
UNITE! Info #157en: 2/2 The Afghanistan war "success"
[Posted: 29.11.01]

[Continued from part 1/2]


In the 21.11 issue of "Solidaire", organ of the Belgian party
PTB whose claim of being "Marxist" cannot be taken seriously
but which has sometimes brought information of interest, the
writer Michel Collon points out, concerning this, what has
been the experience of people in Yugoslavia after the 1999
bombing of and the later imposed change of government in
*that* country:

A ruinous *quadrupling* of electricity prices, lay-offs of
thousands of workers at the well-known big Zastava factory,
etc, etc: So far, no "development" at all, as promised by the
US and other imperialists; precisely on the contrary.

As ruled by the imperialists and some direct henchmen of
theirs, Afghanistan will not be developed either.

Well, perhaps with one "exception": That of poppy-growing and
resulting heroin "production". One of the few positive things
done by the Taliban, in addition to their bringing a kind of
order in the country from 1996 on, which is why they were at
least tolerated by relatively many among the people, was a
ban on all poppy-growing in the areas under their control, de-
clared last year and apparently acted on too. As a result,
various reports agree, the only heroin sent to other countries
recently from Afghanistan has been that coming from the smaller
areas under the control of the "Northen Alliance", whose also
otherwise infamous warlords, those present close allies of the
"Western" so-called "democracies", have done nothing to prevent
production of or trafficking with it.

Considering the fact that the ruling circles in the USA, in
various West European countries and in Russia, for instance,
also comprise a number of "drug barons", and the long history,
also in modern times, of how "suitable" some in those ruling
circles have found it to promote drug abuse so as to "keep the
people quiet" - despite their repeated hypocrisy of "war
against drugs" - it's possible that *such* "development" will
now continue in Afghanistan.

Under all circumstances, not much of a real "success" at all
can be noted for the US, or other, imperialists in Afghanis-
tan. Notwithstanding all their fire power and all those atro-
cities which they are perpetrating and will perpetrate in the
future, they will all continue to be in grave difficulties in
the world.


When the president of precisely the USA, Bush, now recently
threatened, precisely Korea - the northern part of that coun-
try - with war, with "consequences", for Koreans, of "produ-
cing weapons of mass destruction", that was also an outrage
and a provocation of a particular kind, because of what had
already taken place, involving those same two countries,
some 50 years ago.

In their war against Korea, 1950-1953, the US imperialists
not only literally obliterated every city in northern Korea
with bombing. They also engaged in bacteriological warfare
against that country, dropping some germs in neighbouring
China too. And one of the biological agents they used pre-
cisely was anthrax spores, a substance which recently "made
the headlines" all over the world, soon after the 11.09

Who was behind that recent campaign of anthrax biological
warfare within the USA, with a number of letters sent by mail
containing anthrax spores in areosol "powder" form which kil-
led at least half-a-dozen people in the USA, the first on 5
October, which also touched off, "suitably" fuelled by the
media, a considerable worldwide scare, but which those same
media today don't want to mention anything about any more?

This, even in the beginning, it was not very difficult to make
a pretty accurate guess about, for those at least who knew of
those "necessary" tactics of the reactionaries, after 11.09,
to threaten and scare people with constantly new and varied
actual forms of terror, and/or with reports of "soon coming"

Some parts of the "logic" concerning the anthrax letter cam-
paign in a statement early on by an anonymous representative
of the CIA, reported in the media on 14.10, even were quite
good. As it was first pointed out:

        "In liquid form, anthrax is useless - droplets would
        fall to the ground, rather than staying suspended in
        the air to be breathed by victims. Making powder needs
        repeated washings in huge centrifuges, followed by in-
        tensive drying, which requires sealed environments.
        The technology would cost millions."

Then the CIA representative was quoted as saying:

        "They aren't making this stuff in caves in Afghanis-
        tan." [So the "usual suspect No. 1" at that time "had
        to" be ruled out.] "This is prima facie evidence of
        the involvement of a state intelligence agency." [So
        far, not bad logic at all.] "Maybe Iran has the capa-
        bility. But it doesn't look likely politically."
        [Another piece of good sense.] "That leaves Iraq(!!)."

Here, that representative of the state intelligence agency of
the USA "blundered badly", once might say. Since Iraq both
must have "looked very unlikely politically" too, to any ob-
server in his/her right mind, as the source of those "weapons-
grade" anthrax spores, and also did not possess, nor was able
to produce, such poison in this form (its rulers only had re-
ceived, earlier, some in liquid form, this from the USA), he
should of course had said: "That leaves us, the CIA, respec-
tively, some quite close friends and colleagues of ours".

Precisely some such forces the main media in the USA later
had to admit in all likelyhood were the actual perpetrators
too: Some extreme "traditionally"-right-wing forces, whose
"arabic" letter messages were clearly frauds and who had al-
ready made themselves infamous by similar actions before. The
anthrax spores that were mailed were shown to be of one parti-
cular, US-made and -indigenous, strain, the Ryan strain.

After the attempt at "pinning" this crime on the Iraqi rulers
thus had failed and even backfired, this particular campaign
(of course) soon died out. The media today don't want people
to remember it. What came to light in it about the methods
of some reactionaries is "too" educating.

It's likely that this anthrax biologcial warfare campaign, a
quite nasty action of murder and terror against the people in
the USA, was engaged in (more or less only) by some circles
of US imperialism, using some "right-wing-extremist" thugs as
pawns, in an attempt to sway the US government into an all-out
war also against Iraq.

One country, and one country only, has actually used anthrax
in biological warfare: The USA, as ruled by the US imperia-
lists. According to one recent report, there were far-advanced
plans by the rulers of Great Britain - precisely that other
country which from the start participated in the bombing of
Afghanistan - to start anthrax biological warfare against Hit-
ler Germany towards the end of WW II. But these plans were
never put into effect; one island off the British coast is
said to be isolated still today because of contagion caused
by such experiments in the 1940s.

But the US imperialists did drop large amounts of "weapons-
grade" anthrax spores on Korea and on adjacent parts of China
in 1952 - more or less "experimentally", it appears. This part
of that particularly vile warfare of theirs killed at least
a dozen people or so; dropping insects infected with plague
or cholera was a method more extensively used by them in that

Details of this, which may be unknown to many today since this
of course is a thing which the "Western" imperialists have
been particularly anxious to prevent people from getting to
know about, in the last half-a-century, were revealed publicly
at the time by the report of an international investigating
committee comprising among others Dr Joseph Needham, UK, and
Ms Andrea Andreen, Sweden: "Bacteriological Warfare in Korea
and China", 1952. A reprint of its Swedish version was made in


First of all of course, that very just demand by millions of
people all over the world merits all support: STOP THE BOMBING

Whether the movement of resistance to this war will be able
to prevent new ones from being unleashed in the near future is
impossible to tell.

The reactionaries at present at least clearly do have "a great
need for" some further vile terror actions, against the op-
pressed peoples, and against those in the "rich" countries too
- "preferably" of some new, surprising and nasty kind.

People everywhere should be on their guard against such things.

And that basic fact also remains, as recent events in the
world must make clearer than ever, that the whole system of
imoerialism in the world cannot be allowed to remain standing
and to continue its crimes. The people in all countries must
team up and organize in order eventually to bring that system
down once and for all.

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Avocate de la ligne politique de Marx, Lénine et Mao Zedong.
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Partidaria de la línea política de Marx, Lenin y Mao Zedong. Ca-
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ción, bajo petición previa, distintos folletos de la serie IN-
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