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 Freedom News in today's update:
  o Hijacked passengers ordered to call families
  o Survivors call for help from beneath rubble
  o Flag and gun sales skyrocketing
  o Feds use attack to push Carnivore
  o Arab-Americans and Muslims fear backlash in wake of attacks
  o President Bush vows justice for the attacks
  o Early evidence points to Bin Laden
  o Bin Laden happy over deadly strikes, but denies involvement
  o World braces for terror as U.S. attacks cast global chill
  o Congressman investigates NBC's election night coverage
  o GOP targets law muzzling churches at election time
  o America's dilemma: drug control or privacy
  o Bill would let police demand photo IDs
  o N.J. voter registration laws violate rights of minor parties
  o New Hampshire town eyes secession
  o Norway's Labor Party punished over high taxes
  o Battle cry
  o Resisting hysteria
  o The price of empire
  o Reaping the whirlwind
  o Wake up America!
  o Level-headed response to terrorism
  o Imperial paralysis
  o When will we learn?
  o The unknown enemy
  o The unending war comes home
  o A tribute to trade
  o Apocalypse by deed

Hijacked passengers ordered to call families
   Passengers on board the airliners used in the terrorist attacks
   on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon were ordered by their
   captors to call relatives to say they were about to die. Among
   them were Barbara Olson, a TV commentator and wife of the
   Solicitor General. (09/12/01)

Survivors call for help from beneath rubble
   As survivors buried under the rubble of New York City's World
   Trade Center use cell phones to call for help, rescue workers
   struggle to reach the living and pull them to safety. The death
   toll is unknown at this time. (09/12/01),2933,34249,00.html

Flag and gun sales skyrocketing
   Gun and flag sales peaked across Central Florida as defiant,
   fearful residents rushed to arm themselves Tuesday and display
   their patriotism. "It's a concentrated Y2K situation that started
   since we opened up this morning," said Khaled Akkawe, who sold
   more than 100 assault rifles and shotguns through his two Shoot
   Straight gun stores. (09/12/01)

Feds use attack to push Carnivore
   Just hours after what some commentators have dubbed a second
   Pearl Harbor, federal police reportedly increased internet
   surveillance. ISPs are reportedly quietly complying with FBI
   requests to monitor electronic communications. (09/12/01),1283,46747,00.html

Arab-Americans and Muslims fear backlash in wake of attacks
   Fearing blind anger in the wake of the terrorist attacks on the
   World Trade Center and the Pentagon, Muslim- and Arab-American
   leaders pleaded with the American public not to take out its
   anger on their communities. (09/12/01)

President Bush vows justice for the attacks
   In the wake of the bloodiest terrorist attack in history,
   President Bush vowed that U.S. authorities will find those
   responsible for the attacks. He warned that the U.S. won't
   distinguish between those who committed the acts and those
   who protect them. (09/12/01),2933,34227,00.html

Early evidence points to Bin Laden
   While the people behind the bloody attack on the United States
   have yet to be positively identified, the prime suspect is
   billionaire terrorist Osama bin Laden. U.S. intelligence
   intercepted communications between his supporters which
   acknowledged "a couple of targets were hit." (09/12/01),2933,34181,00.html

Bin Laden happy over deadly strikes, but denies involvement
   According to a Palestinian journalist who spoke with Osama
   bin Laden, the billionaire terrorist congratulated the people
   who carried out the deadly terrorist strikes in the United
   States, but denied that he was involved. (09/12/01)

World braces for terror as U.S. attacks cast global chill
   With the United States reeling from the deadly attack on the
   World Trade Center and the Pentagon, people around the world
   more accustomed to terrorism, though not on this scale, stepped
   up security and wondered whether their cities might be next.

Congressman investigates NBC's election night coverage
   Rep. Henry Waxman has raised First Amendment hackles by
   investigating NBC's coverage of last year's presidential
   election, and demanding company video tapes of internal
   deliberations. The role of the head of NBC's parent company
   appears to be of special interest to the Congressman. (09/12/01)

GOP targets law muzzling churches at election time
   Republican lawmakers vowed to reverse an Internal Revenue
   Service ban on tax-exempt churches' involvement in election
   politics. The legal muzzle pushed through Congress in 1954
   to shore up Lyndon Johnson's Senate seat, and is seen as
   a bludgeon used mostly against conservatives. (09/12/01)

America's dilemma: drug control or privacy
   "The conservative movement, long a cheerleader for the 'war
   on drugs,' is having second thoughts because the cure includes
   police-state tactics that may be worse than the disease."

Bill would let police demand photo IDs
   A Pennsylvania legislator proposes legislation that would allow
   police officers to demand photo identification before issuing
   citations. Violators could be detained, fingerprinted and
   photographed if they failed to produce ID. The measure has been
   derided as "totalitarian." (09/12/01)

N.J. voter registration laws violate rights of minor parties
   A New Jersey appeals court ruled that the state's voter-
   registration laws violate the constitutional rights of minor
   parties by not offering categories other than Democrat,
   Republican or Independent. (09/12/01)

New Hampshire town eyes secession
   Residents of Newington, who believe they are being asked to pay
   too much for education, supported seceding from New Hampshire
   in a town hearing called for the purpose of examining that
   option. New Hampshire's constitution provides for a "right
   to revolt" against an oppressive state government. (09/11/01)

Norway's Labor Party punished over high taxes
   Norway's Labor Party suffered its worst election result since
   1924, after an election campaign dominated by anger at high
   taxes. Conservative and right-wing parties were the main
   beneficiaries of the voter revolt. (09/11/01)

For more News Reports see:

Battle cry
by Deroy Murdock
   "American leaders and voters alike should be very careful about
   embracing measures today that will leave citizens less free
   in the long run in an effort to catch criminals in the here and
   now. The Bill of Rights must not collapse with the Twin Towers
   ... but they should feel no such restraint about retaliating
   against whatever group or nation perpetrated these acts of war."

Resisting hysteria
by Jesse Walker
   "This is a time for expert police work. It is a time when the
   intelligence community can try to make up for its disastrous
   failure to foresee this assault, by finding the people who did
   it and bringing them to rapid justice. It is not a time for
   unfocused ... hysteria." (09/12/01)

The price of empire
by Alan Bock
   Americans fail to understand just how deeply hated the United
   States is in many parts of the world -- and hated by people
   ready and able to take desperate and ruthless actions. (09/12/01)

Reaping the whirlwind
by Gene Callahan
   "Today's events should bring home a simple, clear message: It
   is time to stop the madness. It is time to refuse to lend any
   support to the ravaging of innocent lives in the world-
   domination games of the power-mad." (09/12/01)

Wake up America!
by Richard Rieben
   "People are not their governments. But they are wrong to think
   that they will not bear the consequences for their governments'
   actions." (09/11/01)

Level-headed response to terrorism
by Steve Farrell
   "In the wake of the most terrible terrorist attack in this
   nation's history, every American would do well to insist that
   our nation's leaders prepare a strong response, and yet
   an intelligent one, one that punishes our enemies but protects
   our liberties." (09/12/01)

Imperial paralysis
by Justin Raimondo
   The hawks are out beating the drums for war -- against somebody,
   anybody -- to avenge yesterday's tragedy. But, "the only way we
   can 'win' such a battle is to lose the very values that we want
   to defend in the first place." (09/12/01)

When will we learn?
by Harry Browne
   "Our foreign policy has been insane for decades. It was only
   a matter of time until Americans would have to suffer personally
   for it. It is a terrible tragedy of life that the innocent so
   often have to suffer for the sins of the guilty. When will we
   learn that we can't allow our politicians to bully the world
   without someone bullying back eventually?" (09/12/01)

The unknown enemy
by Joseph Sobran
   "Foreigners aren't quite real to Americans, and most Americans
   are unaware of how profoundly their government antagonizes much
   of the human race. We are easy-going people who generally have
   no idea how bullying we seem to foreigners. Until now we have
   had no experience of what the U.S. government has so often
   inflicted on others. Now, at least, we have an inkling of what
   it feels like." (09/11/01)

The unending war comes home
by Ryan McMaken
   "We now have a choice between two options. We can escalate the
   current low intensity war that the United States is waging
   against nations of the world from Columbia to Iraq. Or we can
   pause and re-examine our current imperial adventures around the
   world and recognize that terrorism against the United States is
   the natural consequence of trying to tell the rest of the world
   how to live." (09/11/01)

A tribute to trade
by Lew Rockwell
   "The sight of New York City's twin World Trade Center towers
   falling to the ground, the result of an act of deliberate
   aggression, seems to symbolize two points that seem entirely
   forgotten today: the magnificent contribution that commerce
   makes to civilization and just how vulnerable it is to its
   enemies." (09/11/01)

Apocalypse by deed
by Charles Paul Freund
   The scale of potential terror meets the scope of available
   media. (09/11/01)

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