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Attack on Freedom? Whose Freedom?

By Irina Malenko

President Bush has called yesterday terrorist attacks on US "attacks on freedom itself". The question is - whose freedom? Mr. Bush's freedom seems to be freedom for the US to dictate to the rest of the world how to live. Racists cannot even be named racists in this "free" world - if they are American friends, as we have witnessed at the UN conference on racism in South Africa last week.

Yesterday's attack was far more an attack on American arrogance and on the New World Order US is trying to impose on the rest of the world. It is to be deeply regretted that the civilians have died - but it is an utter hypocrisy to hear
Tony Blair speaking of a "new evil" - while just 2 years ago THE VERY SAME Tony Blair was ecstatic while bombing civilians in Yugoslavia. He had no words of condemnation for causing "collateral damage" then. There were many babies among those killed  by UK/US aggression. I don't think there were many babies in WTC or Pentagon yesterday....

So, only Americans and British are counted in this world as human beings?

Does he even think that this might be a payback time for all the evil that NATO
under US/UK duo's leadership has done to the rest of the world in the last

We remember smiling Bush telling us of yet another bombing of Iraq. Where is
his smile now?

I hope arrogant Americans who never lost at a single battle more than 2500 people - like in Pearl Harbour - will finally be able to feel something of other nations' pain. On many occasions caused by their own government!

The ability to finally understand the horrors of war and mass destruction might
prevent future acts of state terrorism by the so-called superpower. If this
nation will open its eyes  and realize that blood, fears and pain are not a
new Hollywood movie, they are very real. If Western nations will be able to
learn to say "no!" to similar acts perpetrated by their own leaders.


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