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"Thousands of people are pouring out of Afghanistan amid fears of US strikes, 
defying border closures and threatening to overwhelm the aid effort to 
support them...The UN says about 4,000 people have made the journey in the 
past two days, and it expects another 3-4,000 a day will continue to flood 
in. About 5,000 refugees are on the border near Kandahar, being prevented 
from crossing. A BBC correspondent in Peshawar says most of the Afghans 
entering Pakistan are women and children; there are reports the Taleban is 
refusing to allow any men to leave in case they are needed to fight....a BBC 
correspondent says that the roads out of the capital Kabul and Jalalabad in 
the east are crammed with vehicles of people fleeing to the countryside."

Hmmm...isn't that interesting...wonder where we've seen that type of 
human-behavior before?  

Tuesday, 18 September, 2001, 13:59 GMT 14:59 UK 
Afghan exodus gathers pace
Thousands of people are pouring out of Afghanistan amid fears of US strikes, 
defying border closures and threatening to overwhelm the aid effort to 
support them. 

Bin Laden: Wanted "dead or alive" by President Bush
The exodus continued as Afghanistan's ruling Taleban put off making a 
decision on whether to hand over Osama Bin Laden. 

Pakistani leaders have warned the Taleban's spiritual leader, Mullah Mohammad 
Omar that unless he surrenders Bin Laden, a prime suspect in the destruction 
a week ago of the World Trade Center in New York, he risks a devastating US 

Talks are continuing on Tuesday between a Pakistani delegation and the 
Taleban, but a special session of 1,000 senior Afghan Islamic clerics, the 
Shura, called to discuss Bin Laden's fate, was postponed for at least a day, 
according to a Taleban official. 

In other developments: 

President George W Bush said he wanted Bin Laden "dead or alive 

Two more people in the United States are detained as "material witnesses", 
taking the number of people detained for questioning in the investigation so 
far to 49 

According to the latest figures, 5,422 people are still missing in New York 
and 201 are confirmed dead, 135 of whom have been identified 

The FBI investigates more than 40 attacks on Muslims, and two major trials 
involving Muslims are postponed through fear of prejudice 

Stock markets around the world remain volatile following the biggest one-day 
fall in history on Wall Street 

America observes a minute's silence at precisely 0848EDT (1248GMT), when the 
first plane struck the World Trade Center a week ago. 

A Pakistan Government official told the AP news agency on Tuesday that the 
Taleban had discussed conditions for extraditing Bin Laden, including 
international recognition of the Taleban government and lifting of UN 

But these demands have been made before, and at the moment Taleban leaders 
are talking more about a possible holy war against the US if attacked and 
professing their belief that God is able to bring them victory even against 
the military might of Washington. 

An influx of 2.5m refugees is already overburdening aid workers
Aid officials are preparing themselves for the influx of refugees, moving 
tents, food supplies and staff to border areas. 

But they are already overburdened with 2.5 million Afghan refugees, victims 
of civil war and drought. 

Pakistan closed its borders on Monday as tens of thousands of Afghans 
streamed toward the frontier. 

Thousands of refugees tried to cross into Pakistan at the border town of 
Torkham in northern Pakistan, but were turned away. 

But much of the Afghan-Pakistan border lies in remote areas, and it is 
virtually impossible for the Pakistanis to prevent people coming in. 

Thousands have already crossed near the Pakistani city of Quetta, and the UN 
is now moving tents and food supplies to that area. 

The UN says about 4,000 people have made the journey in the past two days, 
and it expects another 3-4,000 a day will continue to flood in. About 5,000 
refugees are on the border near Kandahar, being prevented from crossing. 

A BBC correspondent in Peshawar says most of the Afghans entering Pakistan 
are women and children; there are reports the Taleban is refusing to allow 
any men to leave in case they are needed to fight. 

The UN is targeting Afghanistan's internal refugees
Nevertheless, a BBC correspondent says that the roads out of the capital 
Kabul and Jalalabad in the east are crammed with vehicles of people fleeing 
to the countryside. 

Kandahar - the principal city in the south and the headquarters of the 
Taleban - is reported by aid agencies to be half empty and Kabul a quarter 

UN spokeswoman Stephanie Bunker, said: "The situation is developing very 
rapidly right now. 

"We are therefore prioritising assistance for the internally displaced 

"We have to scale up assistance before winters that start in November." 

Bin Laden and the Taleban have denied any involvement in the US attacks on 
New York and the Pentagon a week ago. 

The Taleban have also refused to hand over the exiled Saudi-born militant Bin 
Laden, who has been living under their protection since 1996. 

The US is pointing the finger at me, but I categorically state that I have 
not done this
Osama Bin Laden  

However, BBC correspondent Kate Clark says that there is still a possibility 
that the Taleban, fearing for their own regime, may hand him over. 

It would be a huge climbdown, but public endorsement by the clerics might 
make it possible. 

Muslim attacks 

Mr Bush has called for an end to violence against Muslims in the United 
States over the past week. 

Pro-Taleban supporters shout their defiance as they are arrested in Pakistan
In a visit to a mosque, Mr Bush condemned what were described as revenge 
attacks on Muslims and members of some ethnic minorities. 

European leaders are heading to Washington for talks this week with Mr Bush, 
who is trying to form an international anti-terrorism coalition. 

French President, Jacques Chirac arrives on Tuesday, and will be followed UK 
Prime Minister Tony Blair later in the week. 

Both leaders will be back in Europe for a special European Union summit on 

US Secretary of State Colin Powell said that the international coalition was 
coming together. 

Pakistan has already pledged to provide the US with support and, although the 
government will not spell out exactly what this means, Foreign Minister Abdul 
Sattar said he could not rule out the idea of basing foreign troops in 

As the consultations went ahead, Reuters news agency quoted a Pakistani army 
captain as saying the Taleban had moved a large number of weapons, including 
missiles, to positions near the Pakistani border. 

The Afghan rulers have warned that they might attack any country that offers 
assistance to the United States. 

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