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Salt Lake chief envisions tighter Olympic security

.c The Associated Press

SALT LAKE CITY (AP) - The organizer for the Winter Olympics expects more 
fences at venues and tighter security at athletes' housing and the IOC's 
headquarters hotel. 

Mitt Romney gave a report Wednesday by video conference to the IOC's 
executive board. Afterward, he said Salt Lake safety commanders are fully 
reviewing plans after last week's terrorist attacks. 

``The types of things we expect is a higher level of security at our 
alternative housing program at Soldier Hollow, a higher level of security 
than originally planned for the Olympic family hotel, potentially further air 
space restrictions'' and baggage restrictions at venues, Romney said. 

Soldier Hollow, outside Midway, Utah, is the Nordic venue and the only site 
for athlete housing other than the Olympic Village in Salt Lake City. 

IOC members will stay at the Little America hotel in downtown Salt Lake for 
the Feb. 8-24 games, although IOC president Jacques Rogge still plans to take 
a room at the Olympic Village. 

In Lausanne, Switzerland, the IOC on Wednesday expressed confidence in Salt 
Lake's ``very robust'' security plans and said no major changes or 
substantial amounts of money are needed. 

Asked about the possibility of troops on the streets, he said, ``What was 
planned seems to be perfectly adequate.'' 

Carrard said the IOC expected the United States to admit all accredited 
athletes, journalists and other personnel. The IOC issues Olympic identity 
cards, which are accepted in place of visas. 

Romney said he did not want to spend time contemplating the scenario of an 
airliner loaded with fuel crashing into a stadium during Olympic ceremonies. 
That scenario, IOC officials revealed Tuesday, has long been a part of 
Olympic safety planning. 

Two airliners crashed into New York's World Trade Center last week as another 
hit the Pentagon in Washington. 

After the attack, the IOC ordered a report on whether it could be held 
financially or legally liable for any terrorism during the Olympics. But it 
appears liability would fall on Olympic cities and organizing committees, 
which take full responsibility for staging the games, Romney said. 

The Salt Lake Organizing Committee is ``on the hook for any terrorism act 
that we have not prepared for,'' Romney said, but ``we're not spending our 
time worrying about it.'' 

Utah safety commanders plan to establish no-fly zone over the Olympic venues, 
and Romney said the U.S. military had the capability to ``intercept'' any 
errant flights. 

Romney was reluctant to contemplate the possibility that the games might have 
to be called off if the United States and allies find themselves in a 
sustained war against terrorism or rogue states. 

``It's our job to plan for the games,'' Romney said. ``I don't even want to 
think about the unthinkable.'' 

The experience for athletes is unlikely to change much, Romney said. Security 
could hardly be made tighter at the Olympic Village, which will be heavily 
guarded and surrounded by barbed-wire fences. 

But spectators could find longer waits and more thorough body and baggage 
searches at venue checkpoints, Romney said. And safety commanders also will 
probably impose restrictions on what people can bring into venues. 

Carrard said Salt Lake's torch relay, rather than being a security hazard, 
could be the perfect antidote. 

``Maybe the torch relay will provide a very special opportunity to bring 
people togther,'' he said. 

AP-NY-09-19-01 1404EDT

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