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[Two weeks ago if Kazakhstan had attempted to defend
itself against cross-border attacks emanating from
Afghanistan by taking military action against the
latter, Pakistan - with U.S. backing - would have
wiped it off the face of the earth.]

Monday September 24 4:38 AM ET 

Kazakh Leader Offers Full Support for U.S. Strike
ASTANA (Reuters) - Kazakhstan President Nursultan
Nazarbayev said on Monday his Central Asian state was
ready to support the United States' battle against
terrorism in the wake of the September 11 attacks on
New York and Washington.

``Kazakhstan is ready to support an action against
terrorism with all the means it has at its disposal,''
Nazarbayev told a news conference in the capital,

Nazarbayev was the first leader in ex-Soviet Central
Asia to make a firm pledge of practical support to the
United States.

Asked whether support would include use of airfields,
military bases and air space Nazarbayev said firmly:
``These means include everything you have just

``We have so far received no concrete requests for
such help but, if they come, Kazakhstan will consider
them positively,'' he said, adding that he was
consulting with other Central Asian leaders on how to
fight terror.

Russian leader President Vladimir Putin has had a
series of telephone conversations with his
counterparts across ex-Soviet Central Asia, trying to
forge a united policy on how to help Washington in
what it is has called its ``war on terrorism.''

The region could be a vital staging area for any
strike against Afghanistan, which the U.S. says is
harboring its prime suspect for the attacks,
Saudi-born billionaire Osama bin-Laden.

The southern border of vast Kazakhstan, a mostly
Muslim nation which is currently hosting a visit by
Pope John Paul, is just 200 miles from Afghanistan. 

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