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Dear Kole,
                 Notwithstanding the lingering effects
of Khomeini era influence in Iran, nor the
introduction of Islamic law in Sudan, Iran now is
different than it was in 1979 - according to the US
itself at any rate - and neither Iran nor Sudan was
established as a theocratic state after World War II,
unlike several others I could name. 
In no way can either be compared to Aghanistan under
both the Mujahedin and Talian regimes, as Western
propaganda is currently trying to portray them.
Similarly, Libya's constitution has an Islamic
flavoring, but could hardly be described as an Islamic
fundamentalist regime.
Both Iran and Sudan have had several governments since
1945, and the vast majority of years intervening
between then and now have seen purely secular
governments. As they may again at anytime.
Such is definitively not the case with US client
regimes and recipients of US military aid like
Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Oman, Kuwait, the
United Arab Emirates, etc.
Without splitting too many hairs, the US is 'building
a case' against several countries with no connection -
or with Sudan, no current connection - with the
alleged evildoer Osama bin Laden, and it seems
incumbent on all of us to acquaint Western friends -
who do not understand why Shiite Iran would not harbor
Wahhabi Sunni fundamentalists, for example - with the
For peace,

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