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Beware the Bushfire 
Any nation that has been the victim of such an
unspeakable crime as the killing of thousands of
innocent people in New York and Washington will find
it difficult to resist the urge to retaliate against
suspects and their backers with overwhelming force. 
This is especially true for the United States, which
is the world's most powerful country and one whose
mainland has been immune to the depredations of terror
and war. 
Nevertheless, the Bush administration would do well to
resist the temptation to lash out. Tuesday's terrorist
outrages call for painstaking investigation in order
to identify the individuals or groups responsible so
that they may be brought to justice. 
Any use of force by the US will probably be illegal in
international law and counter-productive as well.
America cannot buy security for its own people by
making life more insecure for people elsewhere. 
US airstrikes will invariably lead to the 'collateral'
killing of innocent civilians and provide more fuel to
the already incendiary mindset of those who have
historically been victims of US policies. 
Far from stopping terrorist outrages, US airstrikes
will make future occurrences even more likely. 
When the use of force in international politics has
been raised to the level of a cult by the US in the
years since the Cold War ended, it is inevitable that
America's enemies and victims around the world will
adopt equally monstrous methods. 
The attack on the World Trade Center is a product of
the same diseased moral compass which allows the slow
strangulation of Iraq's civilian population through
economic sanctions, the destruction of Sudan's main
pharmaceutical plant, the killing of journalists in
the deliberate bombing of Belgrade's television
station, or the continuing humiliation of the
Thanks to US insistence on sanctions remaining in
place, more than 500,000 Iraqis have been sent to an
early grave, most of them children. The official Iraqi
reaction to Tuesday's carnage was appallingly callous;
but no more so than Madeleine Albright's ghastly
declaration that the death of half a million Iraqi
children ''is a price worth paying''. 
In the past, Washington has used force against those
it considered responsible for acts of terrorism but
none of its actions brought the US greater security. 
In 1986, the Reagan administration sent bombers to
blast an area around the residence of Libyan leader
Muammar Gaddhafi in retaliation for the bombing of a
Berlin discotheque in which two American soldiers
Scores of innocent people, including Gaddhafi's infant
daughter, were killed but Washington has still been
unable to prove the complicity of the Libyan
government in the Berlin bombing. 
If that bombing was meant to serve as a 'deterrent',
it was, by Washington's own reckoning, a spectacular
failure since, according to the US, Libyan agents
later planted a bomb on PanAm 103 which exploded over
Lockerbie in Scotland. 
In 1998, the Clinton administration fired cruise
missiles at a medicine factory in Khartoum, Sudan, and
a suspected training camp of Osama bin Laden at Khost
in Afghanistan. 
The attack was in retaliation for the bombing of its
embassies in Kenya and Tanzania. The US claimed the
Sudanese factory was a chemical weapons plant but
blocked an attempt by the UN to investigate the
veracity of this charge. 
The owner of that factory is now suing the US in a
Washington court for millions of dollars. As for the
former CIA operative, Osama, the Khost attack did
nothing to blunt his enmity or capacity to hit back. 
Earlier this year, militants believed to be linked to
the Saudi millionaire blew a huge hole in USS Cole, a
US warship anchored off Aden. And now, if initial
leads by US investigators prove correct, Osama's men
have delivered their most catastrophic and brutal blow
Even as they mourn the thousands who died in New York
and Washington, the American people must resolve to
force their government never to undertake military
operations which violate international law and place
innocent civilians at risk. 
Rather than seeking to build an international
coalition against 'terrorism' in order to try and
eliminate the problem though the use of force, the US
must confront the historical legacy of its flawed
policies towards West Asia and other parts of the
US support for repressive regimes like Israel and
Saudi Arabia, its interventions in Lebanon and
Afghanistan, and its use of sanctions as a weapon of
mass destruction against the people of Iraq have
caused so much death and suffering that irrationality
has become an integral part of the region's politics.
As the grievances pile up in combustible layers,
fanatics have no difficulty in finding and motivating
others to do the unthinkable. 
In the territories occupied by Israel, for example,
young Palestinians are prepared to blow themselves up
just so that they can kill one Israeli in the process.
No cruise missile or world coalition can ever provide
protection from such a perverse and self-destructive
sense of victimhood. 
Only the implementation of UN Security Council
resolutions and the chance for Palestinians to live in
dignity can help. Full statehood for the Palestinians
and the dismantling of Israeli settlements in the West
Bank and Gaza will do more to take the wind out of
Osama's sails than the bombing of Kabul, Kandahar or
Since several hundred Indian nationals are thought to
have been killed in the attack on the World Trade
Center, India is very much an interested party. 
But instead of counselling the Bush administration
that it is embarking on a foolish and dangerous path
which can only make the world's peoples more insecure,
the Vajpayee government has indicated that it will
offer the US military facilities for the 'war' against
international terrorism. 
Of course, the government is being driven primarily by
its desire to use Washington against Islamabad but
what this will also do is to make the US even more of
a player in South Asia than it already is. 
Those desirous of an alliance between India and the US
may ask whether that is necessarily a bad thing. What
they should realise is that America has its interests
and will stick to them. 
'Global' coalitions are summoned only when those
interests are endangered. Helping India to develop,
feel secure or combat terrorism do not figure anywhere
in Mr Bush's list of priorities.

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