelligence.. think they can get Osama Bin Laden now? Alexander: sure when you don't know what to do, double the budget.. a failure of intelligence.. supposedly Bin Laden told someone 3 weeks ago a big attack was coming.. in the case of Pearl Harbor, some believe the American military saw it coming, but said nothing, to get America into the war.. Dennis: we couldn't find anyone to talk to yesterday in the government.. Alexander: Bush gave a couple stupid little speeches yesterday morning, flew to Nebraska, then gave a foolish speech last night.. the government run by TV anchors.. about the traditional 3 network anchors.. about the CIA training given to Osama Bin Laden in Afghanistan.. about the lack of eloquence of reporters decribing the staggering and horrible spectacle.. hear plenty talk about 'faceless cowards'.. faceless maybe, cowards, probably not.. no one tried to explain why the attack took place.. why? this is *probably* a reaction to U.S. support for Israel.. Dennis: maybe weapons in space could have prevented it.. Alexander: they captured these planes with penknives.. they'll probably double the missle defense budget anyway, they're using the pentagon budget as an instrument of economic stabilization.. to subscribe to Counter Punch Magazine, call 800-840-3683

-55:30 Dennis Bernstein: about the phoney plot in 1992 to assassinate George Bush Sn floated by the CIA .. Clinton bought it, and bombed Bagdad.. killed famous Iraqi artist Laila Alateer (sp?) along with her husband.. her daughter wounded in the eye, she came to America for surgery.. Clinton flew over her home everytime he went to Stanford to visit Chelsey, never stopped to apologize for his bit of state terrorism

re suffering, and we are concerned for the suffering of those in America..

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