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Shanghai dispatch 


China torn over America's darkest day 

The public reaction to last week's attacks in America says a lot about anti-American 
sentiment, but China may yet still support retaliation, writes John Gittings 

Special report: terrorism in the US 

Tuesday September 18, 2001 

"All of us here think that what happened in New York and Washington is dreadful: it is 
too sad and too heartless," said a Shanghai student at the weekend, to a chorus of 
agreement. "But a few other colleagues who are more political think that the US 
deserved it." 
These "more political" views, expressed raucously in internet discussion groups during 
the first days after the disaster, have appalled some foreign observers. The Wall 
Street Journal said in an editorial that it was clear that "those publicly gloating 
over America's misfortune represent more than a tiny minority". 

Critics have cited other evidence of China's allegedly lukewarm attitude: the national 
TV network was slow in reporting the events; many newspapers only put them on the 
front page for the first couple of days; there was often more emphasis on the small 
number of Chinese who died than on the thousands of others, and so on. 

The Chinese authorities have even been criticised for not censoring the anti-American 
website postings - a marked contrast with more usual criticism of Beijing for 
censoring free speech. 

There is no doubt that media response was hesitant at first and that some website 
postings and popular comments have been painfully crude. Ordinary Chinese viewers 
complain that the official coverage has been "weak and bland". The Central TV channels 
only offered a full report three hours after the first attack although several 
provincial stations ran live feeds from CNN. 

Hundreds of one-liners to the effect that "the US is the world's biggest terrorist" 
have been posted. They were still appearing several days later, despite of reports 
that website supervisors had been instructed to tone them down. 

"The US crimes are inexhaustible and deserve the censure of heaven" read one such 
posting on the 15th. "All around me, everyone is applauding." 

Yet the websites only give a partial insight to public opinion. They tend to attract 
more quirky comments with a strong "patriotic" note often rooted in China's past. And 
the cruder postings were countered by appeals for a more humane approach and warnings 
that their language was an ugly throwback. 

"If the death of Liu Shaoqi (the former prominent leader now hailed as a victim of the 
Cultural Revolution) had been reported at the time," said one critic, "would not 
everyone have applauded blindly?" 

"China should be ashamed that there are such ignorant attitudes," said another, 
comparing anti-US sentiment today to the narrow-minded nationalism of the early 1900s 
when "people felt brave because they had cursed a foreigner". 

Other postings sought to distinguish - as commentators have done around the world - 
between condemnation of terrorism and the need to tackle its real causes. 

At the official level, there has been no "gloating" of any description. Indeed, 
Beijing has been more reluctant than many other governments to warn the US publicly 
against ill-considered action. 

While the Chinese president, Jiang Zemin, and other leaders sent messages and made 
telephone calls in support, there was only one official statement in the first few 
days calling for international "consultation". 

It took a week before the foreign ministry spokesman, Zhu Bangzao, spelt out today the 
Chinese position in more detail. China has its own strong interest in countering what 
it sees as Islamic terrorism in the north-west region of Xinjiang. 

Relations with the US are also picking up after the low point of the spy plane 
incident in April and President Bush is due to visit China in October. 

Beijing may still feel obliged to dissociate itself from US military action when it is 
taken, but so far the official line as expressed has been - somewhat bizarrely - more 
supportive of Washington than much of unofficial opinion. 

However, the decisions ahead will become progressively more difficult. Mr Jiang will 
have to offset his desire for improved relations with the US against the danger of 
appearing to support unilateral action. 

Backing by Nato, seen by China as a figleaf for American intervention in the Kosovo 
war, will not help. If the issue of retaliation is taken to the UN, as China is now 
asking, then it will still have to decide which way to vote on an issue where 
abstention (the course adopted by China in the Gulf war) is hardly possible. 

China may also have to consider covert US requests for military or intelligence 
cooperation in a region where Beijing is seeking to establish its own informal sphere 
of influence. 

And Mr Jiang cannot ignore the possibility of domestic dissent if initial public 
sympathy for the victims of New York and Washington is dissipated by military actions 
that can be portrayed as a new display of "US hegemonism". 


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