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Bin Laden Urges Pakistanis to Fight 

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) - Osama bin Laden, the prime U.S. suspect in the 
Sept. 11 terror attacks, called on Pakistan's Muslims to fight ``the American 
``I announce to you, our beloved brothers, that we are steadfast on the path of jihad 
(holy war) with the heroic, faithful Afghan people, under the leadership of Mullah 
Mohammed Omar,'' said a statement provided to Qatar's Al-Jazeera satellite channel 
Monday. The statement was signed by bin Laden and dated Sunday. 

Bin Laden, believed in hiding in Afghanistan, often communicates with the outside 
world through Al-Jazeera, known among Arabs for its wide reach and its independent and 
aggressive editorial policies. 
In the statement broadcast by Al-Jazeera on Monday, bin Laden said he was informed 
that some ``of our Muslim brothers in Karachi (Pakistan) were killed while expressing 
their opposition to the aggression of the American crusade forces and their allies on 
Muslim lands in Pakistan and Afghanistan.'' 

He said he was praying to God that they would be accepted as martyrs and ``their 
children are my children and I will be their caretaker.'' 

``We hope that they are the first martyrs in Islam's battle in this era against the 
new crusade and Jewish campaign led by the big crusader Bush under the flag of the 
Demonstrations have been held in the Pakistani cities of Karachi, Peshawar and Quetta 
by Pakistanis who view bin Laden as an Islamic hero. 

Bin Laden said that he was calling on all Muslims in Pakistan to use all they possess 
and all their effort to stop American troops from going into Pakistan and Afghanistan.
Since the terror attacks on New York and Washington, bin Laden has twice denied 
involvement. The United States has said it will produce evidence implicating him in 
the Sept. 11 attacks, which toppled the World Trade Center towers and part of the 
Pentagon and left more than 6,000 people dead or missing. 

Washington has warned Afghanistan's Taliban government and their leader, Mullah 
Mohammed Omar, to hand over bin Laden and his lieutenants, among other demands, or 
suffer the consequences. The United States has been building up its military presence 
in the region. 

Afghanistan's Taliban leadership claimed Sunday it has been unable to find the alleged 
terrorist mastermind and advise him of a recommendation to leave the country. 

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