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Bodansky, the task force's director since its inception, is a native Israeli who became a naturalized American citizen. He is currently associated with the Freeman Center for Strategic Studies in Houston, a group WJW sources described as a "small outfit of people holding right-wing views."Bodansky's work also includes the 1993 book "Target America," in which he advanced now discredited theories such as allegations that the gunman who killed two people outside CIA headquarters was an Iranian agent "infiltrated into the U.S. for operations in the Washington area..." (5/14/93, Houston Chronicle)Even a number of pro-Israel writers have denounced Bodansky's work. Daniel Pipes, editor of Middle East Quarterly, called Bodansky's writing "absolutely alarmist and unreliable." Barry Rubin, editor of Middle East Review of International Affairs, said task force reports are the "product of extremists who care nothing for serious research, responsible intelligence assessment, or accurate analysis." (Metro West Jewish News, 2/6/97) Congressional sources say that task force reports are now generally ignored. A 1993 profile of Bodansky by Fred Abood of the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) even alleged that he was or is a spy for Israel. (The Arizona Republic, 6/21/1993) According to the ADC profile: "In 1985, shortly after Naval intelligence employee Jonathan Pollard was caught as an Israeli spy, Bodansky dropped out of sight. According to sources, Bodansky was one of Pollard's controllers and had, they say, always operated as an agent of LEKEM, the Israeli defense ministry's technological espionage branch. Bodansky had reportedly been sent to the United States in respect to Israel's plans, at the time, to build the LAVI, a modified version of the U.S. F-16. Even Davar, the Israeli Labor Party newspaper, reported that Bodansky was tied to Pollard." (see
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