
Sealed house reoccupied by police amid protests
Demonstrations lathicharged, teargassed
Kashmir Times, 30 Nov 2001
SRINAGAR, Nov 29: Amid strong protest demonstration at Safa Kadal which was quelled by 
lathi-charge and lobbing tear gas shells, police today occupied the house which was 
earlier sealed under Prevention of Terrorism Ordinance.
A big demonstration led by Mohammad Ahsan Untoo, chairman Human Rights Front, a local 
human rights organisation, today defied POTO by breaking the seal of the particular 
house. They Ghearoed the house, which was followed by breaking its seal, and then 
forced their entry into it.
The family members also entered the house. But, immediately afterwards police swung 
into action and started pushing back the demonstrators. Dozens of teargas shells were 
lobbed and severe lathi-charge resorted to, to disperse the mob. "We broke open the 
outer gate of the house and entered its premises. But a large column of police 
surfaced on the spot and drove us out", Untoo, who managed to give police a slip, told 
The protesters pelted stones at the police party and the clash continued for some 
time. They were also chanting slogans against the police action. Police latter 
occupied the house and took positions from within the structure.
Abdul Qayoom, Superintendent of Police, North, when contacted, denied the house has 
been occupied. He said the authorities have put the security for its protection.
"Since it is in the interior city double guard comprising 10 cops including a havaldar 
from district police lines have been put on duty for its protection. This was done to 
avoid the structure being put on fire", he said. Asked that a large number of police 
force would be required to man such hide-outs as the number of sealings mount, he 
said, only such houses would be sealed which have been constructed as militant 
In the first case of its type in country, a house belonging to Gulam Mohammad Dar, it 
is recalled, was sealed on November 25 after evicting the inmates. The area is tense 
since with the people in the locality on protest.
Untoo said his organisation is planning to stage a dharna at Lal Chowk tomorrow to 
protest the implementation of POTO. The family members would also participate in 
Dharna, he said.
The eviction has forced the octogenarian mother of Dar, his wife, sister and two minor 
children to come on roads. Haseena, ailing mother of Dar said, it took them years to 
save money for its construction. "But within moments we were rendered homeless", she 
She said following the arrest of Dar, the only bread earner of the house, they have no 
means to run the family. "My husband passed away 27 years back, for years I single 
handed managed affairs of the house. Now, it was he who was running the house", she 

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