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Hijackers linked to Saudi Arabia and Emirates 
Agencies aim to trace Bin Laden training camps

Ewen MacAskill and Brian Whitaker
Friday September 14, 2001
The Guardian

Western intelligence sources are now concentrating
wholly on the theory that the Saudi-born terrorist
Osama bin Laden was responsible for the attacks and
reject suggestions from retired US commanders, such as
Wesley Clark, that Iraq was behind it. 

American investigators into the attacks on New York
City and Washington are retracing the trail that took
the 50-odd terrorists involved in the attacks from the
Middle East to the United States. 

Within 48 hours of the explosions, the investigators
have linked some of the terrorists to the United Arab
Emirates and Saudi Arabia. But it is almost certain
that these may turn out to be just staging posts and
the trail will lead to other parts of the Middle East
and Asia. 

In the light of the revelation that Bin Laden is
operating in at least 34 countries, the US, with the
help of other intelligence agencies, will follow the
trail through to his training camps and bases, and
even further back to the many Arab countries from
which he recruits. 

State-owned television in the UAE, after its
government initially denied any links to the hijack in
Boston, confirmed that two suspects had international
driving licences issued in the UAE, based on Saudi
driving licences, in June 2001. The two had Saudi

The UAE has an unenviable reputation as a transit spot
for terrorists, drug-smugglers and money launderers, a
relatively easy place to pick up false identity
papers. It is also one of only three countries that
recognise Taliban rule in Afghanistan. 

Western diplomats confirmed yesterday that
international pressure had been put on the UAE in
recent years to clean up the money laundering and
smuggling but without success. 

A connection with the UAE was also established by
Yemeni investigations into the bombing of the USS Cole
in Aden harbour last October, which killed 17 people. 

One of the suspects at the time said he received
telephone instructions for the bombing from a man in
the UAE whom he had met during the Afghan war against

He identified the man as Mohammed Omar al-Harazi, a
Saudi citizen of Yemeni origin who is also known as
Abu al-Mohsin and Abu al-Hasan. Harazi, who is
believed to have provided funds for the attack,
reportedly disappeared four days before the bombing. 

UAE embarrassment at being linked to Tuesday's attacks
is shared by Saudi Arabia, especially as it regards
itself as the main Arab ally of the US in the Middle
East. Thousands of American troops are stationed in
the kingdom. 

Bin Laden was born in Saudi Arabia but the country
stripped him of citizenship in 1994 for his activities
against the royal family. 

A report by Kenneth Katzman of the Library of Congress
congressional research service, completed just before
the attacks, predicted that Bin Laden and his
followers posed a threat to US interests and that his
network "wants to strike within the United States

Cells of Bin Laden's al-Quaida (the Base) network have
been identified, or are suspected to exist, in
countries throughout the Middle East and Africa, in
Asian nations such as Malaysia and the Philippines, in
Ecuador, Bosnia, Albania, Britain, Canada and
"allegedly inside the United States itself", the
report said. 

Mr Katzman said Bin Laden was estimated to have about
$300m (£205m) in personal assets. 

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