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From: John Clancy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <Africa: ;>
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Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2001 7:34 PM
Subject: NYT: Wash Times on 'Draconian Powers'

subject: NYT: Wash Times on 'Draconian Powers'
Date: Wed, 19 Sep 2001 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:  Wash Times on 'Draconian Powers'
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Wash Times on 'Draconian Powers'
Via NY Transfer News * All the News That Doesn't Fit

THE WASHINGTON TIMES (Moonie Owned and Operated)
Published 9/18/2001
Wartime presidential powers supersede liberties
by Frank J. Murray

The government arsenal to counterattack U.S.-based terrorists behind
last week's "act of war" already includes wartime powers and other
Draconian tactics that unsettle civil libertarians.

In "cases of rebellion or invasion [when] the public safety may
require it," the Constitution permits a president to suspend the
right to be freed from arrest by a writ of habeas corpus -- as
Lincoln did during the Civil War. That denies a person jailed even by
illegal means recourse in the courts.

On Lincoln's orders, outspoken civilians from secessionist states
were jailed at Fort McHenry without formal charges, as were
Baltimore's mayor, police chief and police commissioner, 31 members
of the Maryland legislature and newspaper reporters, members of
Congress and judges.

Simply by proclaiming a national emergency on Friday, President Bush
activated some 500 dormant legal provisions, including those allowing
him to impose censorship and martial law.

In 1944, the Supreme Court upheld the Roosevelt administration's use
of Executive Order 9066 to place curfews on Japanese-Americans and
later intern thousands of them. That legal precedent -- affirming the
conviction of Toyosaburo Korematsu, a U.S. citizen of Japanese
descent who refused the federal government's order to leave his home
in San Leandro, Calif. -- still is law and would sanction military
controls over a population perceived as dangerous.

"Congress, reposing its confidence in this time of war in our
military leaders -- as inevitably it must -- determined that they
should have the power to do just this," the justices said.

When the Korean conflict broke out in 1952, however, the high court
drew the line on allowing President Truman to use an executive order
to seize steel mills absent a declaration of war for a conflict far

The FBI said yesterday it has detained 49 persons so far.

Six are reportedly being held as "material witnesses" under sealed
warrants, with more sought under a process requiring a judge's
sanction for persons otherwise unlikely to be available to testify.

The rest were detained on charges related to immigration status,
allowing them to be held for months without formal criminal charges
being filed.

"We're going to find those evildoers, those barbaric people who
attacked our country and we're going to hold the people who house
them accountable, the people who think they can provide them safe
havens will be held accountable, the people who feed them will be
held accountable," Mr. Bush said at the Pentagon yesterday.

Since last Tuesday's horrific attacks with four hijacked airliners
took an estimated 6,000 lives at the World Trade Center and the
Pentagon, the Senate has passed legislation to let law-enforcement
personnel obtain private e-mails without a court order, to allow U.S.
attorneys to approve wiretaps in terrorism cases, and to lift the
longtime ban on CIA spying within the United States.

"Maybe what the terrorists have done made us feel a little bit less
safe. Maybe they have increased Big Brother in this country," said
Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick J. Leahy, Vermont
Democrat, who argues against hurried steps to wiretap computers and
telephones, as the Bush administration has requested, along with a
doubling of the five-year sentence for those who harbor terrorists.

"It is not so difficult to imagine government investigators, engaged
in good-faith efforts to protect our safety, beginning to ask, 'Are
you now, or have you ever been, a member of a pro-Palestinian
organization?'" said Tobias B. Wolff, a professor of constitutional
law at the University of California at Davis, drawing comparisons to

House Judiciary Committee member Bob Barr, Georgia Republican and a
former federal prosecutor, did not share that view.

"I'll let the Lord worry about justice for them. We ought to take
them out, and take them out as quickly as possible. I'm not worried
about Miranda warnings for them," Mr. Barr said.

"I don't believe the government should, and I don't believe they
would indiscriminately wiretap phones or read e-mails, but they
should be allowed to do so when they can document some reasonable
suspicion about terroristic activity," said Yarol Brook, director of
the Ayn Rand Institute at Marina del Rey, Calif.

Gregory Nojeim, associate director of the American Civil Liberties
Union's national office in Washington, said leaders had insisted the
terrorism "not be used to diminish liberty."

"At its very first opportunity, the Senate passed legislation that
threatens privacy rights," Mr. Nojeim said.

The White House rejected questions about any "concern that people's
civil liberties are being violated."

"Law enforcement agencies are going to act on legitimate
law-enforcement considerations, and they will do so in accordance
with all of our laws," White House spokesman Ari Fleischer said.

The Immigration and Naturalization Act allows a president to deny
entry to "any class" of immigrants whose admission "would be
detrimental to the interests of the United States."

E. Joshua Rosenkranz, president of the liberal Brennan Center of
Justice, doubts federal judges will be anxious to block aggressive
action in the wake of an assault likened to the sneak attack on Pearl

"No judge wants to be responsible for another act of terrorism," Mr.
Rosenkranz said.

Even if a majority of the Supreme Court found government actions
unconstitutional -- as Supreme Court Chief Justice Roger B. Taney did
in a 1861 ruling against Lincoln that Congress negated -- little can
be done to stop a president when national security is in jeopardy.

"I have exercised all the power which the Constitution and laws
confer upon me, but that power has been resisted by a force too
strong for me to overcome," Chief Justice Taney said. He dispatched
his ruling under seal to Lincoln at the White House "to determine
what measures he will take to cause the civil process of the United
States to be respected and enforced."

Lincoln defied the court and the suspension of habeas corpus was
revoked by President Andrew Johnson on Dec. 1, 1865, months after the
war ended.

  NY Transfer News Collective   *   A Service of Blythe Systems
           Since 1985 - Information for the Rest of Us
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nytcov-09.19.01-07:35:37-5970  " JC

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