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Further on "terrorist friends". The U.S  government has been absolutely *silent* about 
it's open support for the anti-Cuban terrorist organizations in Miami. The U.S. State 
Department is still lobbying for the release of  Carriles Posada, from a Panamanian 
jail were he's being held in connection with an assassination attempted on Castro this 
spring. The plot involved planting a bomb, intended to blow up Castro and 1500 
university students, during an address that Castro was giving, during a summit of 
Latin American leaders.  They previously sprung Posada from a Venezuelan prison, were 
he was being held for blowing up a Cubana airliner in 1976, killing all 57 passengers 
on board, including the entire Cuban Olympic fencing team.. His co-conspirator, Orlado 
Bosch was *pardoned*  and released from a *U.S* prison after serving less then 5 years 
. So much for Bush's "war on terrorism".
----- Original Message ----- 

From: Rick Rozoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, September 24, 2001 3:07 AM
Subject: Terrorists: Friends Or Enemies, Foreign Or Domestic? ]

 Visit our website: HTTP://WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK
 Russian Observer
 September 23, 2001
 Punishing Osama bin Laden Would Be a Simple Solution
 U.S strikes against terrorist bases located in other
 countries without their prior consent could create a
 pretext for a war
 "Why should one [group of]terrorists be bombarded
 while others are supported?"
 Victor Sokolov
 22.49.2001, 13:49
 The interview with Doctor Boris Shmelyov from the
 Comparative Political Studies Center of the Russian
 Academy of Sciences. 
 Q. Apart from Afghanistan, the United States can also
 bombard terrorist bases in other countries. How can
 you regard such actions from the point of view of
 international law? 
 A. The international law classifies such attacks as an
 aggression. If the United States wants to deliver
 strikes against terrorist camps in Algeria where an
 undeclared war is on, it can do it only at the
 Algerian government's request. Otherwise, Algeria can
 regard the attack as a "pretext for a war". Therefore,
 I would like to emphasize that the latest U.S
 statements and intentions indicate that their conduct
 is unreasonable. The U.S administration has apparently
 chosen this unreasonable line to console the American
 public and to show that America has strength to cope
 with terrorists. Therefore, it is absolutely clear
 that even numerous strikes against Afghanistan are
 unlikely to solve anything. 
 It is only now that an almost ten-year program of
 combating terrorism has emerged in the United States?
 This is another question. Terrorism has deep roots,
 including financial, political and organizational.
 This is going to be a secret war!
 Q. Countries are gradually moving towards an
 anti-terrorist alliance. Do you think that America and
 Russia will strengthen their union?
 A. They certainly will, on the one hand. On the other
 hand, the bilateral Russian-American union and an
 international anti-terrorist alliance will be
 ineffective if answers are not given to several
 questions. All right, I agree that Osama bin Laden and
 the Taliban are terrorists. But who are the Albanian
 separatists in Macedonia? Are they terrorists or not?
 Who are they then? Why should one terrorists be
 bombarded while others should be supported? 
 This is called a double standard...
 Q. Besides, some Islamic countries say that they are
 not against an anti-terrorist alliance but will not
 join it if Israel is going to be its member. This is
 another big problem, isn't it?
 A. There are a lot of problems and many questions. Who
 are terrorists? What's the difference between
 separatists and terrorists if they use the same
 Q. Do you mean to say that these notions should be
 defined at the international level?
 A. In order to make this decision mandatory for all,
 it should be taken by the United Nations which has
 special committees for that. The rules of the game
 should be equal. Terrorists should always be
 terrorists. It is totally unacceptable that terrorists
 are called terrorists only if they hit the U.S
 interests. If the interests of other countries are
 hurt, the same terrorists are proclaimed to be
 fighters for justice. Macedonia is the case. The
 Americans say that the Macedonian government should
 not crack down on but negotiate with Albanian
 separatists. Without solving these problems, the world
 will never get rid of double standards.
Then, why everybody is so sure that the recent
 terrorist attacks in the United States had been
 organized by Arab organizations. The Arab pilots in
 the planes could have been used on the sly by other
 organizations, including those based in the United
 There has been a lot of talk about a top secret
 structure inside the United States that had staged
 those well-organized terrorist acts to pursue its own
 interests. The fact that this structure has not yet
 been uncovered proves that it is top secret, the fact
 that it had prepared such a large-scale action shows
 that it has enormous opportunities. But the fact that
 it is not being searched for also speaks for itself.
 Everybody immediately got fixed on bin Laden but a
 real investigation is nowhere is sight. 
 Q. Does it mean that the authorities are trying to
 meet the nation's demands. Bush's rating is over 90
 A. Everything is clear. A big political game is under
 way. But that does not give an answer to the main
 question: who did it and what was the purpose? Who did
 benefit from the attacks? One can endlessly elaborate
 on Arab extremists, but we should not forget that an
 American, a member of an ultra-right American
 organization, blew up Oklahoma-City in 1995. He died
 easily and voluntarily for the ideals of his American
 organization. Can anybody guarantee that we are not
 dealing with the case now? 

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