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Please look into this. Is this true? This is too big a thing to have "out there." Too big a post-Sept.11 "hoax," and worse than the Palestinian/Brazilian TV hoax about the people dancing in glee to pass around irresponsibly.

Who can reliably check this out? There are other strange things:

1. The passport of one hijacker miraculously made it through the crash, conflagration, and  building collapse to float conveniently down intact to be picked up by a passer-by.

2. One of the bags allegedly not loaded on the Boston plane had a Koran and a fuel calculator and "how to fly" instructions. How convenient. The only piece of baggafe that didn't get loaded was this incriminating evidence pointing to an Islamic  perpetrator.

The pilots knew very well how to fly. Very well, they were all incredible, especially the one that flew into the Pentagon, clipping the tops of the lightpoles as they flew unerringly toward their target.


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