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Macedonia, NATO's latest conquest, is putting up as much resistance as
it can muster, but, at this late date, that doesn't seem to be enough.
Last week, in a bitter, almost heartbreaking speech to the Macedonian
Parliament, Prime Minister Ljubco Georgievski denounced the NATO-imposed
"peace" agreement, while admitting that they had no choice but to pass
it. Interior Minister Ljubco Boskosvki, earned the eternal ire of the
West's Albanian amen corner by declaring that, after the agreement is
signed, he would arrest those guerrillas still intent on terrorizing his
country. For this he has been targeted by the Albanians' organizational
support group -- which goes under the name "Human Rights Watch" (HRW) --
and smeared in the international media as a moral monster. His crime?
Daring to imagine he would be allowed to fight back against the
concerted assault on his country. 

Circling Vultures 

HRW has recently issued a report -- trumpeted far and wide by the
NATO-crats -- claiming that Boskovski personally directed a "massacre"
of unarmed civilians in the village of Ljuboten. Carla Del Ponte and her
Kangaroo Court immediately announced that they would conduct an
"investigation." The Macedonian drama is playing out exactly as scripted
in Kosovo: create a "massacre," rationalize a NATO presence -- and move
in for the kill. 

A Vignette 

The utter phoniness of HRW's accusations is at least hinted at in the
opening lines of their account of the incident, which they characterize
as a "revenge" killing in response to the assassination of 9 Macedonian
soldiers by the rebels. We are given a novelistic vignette of a mother,
Saifa Fetahu, hugging her children, who are frightened to death: 

"Friday morning at eight in the morning we were having breakfast. I
heard automatic rifle fire, the shooting started and we knew nothing
about it. When they started shelling, the house was shaking and the kids
started yelling. We went to the basement and were afraid to get out,
even to get water. They [Macedonian forces] were shooting all day and
all night at the houses. The kids of my son, aged eight, six, and two,
were very afraid. The youngest one just grabbed hold of me and refused
to let go." 

The Lysistrata Option 

Touching, isn't it? Perhaps just a little too touching, like a scene out
of a grade-C made-for-TV movie. To Mrs. Fetahu, I say this: if you, and
all the other Albanian women, would prevail on Mr. Fetahu to quit the
"National Liberation Army," lay down their arms, and do something a bit
more productive than shooting up the country -- say, earning an honest
living -- you and your children will never again cower under the kitchen

Rebel Territory 

What virtually every news account of this incident fails to point out is
that Ljuboten, a mere 10 kilometers from the capital city of Skopje, has
long been considered a no-man's-land, if not rebel-held, and certainly
not under government control. Foreign reporters have frequently met NLA
officers in Ljuboten, and, from there, were escorted deeper into rebel
territory where they conducted adoring interviews with various NLA
commanders. Would NLA cadre go into territory with such regularity if it
wasn't militarily secured? Ljuboten is on the front lines of the
government's war against the guerrilla insurgency. 

The Death of Erxhan Aliu 

The ring of untruth permeates the HRW report. Their account of the death
of a young boy, although appealingly cinematic, is decidedly peculiar: 

"When the shelling resumed on Friday afternoon, six-year-old Erxhan Aliu
was playing in the street. 'Basqim', (not his real name), a
twenty-five-year-old farmer from the village, watched as Erxhan was hit
by a shell: 'On Friday, at about 5 or 6 p.m. when the shelling started
again, there were people standing in the road and I was watching them.
There were some kids also. I saw the kids running towards [the adults]
and at the same moment a grenade hit the kid. The boy flew into the air
and there was lots of smoke....'" 

So, all these kids are playing in the street at every lull in the
fighting? Either the parenting skills of Albanian mothers are not quite
up to snuff, or else somebody is telling a little fib. Indeed, the
dishonesty of this dubious account is all too apparent, not only in its
lack of coherence, but also in the anonymity of the witness. Such
testimony would not stand up in an American court of law, but Carla Del
Ponte is far less fastidious. 

It's All in the Details 

Other details give the game away. Here is part an account of an alleged
Macedonian attack on a private home in Ljuboten, supposedly inhabited by
civilian noncombatants: 

"First they were on the side of the house, and they couldn't shoot
through the walls. So they went a bit further and were directly in front
of the house, and started shooting again. They were firing on the second
and third floor from the APC; they broke all the windows. Then they came
to the gate of the yard, the gate was closed. They shot out the lock to
break it, but they couldn't do it. Afterwards, I don't know how, but
they blew away the whole door...." 

One Little Problem 

But surely the Macedonian police would have enough firepower to blast
through the door of an ordinary "civilian" home -- so why does the
witness seem so surprised that they succeeded? The answer is that
traditional Albanian homes are not ordinary houses but more like small
castles, or forts, built to withstand just such an assault as was
launched at Ljuboten. The description of the events that took place in
the village has all the hallmarks of a pitched battle -- minus one side,
of course. The Albanians, naturally, were completely disarmed, and did
not fire a shot -- at least this is the story HRW is peddling. There's
only one problem: it's a lie. 

Is that a Gun in your Pocket? 

Paraffin tests conducted by Macedonian police on the terrorists confirms
that they had recently fired weapons: HRW, however, derides the test as
"unreliable" -- although such tests are routinely treated as valid
evidence in American and European courts. 

Burying the Truth 

The HRW expects us to believe that because the combatants weren't
wearing uniforms they couldn't have been NLA (or ANA) fighters. We are
also told that the Macedonians didn't find any weapons -- but how does
HRW know that? And so what if they didn't find the weapons: according to
reports from the Macedonian media, the police couldn't even get into the
village due to interference from the OSCE monitors and the villagers.
The bodies of all the alleged victims were quickly buried -- although
probably not in the same spot as their Kalishnikovs. 

A Provocation 

HRW describes all the Albanian inhabitants of Ljuboten as "civilians" by
definition, and rules out any NLA presence in the village on the grounds
that it is surrounded on three sides by Macedonian towns. But if the
rebels were trying to create a provocation -- in order to gain some
advantage in the "peace" talks -- then surely this is where they would
do it, in an area a few minutes from Skopje, so as to underscore their
own power and the military weakness of the government. Weak logic,
dubious and self-contradictory testimony, and the suspicious timing --
the report was issued just as cries for extending the NATO presence
beyond the September 26 exit date -- all point to yet another slipshod
effort by the War Party to pass off propaganda as fact. 

Yet the "massacre" that supposed took place at Ljuboten is indeed being
reported as fact in most major Western media. Even more significant is
what is not being reported: the Albanian campaign of ethnic cleansing
that has created over a hundred thousand refugees, the burning of
Macedonian homes, the rape and pillage of a country once considered a
model of mult-cultural democracy. If you want a lesson in "how to
demonize an enemy," then watch the concerted campaign against
Georgievski, against Boskovski, against any Macedonian who dares to
resist the conquest and partition of his country. Their only crime is to
stand up for Macedonia, its sovereignty and its dignity -- and that is a
crime in the world NATO and Human Rights Watch are busily building for

Justin Raimondo

נעבקהב.עױ Pravda.RU
/08/01/11491.html> Justin Raimondo : The Balkans: What is Bush up to? 
נעבקהב.עױ Pravda.RU
2001/07/17/10361.html> Justin Raimondo : BALKAN SET-UP 
נעבקהב.עױ Pravda.RU
ia/2001/07/24/10841.html> Justin Raimondo : Is self-defense a

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