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----- Original Message ----- 
Sent: Sunday, September 23, 2001 6:35 AM


Subject: When the impossible becomes reality--a 4th possibility

Dear friends:

While we have been totally overwhelmed with emotion, and encouraged to=20

channel our outrage into concern for stock markets and getting back to=20

business, and into ongoing proclamations of love of country, and loyalty to=


the flag and the President there is one question that causes the most=20

distress in people's minds: "How could those planes have made it=20

unchallenged to their final destinations?"

Most of us can consider only 3 possibilities:

1. The terrorists were incredibly clever

2. The US intelligence agencies were uncharacteristically lax

3. National security, warning and defense procedures were insufficient,=20

procedures which have been fine tuned for decades

But there is another possibility...

Unless we start asking the questions NOW the steps being taken by others=20

while we have been distracted by grief will be irreversible. Asking the=20

questions--and getting the answers-- may still make peace and justice a=20

possible outcome. When the impossible becomes reality the unthinkable=20

becomes reasonable.

Consider the following two articles:

An Advance Warning of Attacks Was Ignored

The CIA knew via Echelon at least 3 months in advance that we were going to=


be attacked by planes used as weapons:

Echelon Warned US & Israeli Intel Hijacked Planes Were To Be Weapons

By Ned Stafford 9-14-1

U.S. and Israeli intelligence agencies received warning signals at least=20

three months ago that Middle Eastern terrorists were planning to hijack=20

commercial aircraft to use as weapons to attack important symbols of=20

American and Israeli culture, according to a story in Germany's daily=20

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ).

The FAZ, quoting unnamed German intelligence sources, said that the Echelon=


spy network was being used to collect information about the terrorist=20

threats, and that U.K. intelligence services apparently also had advance=20

warning. The FAZ, one of Germany's most respected dailies, said that even=20

as far back as six months ago western and near-east press services were=20

receiving information that such attacks were being planned.

Within the American intelligence community, the warnings were taken=20

seriously and surveillance intensified, the FAZ said. However, there was=20

disagreement on how such terrorist attacks could be prevented, the=20

newspaper said.

Echelon is said to be a vast information collection system capable of=20

monitoring all the electronic communications in the world. It is thought to=


be operated by the U.S., the U.K., Canada, Australia and New Zealand. No=20

government agency has ever confirmed or denied its existence. However, an=20

EU committee that investigated Echelon for more than a year just last week=


reported its belief that the system does exist.

The EU committee said that Echelon sucks up electronic transmissions "like=


a vacuum cleaner," using keyword search techniques to sift through enormous=


amounts of data.

The FAZ, in its news story, described the system as covering the whole=20

world with 120 satellites. The newspaper also said Israeli intelligence had=


collected information indicated that Arab terrorist groups planned to=20

hijack planes in Europe to use as weapons to attack targets in Tel Aviv and=


other coastal cities in Israel.

Because of increasing concerns of plane hijackings, Israel has tested a new=


x-ray machine at the Tel Aviv airport, the FAZ said. The machine capable of=


detecting all known explosive elements, even if only in small quantities,=20

the newspaper said.

The FAZ said that German intelligence fears that in coming days planes will=


be hijacked in Europe and the Near East, and that there is no sure way to=20

protect against it.

Critical Questions

[This arrived as an email, supposedly from DP, an American military person.=


Judge for yourself:]

Why Were So Few People on the Flights?

1) Flight 11 was a Boeing 757/200. This plane holds 239 passengers. There=20

were 81 passengers and 11 crew. The 11 crew members included 2 pilots and 9=


flight attendants. Is it normal that this flight would not be at capacity,=


based on other Flight 11's that leave Boston to LA, at the same time every=


day. Flights within the Airline industry operate on standardized schedule.

They don't make the schedules after the passengers book the flights. The=20

only days that they schedule deviate are Saturdays and Sundays and=20

holidays. So, is it customary that this flight is so underbooked? (About=20

30% capacity) I flew out west from Florida about three months ago, and=20

every flight I got on was either full or overbooked.

2) Same question of all the flights. #175 had 54 passengers. The pentagon=20

plane (#77) had 56 passengers, and the PA flight 38. All less than 25% of=20

capacity. Why? I don't have access to the files of AA or United, but some=20

reporter should be able to find out this information. [Fewer people, easier=


to control the situation. And the less likely that something could go=20

wrong, maybe? I'm just speculating, of course. I don't know, and I don't=20

have access to AA or United archives and files.]

The Air Force Could Have Averted the Tragedy But Didn=92t

3) Four planes at once with no transponder info on the FAA screens and Air=


Force screens. All of them just showing up as blips on radar. One plane is=


in a "NO FLY ZONE";.. within constantly monitored, restricted airspace. A=20

pilot has already remarked that when a plane deviates just a little, that=20

the FAA oversight will call and/or allow for course corrections.

But, we are talking about planes that were miles off course. In these=20

instances, the FAA reports it to the Air Force. But also, in these=20

instances, the Air Force has already locked onto these planes, because they=


monitor the commercial system as well as their own. That's 24 hours a day,=


7 days a week, every day of the year. They have to, so that we don't have=20

military and commercial aircraft flying into one another, constantly.

In a circumstance like Flight 11, this plane is so far of course it is=20

ridiculous and they are not responding normally to communications. They did=


a hard bank (90 degrees to the south) somewhere north of Albany, NY. The=20

Air Force is to scramble at least a recon aircraft to monitor. Why no=20

recon, on any of the first three flights?

Let's look at the second plane. It was 18 minutes until it hit the second=20

building. This plane flew over NYC, past the city and went to somewhere=20

around Newark, NJ. At that point it did a 360 degree bank to fly back to=20

NYC. By this time "they" know that this is no accident happening. They know=


that they have hijacked planes in the air.

An F-15 strike eagle flies at 1850+ nmps. That is Mach 2.5+ A sidewinder=20

with heat seeking infrared guidance, has a range of 18 miles. This=20

aircraft, according to the USAF's own website, goes from "scramble order"=20

to 29000 feet in 2.5 minutes. New York City is 71 miles from McGuire AFB in=


NJ and 147 from Westover AFB in MA. At Mach 2, this plane could travel from=


the ground in NJ to NYC, in under 7 minutes.

I am being generous. Mach 2 is 20+ miles per minute and Mach 2.5 is 30+=20

miles per minute. This is 150 to 210 seconds to cover the 71 miles. If we=20

factor in the time for the scramble order, to being in the air; we are at 5=


to 6 minutes for an F-15 to bypass flight 175, turn, and sit at the WTC to=


wait for the plane (175) to arrive. This is far less than 18 minutes, and=20

this plane (175) had to fly back over the Hudson Bay to reach its target.=20

(Remember the range of the sidewinder is over 10 miles. Is it even=20

necessary to mention the speed of this missile?)

The Plane Hitting the Pentagon Could Have Been Stopped But Wasn=92t---Why?

4) Let's apply these same standards to the Pentagon plane #77. This plane=20

is over restricted airspace. It is 40 minutes after the second attack in=20

NYC. At some point, here, Barbara Olsen calls her husband to let him know=20

the plane is hijacked. Mr. Olsen calls "officials" who claim that they=20

don't know about Flight #77 being hijacked. Barbara Olsen makes a second=20

phone call to her husband. Other passengers were FORCED TO CALL their=20

families to tell them that they were going to die. Why would the hijackers=


put out this warning? The article definitely says "forced to call". See:=20

Flight 77: 'Our Plane Is Being Hijacked' (


This plane flies over the White House, which has automatic turret style=20

anti-defense weaponry on top of the building. NO shots are reported to be=20

fired, no anti-aircraft missiles were fired. This plane, still in=20

restricted airspace, does a 270 degree bank to turn around and fly toward=20

to Pentagon. Andrews AFB is 13 miles away. This is already within the range=


of a sidewinder. All that is required is to put the plane in the air (maybe=


up to 3000 ft.), lock and fire. Remember it is 40 minutes and they already=


know that these planes are being used as weapons. They have been reporting=


it on ABC, CBS, and NBC for 30+ minutes. They have received phone calls=20

from passengers, telling them that the plane is hijacked. (By the way, what=


time were these cell-calls made? Before or after they entered the "no fly=20


These planes could have been knocked out of the sky EASILY, but weren't.=



P.S. It's not that I want to believe that something stinks, here. It's just=


that I would like credible answers as to what was/is going on. I was in the=


military. As a Navy Nuclear Reactor Operator, we had to stand duty 24/7, to=


monitor operations. An Air Force base is constantly manned, in case of an=20

unforeseen event or attack. They fly recon missions, every single day. Some=


of these recon flights may be armed, and some may not.

But, there are a certain number of planes are armed at all times and the=20

pilots do 24-hour rotating shifts so that the Air Force can respond=20

quickly. The Air Force and Nuclear Aircraft Carriers constitute America's=20

first line of defensive readiness. They were 13 miles from the Pentagon,=20

with planes that can fly circles around a commercial jet. Were they on=20

vacation or what?


C/0 CONSTANCE FOGAL LAW OFFICE, #401 -207 West Hastings St., Vancouver,=20

B.C. V6B1H7

Tel: (604)687-0588; fax: (604) 872 -1504 or (604) 688-0550;cellular(604)=20

202 7334;


=93The constitution of Canada does not belong either to Parliament, or to=


Legislatures; it belongs to the country and it is there that the citizens=20

of the country will find the protection of the rights to which they are=20

entitled=94 Supreme Court of Canada A.G. of Nova Scotia and A.G. of Canada,=


S.C.R. 1951 pp 32

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