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Attack on World Trade Center and Pentagon have changed the world. The world
will never be like it was before. Now it is especially important to have a
true picture of the contemporary political and military processes going on
in the world. 

Stopping unjustice against of the third world were quite obviously the only
way to avoid further large violences.

The incidencts in USA reflect very likely   deadlock in  the contradictory
situation between industrialized countries and the third world, whoever is
responsible for the attack.

For the present the world has been constructed on the basis of capitalist
force in trade and in politics. Now this way has come to its end. Instead of
using intelligence the global capitalism resorts to its last means, war.

In this war fight against terrorism is only a cover story. It is a war
launched by industrialized countries against the third world. By this strike
the global capitalism intends to take all the world´s raw material and
market areas under its own centralized control.
We can assume that the future war escalates in Asia. There is basis to speak
of WW III. China and Korea are in danger, actually all the continent.

When beginning a war the first victim is usually truth. The power media has
been harnessed to do the dirty work on this sector.

Below please find some material for further handling at this stage. It may
be possible to prevent total destruction by disseminating doubts on the
"news" spreaded by the western propaganda agencies.



Who is the Beneficiary from all this?

by Monzer Zimmo
Regardless of disagreements on American foreign policies, most media outlets
seem to have accepted the theory that the horrible events of September 11,
2001 resulted from American foreign policies. The basic premise in this
theory is that victims, or enemies, of American foreign policies committed
the terrorist attacks on American targets. Let us see if that basic premise
withstands the test of reason.

Those horrifying acts were committed with a high level of sophistication, in
terms of planning, coordination, and accuracy of execution. Such
sophistication suggests that those who dreamed up the attacks must have also
considered the consequences of their plot. They must have also calculated
who would benefit from their actions. Consider the volume of resources,
level of training, intelligence gathering capabilities, and the pragmatic
cold calculating ruthless minds behind such operation. Then consider whether
it is reasonable to accept that the perpetrators did not think of
consequences and did not calculate who would benefit from their acts.
Something is missing from this picture.

The perpetrators of those unspeakable crimes must have intended to benefit
from them. They must have calculated the outcome and must have considered
the possible reactions of the American public. More importantly, those
criminals must have carefully put in place diversion tactics to focus public
attention on someone else other than them; and preferably their enemies.

All media outlets seem to be focusing their reporting on Arab or Muslim
"suspects". No one is examining the possible beneficiaries of those criminal
acts. No one is considering the possibility that those horrible crimes were
not reactions to American foreign policies, but deliberate acts to firmly
position such policies in a certain direction. No one is searching for a
party who has the sophistication, the means, the intelligence gathering
capabilities, the motivation, the opportunity to benefit, the media
manipulation skills, and the burning desire to divert world attention from
its own actions against innocent civilians under its occupation. No one is
suspecting a party that is eager to obtain a license to oppress the people
it occupies as it wishes and with impunity. No one is considering the
possible, direct or indirect, involvement of the state of Israel!

by courtesy & © 2001 Monzer Zimmo <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

BBC: Attack on Afghanistan was already in the works

A former Pakistani diplomat has told the BBC that the US was planning
military action against Osama Bin Laden and the Taleban even before last
week's attacks. Niaz Naik, a former Pakistani Foreign Secretary, was told by
senior American officials in mid-July that military action against
Afghanistan would go ahead by the middle of October.

Mr Naik said US officials told him of the plan at a UN-sponsored
international contact group on Afghanistan which took place in Berlin.

Mr Naik told the BBC that at the meeting the US representatives told him
that unless Bin Laden was handed over swiftly America would take military
action to kill or capture both Bin Laden and the Taleban leader, Mullah

The wider objective, according to Mr Naik, would be to topple the Taleban
regime and install a transitional government of moderate Afghans in its
place - possibly under the leadership of the former Afghan King Zahir Shah.

Mr Naik was told that Washington would launch its operation from bases in
Tajikistan, where American advisers were already in place.

He was told that Uzbekistan would also participate in the operation and that
17,000 Russian troops were on standby.

Mr Naik was told that if the military action went ahead it would take place
before the snows started falling in Afghanistan, by the middle of October at
the latest.

He said that he was in no doubt that after the World Trade Center bombings
this pre-existing US plan had been built upon and would be implemented
within two or three weeks.

And he said it was doubtful that Washington would drop its plan even if Bin
Laden were to be surrendered immediately by the Taleban.



This report may constitute yet another fragment of evidence suggesting that
the 9 11 attacks may
have involved strategic deception. We do not endorse the information, but
pass it on in the public interest. EcoNews Service, Vancouver, BC


Stern-Intel (Canada). A US military intelligence source revealed details of
an internal intelligence memo that points to the Israeli Mossad intelligence
service having links to
the World Trade Center and Pentagon attacks. The intelligence source, who
requested his name be withheld, confirmed the internal US intelligence memo
circulated four weeks ago described information that pointed to the threat
of a covert

Israeli operation on US soil to turn mass public opinion against Palestinian
Arabs via an apparent terrorist attack on US interests that would give
Israel the green light to implement a large scale military onslaught against
the Palestinian Arab population.

The 11 September attack has been described by experts as being too
sophisticated for a lone terrorist group to execute.

"This attack required a high level of military precision and the resources
of an advanced intelligence agency. In addition, the attackers would have
needed to be extremely familiar
with both air force one flight operations, civil airline flight paths and
aerial assault tactics on sensitive US cities like Washington."

Stated David Stern an expert on Israeli intelligence operations.

The attacks targeted the Pentagon, World Trade Center towers, with the White
House and Air Force One also being targets according to the FBI.

"The attacks have certainly turned US public opinion firmly back in Israel's
favor after 11 months of Palestinian uprising, heavy criticism of Israel
over war crimes allegations and
racism by a UN conference in Durban. The attacks serve no Arab group or
nation's interests but their timing came in the midst of international
condemnation of Israel for its policy of
death squad assassination of Palestinian political and police figures" added

If verified, the news of Israel's involvement in the US attack will come as
no surprise to intelligence experts. The state of Israel has a long history
of covert operations against
Western targets with attacks on the King David Hotel, USS Liberty, murder of
a Scandinavian UN envoy as well as espionage against the US during the
Jonathan Pollard case.

On Wednesday the US defense department issued a warning to its officials to
halt the leak of information on the investigation which it says is happening
on a daily basis since the
attacks occurred.


There are other strange things:

1. The passport of one hijacker miraculously made it through the crash,
conflagration, and building collapse to float conveniently down intact to be
picked up by a passer-by.

2. One of the bags allegedly not loaded on the Boston plane had a Koran and
a fuel calculator and "how to fly" instructions. How convenient. The only
piece of baggage that didn't get loaded was this incriminating evidence
pointing to an Islamic perpetrator. The pilots knew very well how to fly.
Very well, they were all incredible, especially the one that flew into the
Pentagon, clipping the tops of the lightpoles as they flew unerringly toward
their target.

3. The regular security control arrangements at the airports failed four
times at the same time. Coincidence?

4. Flying a modern heavy large airliner by manual methods is extremely
difficult. There are only two alternatives in this case . Either they were
flown by real professionals who committed suicides or the planes were
steered to the targets automatically, which is technically quite possible by
assembling Instrumental Landing System -type flight control equipments close
to the targets.

Professional pilots committed  suicides?  Not very likely...

Using automatic approching system needs high technical know-how and modern
aviation technology. Would for instance Afghanistan or Iraq have all this?
Maybe, but not very likely.

Some sources have referred to the Israeli intelligence service, Mossad. They
have the necessary know-how.

Usually in case of an airliner accident the so-called black-box is the most
important matter. In this case not... the above mentioned "passport" seems
to be more interesting.


Suicide Hijacker Alive & Well in Jeddah
Via NY Transfer News * All the News That Doesn't Fit

Mr. Fisk calls attention to some of the gaping holes that can't be easily
explained away -- as Reuters tried to do over the weekend -- by "differences
in transliteration of Arabic names that are common when dealing with the
Niddle East," as if it was somehow the fault of the Middle East. source -
"Marpessa Kupendua" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 17 September 2001
'Suicide Hijacker' an Airline Pilot Alive and Well in Jeddah
by Robert Fisk in Beirut
A man named by the US Department of Justice as a suicide hijacker of
American Airlines flight 11 -- the first airliner to smash into the World
Trade Centre -- is very much alive and living in Jeddah.
Abdulrahman al-Omari, a pilot with Saudi Airlines, was astonished to find
himself accused of hijacking -- as well as being dead -- and has visited the
US consulate in Jeddah to demand an explanation.
None has so far been forthcoming. It is possible that the hijacker adopted
Mr al-Omari's identity but, if he had been using the same false name while
training as a pilot in the US, he would presumably have been uncovered. [A
big presumption, Mr. Fisk!!]
That is not the only error on the list of hijackers. The name of Ziad Jarrah
-- identified as the pilot-hijacker of United Airlines flight 93, which
crashed in Pennsylvania -- was misspelt "Jarrahi." He was a Lebanese whose
family, living in the Bekaa Valley, spoke to him just two days before his
death but who still refuse to believe that he was involved.
Mr al-Omari's first name -- Abdulrahman -- was later given out by the US
authorities as "Abdulaziz" but there can be little doubt that it referred to
the pilot who lives in Jeddah. The Americans described him as a father of
four and Mr al-Omari does have four children, all of whom live with him and
his family in Saudi Arabia's second city. He has refused to talk to
reporters and -- in the words of one prominent Saudi journalist -- "is one
nervous guy."


Verlag Neue Einheit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

*Against the Web of Lies by the US' Propaganda - Organize the Necessary
As to the US' and our media's propaganda about Osama bin Laden's Islamistic
fundamentalist terrorism being the decisive originator of the monstrous
attacks in the US, only one thing can be said: *it is completely
implausible.* The policy of large-scale imperialist interventionist wars
against real but also alleged supporting countries, and of reactionary
interventions into the inner conditions of many countries, ours included, as
it is being announced now, must be fought with utmost resolution by the Left
if it does not want to loose any legitimation at all, *and first of all it
is the priority task of the Left to tear up the web of lies.*
What has one to start from in doing that:
- the Islamistic fundamentalist terrorism of bin Laden and other groups is a
product of the US herself and one of her important helpers up to today.
Since 1985 at the latest the US herself has directed the equipping of these
groups with modern weaponry, their financing and training as well as their
massive recruitment from a lot of Islamic countries, with close allies like
Pakistan and Saudi-Arabia acting as go-betweens, in order to at first make
use of them in the Afghan war. Without the US these groups would be almost
nothing. Later such organisations like for example the very bin Laden
organisation turn up in other focal points where the US is involved but
prefers covert operations, as in Bosnia, in Chechnia and in Albania-Kosovo.
As comrades in arms of the KLA, for example, up to today they immediately
serve the intentions of the US. There have in fact been also some attacks,
as in 1993 on the WTC, on the US embassies in Africa and on the destroyer
Cole which are said to have been committed by Osama bin Laden against the
US, but they are acts which all the more didn't scratch the US' regime and
were in fact rather of propagandistic value.
For the US' webs of lies by which they mislead about the true character of
the Islamistic fundamentalist terrorism in its own and her own interest,
such acts are even indispensable. Therefore these occurrences do not
contradict the basic assessment of the very close liaison between the
Islamistic fundamentalist terrorism and the US'foreign policy.
- That the bin Laden organisation is capable on its own of such attacks as
now is correctly put into doubt for a lot of reasons. Whereas it does not at
all seem out of the question that people from these circles were involved in
the attacks, a leading role of Osama bin Laden or an organisation dependent
on him is decidedly put into question by the enormous effort in terms of
secret service work and of general staff work required for the preparation.
It is really too conspicuous that on the one hand Osama bin Laden as the
alleged international top terrorist is said to have been under search and
the mostintense supervision by secret services for years, that from this
direction monstrous attacks are announced and even concrete warnings are
transmitted to the US in time, and on the other the US government then
declares that her secret services have been abolutely clueless.
- The US apparently uses far-fetched allegiations to get the interventionist
war. This should not come as a surprise for leftists and anti-imperialists,
in the face of the grave crises of the US and the whole Western capitalism
in general. They have lost control of the situation in the Middle East and
in other regions of the world. The economic crisis threatens to become a
crash, and so it did of course prior to the attacks. On the other hand the
Islamic fundamentalism, with the regime in Iran as an example, is confronted
by the increasing question of the cheated masses what are its real
achievements. The social crisis in Iran - and not only there but in the
whole realm of Islamic dominance - is burning, and organisations like Hamas
do not make headway as the US who supports Israel, has at the same time its
fingers in the Islamic fundamentalism, covered only a little bit.
For the reasons mentioned nobody who thinks politically can avoid
scrutinizing the hypothesis that as well in certain ultrareactionary forces
of the US as in Islamic fundamentalist forces there is an interest in such
occurrences. For the US as she is seeking a way out in war hysteria and wars
and for that needs reasons, occasions, up to provocations; for the Islamic
fundamentalism as it must show that allegedly something happens against the
"Big Satan".
The whole Left as well as other forces not interested in new imperialist
wars of intervention must make a public issue of these and possibly more
connections, refute the lies and do the necessary clearing up.

Walter Grobe
Editorial staff of Neue Einheit
Sept. 19, 2001

Internet-Statement 2001/34


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