
I wonder how many more innocent people have to die before Americans finally
wake up and smell the coffee and realize that their government is committing
war crimes against these people. This is definitely not the way to honor
those who died on 9/11/01!

Khanabad 'decimated by the Americans, 100 civilians killed'


KHANABAD - When we heard the explosion, we were
walking though the bombed out ruins of Khanabad, near
the Tajikistan border in the northeast of Afghanistan.

When we got there, picking our way through the collapsed
remains of houses, an old man sat in his blood blinking
and shaking his head in bewilderment. Beside him, a
15-year-old boy lay bleeding and unconscious.

They had trodden on one of the American cluster bombs
that litter the fields and roadside around Khanabad.

The Americans have killed more than 100 unarmed
civilians in Khanabad in the last two weeks, relentlessly
bombing heavily populated residential areas in the town,
which was one of the last under Taleban control.

The Independent first reported allegations of civilian deaths
made by fleeing refugees a week ago. Yesterday, after the
Taleban finally fled the town, those allegations were

Whole suburbs of Khanabad have been decimated. In the
suburb of Charikari, we found giant craters and piles of
rubble where houses used to be. Burnt, blackened stumps
of trees poked through the rubble. Here and there, a
fragment of a house was till standing, half a room, open at
one end where the rest had collapsed.

Juma Khan was poking around the crater where most of
his family died with a shovel. His wife and six of his
children, his brother and all his brother's children died in
there when the American bomb struck: 15 people in all.

A child's black gumboot lay in the rubble. It could have
belonged to Mr Khan's five-year-old son Hakimullah, or his
three-year-old daughter Hamza.

The bomb fell at 8am, when the whole family was sitting
inside the house. A neighbour, Abdul Qadir, had dropped in
to visit. He died too.

"I was just sitting there. The next thing I knew, people were
digging me out of the rubble," Mr Khan said.

He saw them dig out his 11-year-old daughter, Gulshan,
the only other survivor. She has severe head injuries. "I just
started crying out for help," said Mr Khan. But everyone else
in the rubble was already dead.

"I don't know who to blame," said Mr Khan. He didn't even
know it was the Americans who killed his wife and children.
"Maybe it was the Taleban bombing," he said "The planes
came and bombed my home. I don't know why. But whoever
bombed me is my enemy."

Another man beckoned us towards the remains of his
house. It wasn't until we had climbed onto the pile of rubble
that was all that was left that he told us we were standing
on top of an unexploded bomb. He wanted to know if we
thought it was safe for him to move back into the remains
with his family. They survived because they were already
fleeing when the bomb hit.

"When the bomb hit, I was knocked over by the blast," he
told us. "When I came to, I staggered out of the house, but
then I felt my legs give way and I fainted again."

General Mohammed Daud of the Northern Alliance claimed
that only 13 people were killed in Khanabad when one
bomb went astray. That was patently untrue.

One of the refugees who fled named one of the families
killed as that of Agha Pedar. Yesterday we found a survivor
from Mr Pedar's family, Faizullah.

"I only lived because I was sitting inside," said the young
man, a cousin of Mr Pedar's. "The others, who were all
sitting outside, were killed."

Faizullah's father, Mr Pedar's son and daughter, and a
neighbour, were all killed by the bomb.

The cluster bombs, innocuous-looking yellow tubes, littered
the fields and roads around the town, and you had to look
carefully before every step. Some of them still had the tiny
parachutes on which they float down out of the sky.

Nearby we found the remains of the canister in which they
are dropped from the American planes, half of a
six-foot-long green cylinder, twisted by the impact when it hit
the ground.

"Are they dangerous?" a returning refugee asked us about
the cluster bombs. Another wanted to know if it was safe to
pick one up.

The answer lay bleeding by the roadside: 15-year-old
Habibullah with his stomach torn open, Nur Mohammed,
the old man, moaning in agony. There were two other men
lying injured beside them. They were returning refugees
who tried to take a short cut through a field full of cluster

When they reached the hospital, there was no one there to
treat them. The Taleban used it as a barracks, and most of
the doctors had fled the town. The boy, Habibullah, was in
serious condition, and when he finally reached the hospital
in the next town, an hour away, the doctors were not sure he
would survive.

Nur Mohammed was treated by the only doctor in
Khanabad, Gholam Rasul Talash. It was he who gave us
the figure of 100 civilian deaths. It was entirely consistent
with the number of bombed houses.

There was no clue as to why the Americans decided to
bomb residential areas of Khanabad - and to use cluster
bombs, which are designed to kill and maim.

Some refugees said that foreign Taleban fighters had been
hiding inside the houses - but the people we met outside
the ruins of their homes said that was not true. There was a
Taleban barracks nearby - but the Americans did not
appear to have hit that.

One of the refugees told us he had stayed up all night
digging a mass grave for the dead. In the cemetery, we
found the huge grave of Mr Khan's family. It could have been
this one the refugee dug.

Mr Khan stood blinking in the sun. His wife and six of his
children were killed in an instant by an American bomb.
"What do I do now?" he asked. "I just don't know."


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