
Business this week
November 29th 2001
>From The Economist print edition 

Out of energy

The planned takeover of Enron by Dynegy collapsed after Dynegy pulled
out, accusing its rival Texan oil-trading giant of misleading it.
Earlier Standard & Poor's, a credit-rating agency, had downgraded
Enron's debt to junk status. American regulators remain fretful about
the impact of a probable collapse of Enron on financial markets.

492_1_9a> article: Upended  E+

America's recession is now official. The National Bureau of Economic
Research said it had begun in March, ending the longest expansion of the
economy on record. The current recession is unusual: employment has not
so far fallen dramatically and real incomes have not yet declined at

492_1_99> article: Say “R” 


Gordon Brown, Britain's chancellor of the exchequer, is confident the
British economy will be less affected by the global recession than its
G7 peers. In periods of global economic slowdown in the past, Britain's
economy suffered more than most. But Mr Brown predicted 2-2.5% growth
next year and even faster growth in 2003.

492_1_9b> article: Pushing the boat out 

European Union governments are proposing to scrap extra fees for
credit-card payments and cash withdrawals of up to euro12,500 ($11,000)
by July 1st 2002, and for cross-border money transfers in the same value
range a year later.

New broom

Josef Ackermann, who is to head Deutsche Bank in six months' time, is
planning to shake up the bank's cosy management traditions. But Mr
Ackermann dismissed rumours that Rolf Breuer, Deutsche's current head,
would leave the bank earlier than next May. Mr Breuer has been under
fire ever since Deutsche's merger with Dresdner Bank, its arch-rival,
collapsed last year.

Standard Chartered, a mainly emerging-markets bank listed in Britain,
ousted its chief executive, Rana Talwar. The news increased speculation
that the bank might be a takeover target, with both Barclays and Lloyds
TSB talked of as suitors. Standard denies any discussions on a sale. Any
potential buyer would have to win agreement from Khoo Teck Puat, a
Malaysian who is the bank's biggest shareholder.

Michel David-Weill, chairman of Lazard, an investment bank, is trying to
stem the exodus of the bank's senior executives by letting the bank's
140 or so working partners have a stake in the franchise. 

Mitsubishi Tokyo Financial Group (MTFG) reported an interim loss, but it
is still the only one of Japan's top four banks to expect a profit for
the past year. Against the backdrop of a stagnating economy and an
increase in corporate bankruptcies, the bank's three peers bolstered
their provisions for loan losses. MTFG announced up to 4,500 job cuts by
March 2005.

 Reuters <>         

Lloyd's of London, the insurance market, is facing far bigger losses
from terrorist attacks on September 11th than it had first predicted. It
now estimates its net losses (ie, losses after reinsurance) to be £1.9
billion ($2.7 billion), about £600m more than originally forecast. The
biggest loss in Lloyd's 300-year history hit just when the market
appeared to have turned the corner after root-and-branch reforms.

Kvaerner, an Anglo-Norwegian engineering giant, agreed to merge with
another Norwegian firm, Aker Maritime. By doing so, Kvaerner has staved
off bankruptcy as well as thwarting a rival takeover bid from Yukos, a
Russian oil giant.

492_1_9c> article: Kvaerner's emergency merger  E+

Warning signs

BAE Systems, a British aerospace and defence group, issued its second
profits warning of the year. It is shutting down its regional-jet
manufacturing operation and will be cutting 1,669 jobs.

British Telecommunications will receive £2.38m ($3.4m) from the sale of
most of its property portfolio to Telereal, a joint venture of Land
Securities and the Pears Group. The portfolio includes offices,
warehouses, telephone exchanges, call and computer centres, but not the
BT tower and the BT centre in London. The deal, Britain's largest
corporate property outsourcing to date, is meant to ease BT's debt

Consolidation in Europe's retail market continued as Kingfisher and
Dixons, two British retailers, made inroads into the German and Italian
markets, respectively. Kingfisher bought 25% of Hornbach, a German
do-it-yourself chain. Dixons, Britain's leading electrical retailer,
took over 24% of Italy's UniEuro, and secured an option to buy all of
UniEuro by 2003.

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