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MessageBS, why would somebody with an estimated fortune of $250 millions need of 
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  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Miroslav Antic 
  To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; BALKAN ; NATO ; Siem-News ; SNN ; 'SNN-Yahoo' 
  Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2001 10:48 PM
  Subject: Israeli intelligence: Iraq financed attacks [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

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        World Tribune 

        Israeli intelligence: Iraq 
        financed attacks 

        Wednesday, September 12, 2001 

        Iraq recruited Saudi billionaire fugitive Osama Bin Laden and his Islamic 
        allies to carry out the suicide attacks around the United States, according 
        to Israeli intelligence. 

        Israeli officials and intelligence analysts said the suicide hijackings that 
        downed the World Trade Center and destroyed parts of the Pentagon was too 
        large an operation for any one group. The analysts said the operation was 
        also too big even for a coalition of Islamic terrorists headed by Saudi 
        billionaire fugitive Osama Bin Laden. Bin Laden is accused of masterminding 
        the bombings of the U.S. embassies in eastern African in 1998. 

        Intelligence sources briefed the Cabinet of Prime Minister Ariel Sharon on 
        late Tuesday, hours after the catastrophe in New York and Washington, Middle 
        East Newsline reported. The sources were quoted as telling the Cabinet that 
        a Middle East government was probably the sponsor of the attack. 

        The most likely sponsor for such an attack, the sources said, is Iraq. The 
        Baghdad regime has long maintained an alliance with Bin Laden and Islamic 

        "All the steps lead to him [Bin Laden]," Reuven Paz, a leading expert on 
        Islamic terrorism, said. "Of all the countries, Iraq seems the most 
        reasonable [candidate]." 

        In Baghdad, Iraqi state television appeared to welcome the bombings. The 
        television said the spate of attacks demonstrated the vulnerability of the 
        United States. 

        "The massive explosions in the centers of power in America, notably the 
        Pentagon, is a painful slap in the face of U.S. politicians to stop their 
        illegitimate hegemony and attempts to impose custodianship on peoples," the 
        television said. "It was no coincidence that the World Trade Center was 
        destroyed in suicidal operations involving two planes that have broken 
        through all U.S. security barriers to carry the operation of the century and 
        to express rejection of the reckless U.S. policy." 

        "The collapse of U.S. centers of power is a collapse of the U.S. policy, 
        which deviates from human values and stands by world Zionism at all 
        international forums to continue to slaughter the Palestinian Arab people 
        and implement U.S. plans to dominate the world under the cover of what is 
        called the new [world] order," the television added. "These are the fruits 
        of the new U.S. order." 

        The Israeli Cabinet was informed that the United States might launch a 
        massive attack on Iraq and Afghanistan over the coming days. The sources 
        said such an attack could prompt a regional war. 

        On early Wednesday, Afghanistan appeared to have been a target of 
        retaliation. Several bombings were heard in the Afghan capital of Kabul. 
        U.S. officials denied that their country was responsible. 

        In the aftermath of the suicide bombings in the United States, Israel closed 
        its air space. Israel also warned the Palestinian Authority to immediately 
        stop all attacks against the Jewish state. 

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