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Betty Molchany

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Miroslav Antic 
  To: NSP ; NATO ; Siem-News ; SNN ; [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Sent: Monday, September 24, 2001 8:25 PM

Visit our website: HTTP://WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK
         15:40 2001-09-24


        Approximately ten days from today, the final execution of the plan which will 
be, "the beginning of the end", for Osama bin Laden, and his consorts of the most 
vicious character, will come knocking as a heavy handed redeemer. I can further assure 
the reader, that this wide ranging culling, of the most dangerous man on earth, will 
not be an autonomous action. There will be implications and a high price! paid by 
other despotic maniacs amongst us, on this less than perfect planet known as earth. 

        Soldiers from Great Britain will serve as the tip of the spear. They shall be 
at the forefront of a complex international coalition of forces, shoulder to shoulder 
with The United States and all its incredible might. 

        Within the past twenty-four hours, well informed sources, which I am proudly, 
a party to, have revealed that the noose is closing around the neck of Osama bin 
Laden, and his gang of renown. Notwithstanding the possibility that "bin's" head could 
very well wind up on the elevated end of a wooden pole, held aloft by one of his 
dedicated followers of present day. This is a distinct possibility, however in the 
absence of such an indigenous form of retribution, Western Forces are prepared to 
devastate Afghanistan, in a quest for justice, as the modern world has never 
witnessed.&nb! sp; U. S. attack airplanes, bombers, air intelligence platforms, and 
acquisition aircraft have been arriving in neighboring Uzbekistan. I can assure you 
that they are not out for a weekend jaunt. 

        Informed sources within the military, in The United States and in Great 
Britain, indicated that military and civilian investigative bodies are focusing their 
probes into bin Laden and his shadowy organizational structure. His support, and 
long-standing venue, is rooted in the Northern and the Western portions of 
Afghanistan. There are a handful of known terrorist camps around Jalalabad, which will 
certainly be the focal point of the coming military storm that gathers intensity at a 
break-neck pace. This past weekend, numerous officials have revealed, ! through 
various nuances and verbal implications, that the 'final stages' of planning are 
underway. Any person, who may have experience with, or a comprehension of reactive 
military counter offensive operations, could have safely assumed this fact. 

        The military action would be opened, with both strategic and tactical attacks, 
from the air. Afghanistan, and its embraced splinter terrorist groups, is virtually 
powerless against air attack. Their, some twenty to twenty-five, ZSU-23-4's, lack 
acquisition radar and are relics from the Russian military debacle. Since their radars 
don't work, save the weight of useless components, they have been removed in order to 
increase the basic load of ammunition; always in short supply. Therefore, the famed 
Russian ZSU-23-4's may! be good on point targets, such as troops in the open, but they 
are close to worthless in their designated role of air defense. The number of SA-13 
missiles, in the possession of the West's target, are also virtually worthless as 
their acquisition and guidance systems are barely functioning. The fact that the 
country has less than fifty missiles constitutes yet another "threat diminishing 
fact". Armor vehicles are basically what the Russians did not want when they left the 
area, T54's and T55's, and some of them are operable. Afghanistan even boasts a small, 
and sometimes functioning, inventory of about sixty PT-76, amphibious tanks, a 
completely insignificant capability in Afghanistan. Even the North Vietnamese lost 
faith in these vehicles in the mi! d 1970's, and opted for the improved T55 tanks, 
which, without hydraulics, are exhausting to drive, and my experience bears that fact 
        Tony Blair has ordered the Ministry of Defense forces to agree, only to plans 
that keep civilian casualties "to a minimum". This order may rule out carpet bombing 
by Great Britain, however they do not have the fleet of B1 and B52 bombers that employ 
carpet bombing, as an affirmative doctrine to kill the adversary. The amount of 
tonnage, equipment, and forces that was destroyed, attributable to B52 carpet bombing 
missions of the "Igloo White" and "Arc Light" interdiction programs, during the 
Vietnam war, was incredible! However national resolve, against Amer! ica's lack 
thereof, allowed an eventual victory for the forces of North Vietnam, B52's 

        It was quite apparent, on September 11, 2001, that if the perpetrators of the 
attack on the United States had a carpet bombing capability, they would have certainly 
used it. This is painfully evident by their murderous, barbaric, callousness in the 
extinguishing of humanity; thousands of the world's residents. Most of whom were 
innocent civilians! I feel confident that if America's leaders view carpet bombing as 
a means to an end, then they are fueling the B52's now, for their 50,000 foot above 
the earth missions. The ! collateral damage of civilian casualties in Afghanistan is a 
side-bar consideration when pursuing the vermin that attacked the United States. 

        With war in the offing, a dozen British warships travelled through the Suez 
canal yesterday. This, of course, to strengthen Britain's presence in the Middle East. 
This may well be the largest military mobilization, bi-laterally, that has occurred 
since World War II. The United States has also indicated that a third aircraft 
carrier, and its escort ship armada, will soon arrive in the gulf. This establishes an 
incredible military force which is capable of immeasurable destruction, on a sustained 
level which has never bee! n seen. As well, America's "death from above" strategic 
bombers are arriving and being readied at numerous land based launch points. 

        This past weekend, the President of The United States chaired a National 
Security Council meeting. The purpose of which was to finalize plans for a military 
strike. Air attacks could begin at any point, however, likely in the latter part of 
this coming week, unless the quarry is served up to stand justice. 

        The United States and Great Britain are quite convinced that bin Laden is 
still within Afghanistan. Some reports have surrounded the ongoing mystery of this 
shadowy murderer however those which allude to him fleeing to China or Chechnya have 
been ruled out. Prime Minister Tony Blair's official spokesman has declared that Great 
Britain, and the United States, not only know that bin Laden is still in Afghanistan, 
but their clandestine intelligence sources, amongst the population, have even revealed 
the location of the Prince of Terror. The British assertions, afore! mentioned, were 
recapitulated in the words of the Secretary of State of The United States, General 
Colin Powell. General Powell declared, and rightfully so, that there was a 
"presumption" that suspect number one, was indeed, still in the country that harbors 
and condones him. 

        It is believed that bin Laden is ingratiated within his network of camps in 
the north-west of Afghanistan. Camps at Darunta, Bhesud, Jaji- Maydan, Khost and Tani 
are rather well known to the CIA, and would be prime targets for strategic and 
tactical interdiction. In fact, right now, they top the list of both categories of 
targets, for air assets, and they serve as Priority Intelligence Requirements (PIR) 
for all forces, U. S. and British, who may well be personally searching and 
neutralizing these camps in coming weeks. 

        The United States is quite determined, and so convicted to proceed 
intelligently, with military action. This, of course, justified world-wide in view of 
the New York and Washington, D. C. slaughters and destruction. It is crystal clear 
that The United States and Great Britain, as well as numerous other ancillary 
countries and supporters, stand shoulder to shoulder, firm against wanton murder and 
destruction to freedom, its goals, ideals, and its comfort. 

        The value of freedom, freedom for countries, its citizens, its welcomed 
guests, and its allies is a dangerous concept to challenge. In our lives, we will 
likely never again be the observers of such a backlash toward an affirmative threat 
against freedom and its value. The defining action, as to how defensible and how 
worthy of defense, freedom is, shall very soon become painfully clear to some, and 
refreshingly uplifting to others. 

        J. David Galland 

        J. David Galland is the Founder and President of "Bound & Overwatch - The 
Military Observer", a 100% Non-Profit organization that serves as the advocate for 
soldiers and their families, as well as for veterans. Bound & Overwatch -The Military 
Observer concentrates on military corruption, and unsound defense policies tainted 
from inception, which do not affect the national interests of the United States and 
its National Security. Mr. Galland advocates a strong defense and unyielding support 
for our military forces via stalwart defense policies and robust funding. Mr. Galland 
is a veteran of The United States Army, with over thirty-two years military service.  

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