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Sunday Telegraph
Sunday 16 September 2001

Bush finalises battle plan
AMERICA was last night assembling the biggest military
strike force since the Gulf War as President Bush
issued an ultimatum to Pakistan to back allied action
or run the risk of being bombed.
George W Bush: planning a sustained offensive
In his bluntest terms yet, Mr Bush made clear that the
United States was about to launch a sustained
offensive against Osama bin Laden and his terror camps
in Afghanistan. 
The Saudi Islamic fundamentalist was named for the
first time by the President as the prime suspect in
the suicide hijack attacks on New York and Washington
that left almost 5,000 missing.
American officials have made clear that they expect
Pakistan, which is the nearest point for allied forces
to attack bin Laden's base in neighbouring
Afghanistan, to co-operate fully in the allied
In an uncompromising list of demands made to
Pakistan's military leaders, US officials called for
Islamabad to close training camps used by Islamic
The US demanded that Pakistan shares all its
intelligence on bin Laden and the Taliban, an
organisation which it created in 1994 and is still
funding. Pakistan should also make available airspace
to US warplanes and take action to cut off funding to
any group allied to bin Laden, and to close its border
with Afghanistan.
If Pakistan failed to comply, US officials warned that
the country ran the risk of being bombed in any future
military action taken against Islamic terrorists. "We
have been left with no doubt," said a senior Pakistan
"We can no longer be a friend of bin Laden and the US.
And if we don't opt for Washington then they will not
only cut off economic funding, including that from the
International Monetary Fund, but also see us as a
potential target."
As Pakistani officials considered the demands US
forces started flying reinforcements to bases around
the Middle East. Twelve B2 stealth bombers were on
standby to fly to the British Indian Ocean island of
Diego Garcia.
SAS troops are preparing to join US special forces for
operations in Afghanistan. British security service
officials believe that initial missile strikes will
take place "within days", although the full operation
will take longer to mount.
As Washington attempts to forge a broad alliance,
Pakistan was warned that Islamic militant training
camps on its territory would be targeted if it refuses
to support strikes against bin Laden. Although
President Pervez Musharraf promised full co-operation,
his own powerful military intelligence is firmly
opposed to Pakistani involvement.
America urged Russia to allow it to use Tajikistan,
the former Soviet republic that borders Afghanistan
and is still dominated by Moscow, as a platform for
troops to move against their mutual enemy.
The Taliban told all foreigners to leave the country
in view of a possible attack and threatened war
against any of its neighbours that offers assistance
to Washington. Mr Bush prepared Americans for conflict
as he repeated "we're at war" in a radio address. 
He said: "There's no question about it, this action
will not stand. We're going to find those who did it,
we're going to smoke them out of their holes, we will
get them running and we will bring them to justice."
Before meeting security advisers at Camp David, he
added: "If he [bin Laden] thinks he can hide and run
from the US and our allies, he will be sorely
Congress approved late on Friday a resolution allowing
the President to strike both individuals and nations
which he determines "planned, authorised, committed or
aided the terrorist attacks".
American intelligence officials have intensified
monitoring of suspected terrorist groups amid fears
that further "sleeper" cells will launch fresh attacks
in response to US military retaliation. 
US military commanders plan a three-stage assault
against training camps used by bin Laden, beginning
with air strikes by cruise missiles, followed by
carpet bombing and attacks by ground troops. 
Six training camps and rebel bases used by bin Laden's
supporters in Afghanistan are understood to have been
identified as targets. "We are going to go in hard and
we are going to get it right," one Pentagon official
told The Telegraph.
John Gannon, a former CIA intelligence chief, warned
that bin Laden supporters have been trying to develop
nuclear and biological weapons for future attacks.
Other reports say they are already in the process of
making chemical weapons.
The Pentagon is also preparing to strike against Iraq
after it emerged that Saddam Hussein has been
providing bin Laden's terrorist network with funding,
logistical back-up and advanced weapons training.
Over the past four months senior Iraqi intelligence
officers have met representatives from al-Qaeda, bin
Laden's international network, in Pakistan. They are
believed to have transferred at least £2.7 million to
his agents via diplomatic bags in cash or Lebanese
bank accounts over the past year.
Pakistan's President Musharraf said yesterday that his
country will co-operate with US demands. However, a
meeting in Rawalpindi yesterday of corps commanders
and intelligence chiefs was deeply divided as his own
powerful military intelligence backed a new jihad
(holy war) against the West.
Not only does Pakistan have plenty of Islamic
militants of its own fighting in Afghanistan but there
are millions of armed Afghans in Pakistan and millions
of Pakistanis who see bin Laden as a hero. Moreover in
the country's highly Islamicised armed forces many
generals share the same strict vision of Islam.
Meanwhile, America's European allies, led by France,
were backing away from offers of full military support
after Nato's show of solidarity. "We know that we can
only rely on Britain, not France and Germany" said a
US official.

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