Title: Re: Sample letter to President Bush
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Dear President Bush:

The wilful destruction and heartrending loss of innocent lives in New York
and Washington last Tuesday was wicked, depraved, and utterly unjustifiable.
Sadly, however - contrary to the consternation you pretend - such tragic
events are by no means inexplicable... Nor - except perhaps, in their
awesomely fearful scale, dramatic visual symbolism and almost surreal TV
presentation - were they even unpredictable.

You, above all, should have known it was only a matter of time before the
sheer determination of desperate people with a message that successive
American administrations simply wouldn't listen to and have steadfastly
refused to address finally worked out some fiendish way to deliver it.

Washington's transparent double-standards, terrorist alliances, illicit
intervention in far off lands and ruthless manipulation of other peoples'
human rights, solely to suit US political and commercial interests, are
palpable injustices. Keeping the lid on seething discontent by bombing
and the eternal threat of America's sophisticated military might to enforce
its own lucrative and self-serving World Order at their expense was always
a recipe for certain disaster. And now, as a result, disaster is precisely
what has been brought down upon the innocent criminally misinformed heads
of your own American people at home.    

Yet, even in the midst of this latest appalling testimony to mankind's
seemingly endless capacity to inflict pain and suffering upon itself, you,
as President of the United States and self-proclaimed "leader of the world"
appear singularly bent only on tossing still greater quantities of fuel on
the world's raging fires of hate - presumably, to render them unquenchable...
You stride to the podium and stand at the head of a great and magnificently
appointed Christian church to address its weeping congregation of pitiably
grieving fellow Americans with exhortations to wage a retaliatory war! A war
against an already pitiably suffering people in a crumbling, far off land
about which most of those assembled know little and few even pretend to care.

Well, in His church or not, Jesus Christ - in whose name you all, ostensibly,
were gathered - would have no part in such evildoing.  

"America's adversaries," you snarled, "wage war by stealth and deception"...
clearly oblivious of the fact that the USA itself operates a much vaunted
warplane, the "Stealth Bomber" - a dealer in death by deception - that goes
under that very name... And in which a fair proportion of that congregation,
America's leaders and their military chiefs take inordinate, misguided, pride.

A 'New War Order', Mr President, is the last thing the world needs right now...
Least of all, America.

John Jay

From: Nancy Hey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Sample letter to President Bush
Date: Sat, Sep 15, 2001, 2:39 am

> Dear friends,
> In these troubling times, I hope we can all remember that the true path to
> peace lies in forgiveness and reconcilliation, not in revenge. The tragedy
> of 9/11 can bring out the best in people by encouraging us to reach out to
> those in need.  At the same time, we should resist our President's misguided
> calls for war, retaliation and revenge as a response to this tragedy.  We
> must let our leaders know that causing more killing is not the way to honor
> the memory of the people who died in Tuesday's attack.
> To that end, I've drafted the following letter to Pres. Bush.  I hope you'll
> consider writing him one of your own, in your own words, using this one as a
> guide.
> peacefully yours,
> Nancy Hey
> September 15, 2001
> President George W. Bush
> The White House
> 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
> Washington, DC 20500
> ________________________________


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