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September 15, 2001
Time: 6.20 p.m.

Concerning: Police attack on the people of Kucuk Armutlu (Istanbul)

This afternoon at around 2.00 p.m. the police attacked the funeral of Umus
Sahingoz, who died yesterday on the 330th day of the death fast.

The death fast (hungerstrike until death) in Turkey continues now for 331
days and was started by the political prisoners against a repressive
isolation system in the prisons called F-Types. Until today 65 prisoners,
familiy members and supporters even in Europe have lost their lives during
the resistance. Family members of prisoners are supporting their children in
the death fast action.

To stop the resistance the Turkish government conditionally released
prisoners on death fast. Most of them continue their action together with
members of TAYAD (Solidarity Association of Prisoner's Families) in Kucuk
Armutlu, which is a poor neighbourhood of Istanbul.

According to our informations the police arrested around 150 persons in the
beginning of today's attack, using violence. Armutlu is surrounded by police
forces whom started to attack the people of the neighbourhood Kucuk Armutlu.
They use arms, panzers, water hoses and gas bombs against the population. It
was told by some people of the neighbourhood that some persons were hitten
by panzers and injured by bullets. Gas masks were distributed to the press
and the attacking police is shouting for "REVENGE".

Inhabitants of Kucuk Armutlu to whom it was still possible to communicate
told that they were effected by the gas bombs very strong and that they
could hardly breathe. The police is burning down everything and is close to
the resistance houses.

Some of the resisters in Kucuk Armutlu warned, that they'll sacrifice
themselves if the police doesn't stop the attack.

Nobody knows in this moment how many people are wounded and if there are

This is a clear attempt for a massacre.

We have warned the public in Europe hundreds of times to be sensible in this
case. The silence has to be broken.

Turkey tries to take advantage from the recent international situation and
kill the people in Kucuk Armutlu who are on the side of the prisoners on
death fast, aside from the international public.

We urge to draw attention to this urgent and serious problem and act as soon
as you can to save the lives of the people on death fast, their family
members and friends.

Call the responsible of Foreign Affairs of your government or the
authorities in Turkey to protest against the arbitrary attack and ask the
immediate release for all arrested people.

TAYAD Committee
Tel: 0475-487 202

Protest fax numbers in Turkey:

Minister of Internal Affairs
Tel: 0090-312-418 13 68
Fax: 0090-312-418 17 95

Minister of Justice
Tel: 0090-312-419 60 50
Fax: 0090-312-417 39 54

Press Agency Ozgurluk
In Support of the Revolutionary Peoples Liberation Struggle in Turkey

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